
mail@pastecode.io avatar
23 days ago
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1.Matrix Operations Using OOP and NumPy

Create a Python class MatrixOperations that can handle basic matrix operations such as matrix 

addition, subtraction, and multiplication using NumPy. The class should include the following 
• __init__(self, matrix): Initialize the object with a 2D NumPy array.
• add(self, other_matrix): Add two matrices.
• subtract(self, other_matrix): Subtract two matrices.
• multiply(self, other_matrix): Multiply two matrices.
• Implement the MatrixOperations class.
• Demonstrate its functionality by creating two matrices and performing all the operations.
2. Class for Nearest Neighbor Search using NumPy and OOP
Generate set of random number set
Design a Python class NearestNeighborSearch that finds the nearest neighbor of a given point from a 
set of points using Euclidean distance. The class should include:
• __init__(self, points): Initialize the object with a 2D NumPy array representing multiple 
• find_nearest(self, point): Find and return the nearest point from the set based on Euclidean 
3. Polynomial Inheritance Using NumPy
Create a base class Polynomial that stores the coefficients of a polynomial in a NumPy array and 
provides methods to evaluate the polynomial at a given point. Then create two subclasses:
• Quadratic: Inherits from Polynomial and adds a method to find the roots of the quadratic 
• Cubic: Inherits from Polynomial and adds a method to solve a cubic equation using NumPy's 
root-finding algorithms.
• Implement the Polynomial, Quadratic, and Cubic classes.
• Instantiate both subclasses and evaluate the polynomial for a given input, as well as finding 
the roots of quadratic and cubic polynomials.
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