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####################################################################### # Part 1 - numpy def get_highest_weight_loss_participant(training_data, participant_names): """ :param training_data: a numpy matrix of shape (n_participants, n_months) . :param participant_names: a list of strings, each string represents a participant. :return: the highest weight loss participant's name. """ diff = training_data[:,0] - training_data[:,-1] return participant_names[np.argmax(np.abs(diff))] def get_diff_data(training_data): """ :param training_data: a numpy matrix of shape (n_participants, n_months). :return: a numpy matrix of shape (n_participants, n_months-1) representing the difference between each pair of consecutive months. """ return training_data[:, 1:] - training_data[:, :-1] def get_highest_change_month(training_data, study_months): """ :param training_data: a numpy matrix of shape (n_participants, n_months). :param study_months: a list of strings, each string represents a month in the study. :return: the month with the highest change across participants. """ diff = np.abs(training_data[:, 1:] - training_data[:, :-1]) total_changes = np.sum(diff, axis=0) return study_months[np.argmax(total_changes)] def get_inconsistent_participants(training_data, participant_names): """ :param training_data: a numpy matrix of shape (n_participants, n_months). :param participant_names: a list of strings, each string represents a participant. :return: a list of participant names that didn't lose weight consistently every month throughout the study. If there are no such participants, the function will return an empty list. """ diff = get_diff_data(training_data) pos = np.any(diff >= 0, axis=1) return list(np.array(participant_names)[pos]) ####################################################################### # Part 2 - numpy image processing def read_image(img_path, mode='L'): """ :param img_path: path of an image to read :param mode: (for bonus) the mode of the image to be read, 'L' for grayscale (default), 'RGB' for RGB. :return: a uint8 numpy array representing the image, with values between 0 and 255. will return an array shaped (h,w) (bonus: if mode == 'L', or (h,w,3) if mode == 'RGB'.) """ read_img = imread(img_path, mode=mode) if read_img.dtype != np.uint8: read_img = read_img.astype(np.uint8) return read_img def naive_blending(img1, img2, mask): """ :param img1: a uint8 numpy array representing an image :param img2: a uint8 numpy array representing an image :param mask: a uint8 numpy array representing a boolean image in equal size of im1 and im2, that defines how the two images should be blended. :return: a blended image where img_1 pixels are used for the white areas of the mask, and img_2 pixels are used for the black areas. """ n_msk = mask / 255 blend = img1 * n_msk + img2* (1- n_msk) return blend.astype(np.uint8) def get_nbhd(img, x, y, nb_size): return img[max(x-nb_size,0):min(x+nb_size+1,img.shape[0]), max(y-nb_size,0):min(y+nb_size+1,img.shape[1])] def blur(img, nb_size): blurry_img = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.uint8) for i in range (img.shape[0]): for j in range (img.shape[1]): blurry_img[i,j] = np.mean(get_nbhd(img, i, j, nb_size)) return blurry_img.astype(np.uint8) def blur_and_downsample(img, nb_size=5): """ A function that blurs the given image, and then reduces its resolution by 2 (both width and length) by choosing every second pixel in every second row. :param img: a uint8 numpy array representing an image :param nb_size: The neighborhood size to be used for blurring :return: the reduced and blurred image """ blurry_img_n = blur(img, nb_size) blurry_img_n = blurry_img_n[::2, ::2] return blurry_img_n def build_gaussian_pyramid(img, max_levels, nb_size=5): """ A function that builds a gaussian pyramid of the given image, by sequentially blurring and down-sampling the current image until reaching max_levels. :param img: a uint8 numpy array representing an image. :param max_levels: The maximal depth levels that should be constructed. :param nb_size: The neighborhood size to be used for blurring. :return: a list representing the image's gaussian pyramid, each entry is the previous image down-sampled to half the resolution of the previous one. """ pyramid = [img] for i in range(1, max_levels): prev_func = blur_and_downsample(pyramid[-1], nb_size) if prev_func.shape[0] < 2 or prev_func.shape[1] < 2: break pyramid.append(prev_func) return pyramid def upsample_and_blur(img, nb_size=5): """ A function that doubles the size of the given image, and blurs it. :param img: a uint8 numpy array representing an image. :param nb_size: The neighborhood size to be used for blurring. :return: a numpy array representing the expanded blurred image. """ new_row_col = np.repeat(np.repeat(img, 2, axis = 0), 2 ,axis = 1) return blur(new_row_col, nb_size = 5) def build_laplacian_pyramid(img, max_levels, nb_size=5): """ A function that builds a laplacian pyramid of the given image, by sequentially up-sampling the next level gaussian image and subtracting it from the current level gaussian image, until reaching max_levels. :param img: a uint8 numpy array representing an image. :param max_levels: The maximal depth levels that should be constructed :param nb_size: The neighborhood size to be used for blurring. :return: a list representing a laplacian pyramid of the given image. """ pyramid = build_gaussian_pyramid(img, max_levels, nb_size) laplacian = [] for i in range(len(pyramid) - 1): upsampled = upsample_and_blur(pyramid[i + 1], nb_size) if upsampled.shape != pyramid[i].shape: upsampled = upsampled[:pyramid[i].shape[0], :pyramid[i].shape[1]] laplacian.append(pyramid[i] - upsampled) laplacian.append(pyramid[-1]) return laplacian def laplacian_pyramid_to_image(laplacian_pyramid, nb_size=5): """ A function that reconstructs an image from the given laplacian pyramid, by iteratively combining all laplacian images after up-sampling. :param laplacian_pyramid: a list representing a laplacian pyramid. :param nb_size: The neighborhood size to be used for blurring. :return: The reconstructed image. """ reverse_img = laplacian_pyramid[-1] for i in range(len(laplacian_pyramid)-2, -1, -1): upsampled = upsample_and_blur(reverse_img, nb_size) upsampled = upsampled[:upsampled.shape[0], :upsampled.shape[1]] reverse_img = laplacian_pyramid[i] + upsampled return reverse_img def pyramid_blending(img1, img2, mask, max_levels, nb_size=5): """ A function that blends two images using pyramids. :param img1: a uint8 numpy array representing a grayscale image that will compose the white parts of the mask. :param img2: a uint8 numpy array representing a grayscale image that will compose the black parts of the mask. :param mask: a uint8 numpy array representing a boolean image in equal size of im1 and im2, that defines how the two images should be blended :param max_levels: The max depth of the pyramids used in this function :param nb_size: The neighborhood size to be used for blurring. :return: The blended image """ img11 = build_laplacian_pyramid(img1,max_levels, nb_size) img22 = build_laplacian_pyramid(img2,max_levels, nb_size) maskk = build_gaussian_pyramid(mask, max_levels, nb_size) for i in range(len(maskk)): for row in range(maskk[i].shape[0]): for col in range(maskk[i].shape[1]): if maskk[i][row][col] != 0: maskk[i][row][col] = 255 new_pyramid = [] for i in range(max_levels): blender = naive_blending(img11[i], img22[i], maskk[i]) new_pyramid.append(blender) final_image = laplacian_pyramid_to_image(new_pyramid, nb_size) return final_image
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