8 months ago
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//@version=5 indicator("Sessions and High/Low", overlay=true, max_lines_count=500, max_boxes_count=500) // Constants and One-Time-Init Vars { transpLine = 0 transpFill = 90 // calc bar in min var bar_time = 0 if bar_index == 3 timeDiff1 = (time - time[1]) / 60000 timeDiff2 = (time[2] - time[3]) / 60000 bar_time := math.min(timeDiff1, timeDiff2) // } // Inputs { i_showHighLow = input(false, "Show Highs/Lows") i_hideSessiontf = input.int(59, "Hide Session on TF above (Minutes)", 1) i_showMidLine = input.bool(true, "Show Session Mid Lines") grpAsia = "Asia Session" i_showAsiaSession = input.bool(true, "Session", inline="asia session", group=grpAsia) i_asiaSession = input.session("1700-0100", "", inline="asia session", group=grpAsia) i_useAsiaLineCl = input.bool(true, "Border Color", inline="asia line", group=grpAsia) i_asiaLineCl = i_useAsiaLineCl ? input.color(color.new(color.blue, transpLine), "", inline="asia line", group=grpAsia) : na i_useAsiaFill = input.bool(false, "Fill Color", inline="asia fill", group=grpAsia) i_asiaFillCl = i_useAsiaFill ? input.color(color.new(color.blue, transpFill), "", inline="asia fill", group=grpAsia) : na grpFrankfurt = "Frankfurt Session" i_showFrankfurtSession = input.bool(true, "Session", inline="frankfurt session", group=grpFrankfurt) i_frankfurtSession = input.session("0200-0300", "", inline="frankfurt session", group=grpFrankfurt) i_useFrankfurtLineCl = input.bool(true, "Border Color", inline="frankfurt line", group=grpFrankfurt) i_frankfurtLineCl = i_useFrankfurtLineCl ? input.color(color.new(color.orange, transpLine), "", inline="frankfurt line", group=grpFrankfurt) : na i_useFrankfurtFillCl = input.bool(false, "Fill Color", inline="frankfurt fill", group=grpFrankfurt) i_frankfurtFillCl = i_useFrankfurtFillCl ? input.color(color.new(color.orange, transpFill), "", inline="frankfurt fill", group=grpFrankfurt) : na grpLondon = "London Session" i_showLondonSession = input.bool(true, "Session", inline="london session", group=grpLondon) i_londonSession = input.session("0300-0400", "", inline="london session", group=grpLondon) i_useLondonLineCl = input.bool(true, "Border Color", inline="london line", group=grpLondon) i_londonLineCl = i_useLondonLineCl ? input.color(color.new(color.green, transpLine), "", inline="london line", group=grpLondon) : na i_useLondonFillCl = input.bool(false, "Fill Color", inline="london fill", group=grpLondon) i_londonFillCl = i_useLondonFillCl ? input.color(color.new(color.green, transpFill), "", inline="london fill", group=grpLondon) : na grpNewYork = "New York Session" i_showNewYorkSession = input.bool(true, "Session", inline="newyork session", group=grpNewYork) i_newYorkSession = input.session("0900-1000", "", inline="newyork session", group=grpNewYork) i_useNewYorkLineCl = input.bool(true, "Border Color", inline="newyork line", group=grpNewYork) i_newYorkLineCl = i_useNewYorkLineCl ? input.color(color.new(color.white, transpLine), "", inline="newyork line", group=grpNewYork) : na i_useNewYorkFillCl = input.bool(false, "Fill Color", inline="newyork fill", group=grpNewYork) i_newYorkFillCl = i_useNewYorkFillCl ? input.color(color.new(color.white, transpFill), "", inline="newyork fill", group=grpNewYork) : na grpMMM = "MMM" i_MMMlength = input.int(200, "MMM Lenght", 0, group=grpMMM) i_hideMMMtf = input.int(59, "Hide MMM on TF above (Minutes)", 1, group=grpMMM) i_showMMM1 = input.bool(true, "MMM 1", inline="mmm1", group=grpMMM) i_MMM1color = input.color(color.red, "", inline="mmm1", group=grpMMM) i_MMM1hour = input.int(4, "", 0, 23, inline="mmm1", group=grpMMM) i_MMM1minute = input.int(30, ":", 0, 59, inline="mmm1", group=grpMMM) i_MMM1width = input.int(1, "MMM 1 Width", 1, 10, group=grpMMM) i_showMMM2 = input.bool(true, "MMM 2", inline="mmm2", group=grpMMM) i_MMM2color = input.color(color.red, "", inline="mmm2", group=grpMMM) i_MMM2hour = input.int(6, "", 0, 23, inline="mmm2", group=grpMMM) i_MMM2minute = input.int(30, ":", 0, 59, inline="mmm2", group=grpMMM) i_MMM2width = input.int(1, "MMM 2 Width", 1, 10, group=grpMMM) i_showMMM3 = input.bool(true, "MMM 3", inline="mmm3", group=grpMMM) i_MMM3color = input.color(color.red, "", inline="mmm3", group=grpMMM) i_MMM3hour = input.int(11, "", 0, 23, inline="mmm3", group=grpMMM) i_MMM3minute = input.int(00, ":", 0, 59, inline="mmm3", group=grpMMM) i_MMM3width = input.int(1, "MMM 3 Width", 1, 10, group=grpMMM) // } // Functions { //Bars isNewBar(sess) => t = time("D", sess) na(t[1]) and not na(t) or t[1] < t isSession(sess) => not na(time("D", sess)) f_getSession(newbar, session, currentLow, currentHigh, currentStart, currentEnd) => newLow = currentLow newHigh = currentHigh newStart = currentStart newEnd = currentEnd newLow := if session if newbar low else math.min(newLow[1],low) else newLow[1] newHigh := if session if newbar high else math.max(newHigh[1],high) else newHigh[1] newStart := if session if newbar time else math.min(newStart[1],time) else na newEnd := if session if newbar time_close else math.max(newEnd[1],time_close) else na [newLow, newHigh, newStart, newEnd] f_newBox(left, top, right, bottom, borderCl, backgroundCl) => box.new(left, top, right, bottom, borderCl, xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor=backgroundCl ) f_changeBox(box_, low_, high_, end) => box.set_right(box_, end) box.set_top(box_, high_) box.set_bottom(box_, low_) f_drawVertical(cl, width_) => low_ = hl2 - (syminfo.mintick) * i_MMMlength high_ = hl2 + (syminfo.mintick) * i_MMMlength line.new(time, low_, time, high_, xloc.bar_time, extend.none, cl, width=width_) f_tfShow(hideValue) => hide = bar_time <= hideValue hide f_newMidLine(start, yVal, end) => line.new(start, yVal, end, yVal, xloc.bar_time, color=color.orange, style=line.style_dotted) f_changeMidLine(midLine, yVal, end) => line.set_y1(midLine, yVal) line.set_y2(midLine, yVal) line.set_x2(midLine, end) // } // Calcutations { pricehigh_daily = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', high[1]) pricelow_daily = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', low[1]) pricehigh_weekly = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'W', high[1]) pricelow_weekly = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'W', low[1]) pricehigh_monthly = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'M', high[1]) pricelow_monthly = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'M', low[1]) pricehigh_yearly = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, '12M', high[1]) pricelow_yearly = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, '12M', low[1]) // Asia asiaLow = float(na) asiaHigh = float(na) asiaStart = int(na) asiaEnd = int(na) asiaNewbar = isNewBar(i_asiaSession) asiaSession = isSession(i_asiaSession) [asiaLow_, asiaHigh_, asiaStart_, asiaEnd_] = f_getSession(asiaNewbar, asiaSession, asiaLow, asiaHigh, asiaStart, asiaEnd) asiaLow := asiaLow_ asiaHigh := asiaHigh_ asiaStart := asiaStart_ asiaEnd := asiaEnd_ if i_showAsiaSession and asiaSession and f_tfShow(i_hideSessiontf) asiaBox = if asiaNewbar f_newBox(asiaStart, asiaHigh, asiaEnd, asiaLow, i_asiaLineCl, i_asiaFillCl) asiaMidLine = if asiaNewbar and i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(asiaHigh, asiaLow) f_newMidLine(asiaStart, yValue, asiaEnd) if not asiaNewbar f_changeBox(asiaBox[1], asiaLow, asiaHigh, asiaEnd) if i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(asiaHigh, asiaLow) f_changeMidLine(asiaMidLine[1], yValue, asiaEnd) // Frankfut frankfurtLow = float(na) frankfurtHigh = float(na) frankfurtStart = int(na) frankfurtEnd = int(na) frankfurtNewbar = isNewBar(i_frankfurtSession) frankfurtSession = isSession(i_frankfurtSession) [frankfurtLow_, frankfurtHigh_, frankfurtStart_, frankfurtEnd_] = f_getSession(frankfurtNewbar, frankfurtSession, frankfurtLow, frankfurtHigh, frankfurtStart, frankfurtEnd) frankfurtLow := frankfurtLow_ frankfurtHigh := frankfurtHigh_ frankfurtStart := frankfurtStart_ frankfurtEnd := frankfurtEnd_ if i_showFrankfurtSession and frankfurtSession and f_tfShow(i_hideSessiontf) frankfurtBox = if frankfurtNewbar f_newBox(frankfurtStart, frankfurtHigh, frankfurtEnd, frankfurtLow, i_frankfurtLineCl, i_frankfurtFillCl) frankfurtMidLine = if frankfurtNewbar and i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(frankfurtHigh, frankfurtLow) f_newMidLine(frankfurtStart, yValue, frankfurtEnd) if not frankfurtNewbar f_changeBox(frankfurtBox[1], frankfurtLow, frankfurtHigh, frankfurtEnd) if i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(frankfurtHigh, frankfurtLow) f_changeMidLine(frankfurtMidLine[1], yValue, frankfurtEnd) // London londonLow = float(na) londonHigh = float(na) londonStart = int(na) londonEnd = int(na) londonNewbar = isNewBar(i_londonSession) londonSession = isSession(i_londonSession) [londonLow_, londonHigh_, londonStart_, londonEnd_] = f_getSession(londonNewbar, londonSession, londonLow, londonHigh, londonStart, londonEnd) londonLow := londonLow_ londonHigh := londonHigh_ londonStart := londonStart_ londonEnd := londonEnd_ if i_showLondonSession and londonSession and f_tfShow(i_hideSessiontf) londonBox = if londonNewbar f_newBox(londonStart, londonHigh, londonEnd, londonLow, i_londonLineCl, i_londonFillCl) londonMidLine = if londonNewbar and i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(londonHigh, londonLow) f_newMidLine(londonStart, yValue, londonEnd) if not londonNewbar f_changeBox(londonBox[1], londonLow, londonHigh, londonEnd) if i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(londonHigh, londonLow) f_changeMidLine(londonMidLine[1], yValue, londonEnd) // New York newYorkLow = float(na) newYorkHigh = float(na) newYorkStart = int(na) newYorkEnd = int(na) newYorkNewbar = isNewBar(i_newYorkSession) newYorkSession = isSession(i_newYorkSession) [newYorkLow_, newYorkHigh_, newYorkStart_, newYorkEnd_] = f_getSession(newYorkNewbar, newYorkSession, newYorkLow, newYorkHigh, newYorkStart, newYorkEnd) newYorkLow := newYorkLow_ newYorkHigh := newYorkHigh_ newYorkStart := newYorkStart_ newYorkEnd := newYorkEnd_ if i_showNewYorkSession and newYorkSession and f_tfShow(i_hideSessiontf) newYorkBox = if newYorkNewbar f_newBox(newYorkStart, newYorkHigh, newYorkEnd, newYorkLow, i_newYorkLineCl, i_newYorkFillCl) newYorkMidLine = if newYorkNewbar and i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(newYorkHigh, newYorkLow) f_newMidLine(newYorkStart, yValue, newYorkEnd) if not newYorkNewbar f_changeBox(newYorkBox[1], newYorkLow, newYorkHigh, newYorkEnd) if i_showMidLine yValue = math.avg(newYorkHigh, newYorkLow) f_changeMidLine(newYorkMidLine[1], yValue, newYorkEnd) // MMMs if i_showMMM1 and hour == i_MMM1hour and minute == i_MMM1minute and f_tfShow(i_hideMMMtf) f_drawVertical(i_MMM1color, i_MMM1width) if i_showMMM2 and hour == i_MMM2hour and minute == i_MMM2minute and f_tfShow(i_hideMMMtf) f_drawVertical(i_MMM2color, i_MMM2width) if i_showMMM3 and hour == i_MMM3hour and minute == i_MMM3minute and f_tfShow(i_hideMMMtf) f_drawVertical(i_MMM3color, i_MMM3width) // } // Plots { //Daily Plots plot(i_showHighLow and pricehigh_daily ? pricehigh_daily : na, "Previous Daily High", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricelow_daily ? pricelow_daily : na, "Previous Daily Low", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricehigh_weekly ? pricehigh_weekly : na, "Previous Weekly High", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricelow_weekly ? pricelow_weekly : na, "Previous Weekly Low", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricehigh_monthly ? pricehigh_monthly : na, "Previous Monthly High", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricelow_monthly ? pricelow_monthly : na, "Previous Monthly Low", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricehigh_yearly ? pricehigh_yearly : na, "Previous Yearly High", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) plot(i_showHighLow and pricelow_yearly ? pricelow_yearly : na, "Previous Yearly Low", style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.white) // } // Alerts { // }
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