Ninja Form Custom Code
Please help to understandunknown
3 years ago
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<script type="text/javascript"> /* Add your JavaScript code here. If you are using the jQuery library, then don't forget to wrap your code inside jQuery.ready() as follows: jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){ // Your code in here }); -- If you want to link a JavaScript file that resides on another server (similar to <script src=""></script>), then please use the "Add HTML Code" page, as this is a HTML code that links a JavaScript file. End of comment */ jQuery(document).on('nfFormReady', function() { console.log("ninja form ready"); function checked_value(){ jQuery('input[type=checkbox]').change(function() { jQuery(".check_box_checked textarea").val(""); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('.nf-checked-label').each(function () { var txt = jQuery(this).text(); // var count = jQuery(this).text(); // console.log(count); jQuery("div#checkedd").html(txt); jQuery(".check_box_checked textarea").val(jQuery(".check_box_checked textarea").val() + txt + '<br>'); //jQuery("textarea#nf-field-319").val(txt); }); }, 100); }); } checked_value(); var count = "3" ; 'nfMP' ).on('change:part', function() { console.log("[nfMP] change:part"); checked_value(); }); }); </script>