* @license
* Copyright 2012 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Helper functions for generating MyGenerator for blocks.
* @suppress {checkTypes|globalThis}
'use strict';
// import { Block, Workspace } from "blockly";
// goog.module('Blockly.MyGenerator');
import 'blockly/javascript';
import {Block, Variables, Workspace, Names, CodeGenerator, inputTypes} from 'blockly';
import type { NameType } from 'blockly/core/names.d';
// const {NameType} = require('../../../node_modules/blockly/core/names');
import type { isNumber, wrap } from 'blockly/core/utils/string.d';
// const {isNumber, wrap} = require('../../../node_modules/blockly/core/utils/string.d');
// const Variables = goog.require('Blockly.Variables');
// const stringUtils = goog.require('Blockly.utils.string');
// const {Block} = goog.requireType('Blockly.Block');
// const {CodeGenerator} = goog.require('Blockly.CodeGenerator');
// const {inputTypes} = goog.require('Blockly.inputTypes');
// const {Names, NameType} = goog.require('Blockly.Names');
// const {Workspace} = goog.requireType('Blockly.Workspace');
* MyGenerator code generator.
* @type {!CodeGenerator}
const MyGenerator : any = new CodeGenerator('MyGenerator');
* List of illegal variable names.
* This is not intended to be a security feature. Blockly is 100% client-side,
* so bypassing this list is trivial. This is intended to prevent users from
* accidentally clobbering a built-in object or function.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/MyGenerator/Reference/Lexical_grammar#Keywords
'break,case,catch,class,const,continue,debugger,default,delete,do,else,export,extends,finally,for,function,if,import,in,instanceof,new,return,super,switch,this,throw,try,typeof,var,void,while,with,yield,' +
'enum,' +
'implements,interface,let,package,private,protected,public,static,' +
'await,' +
'null,true,false,' +
// Magic variable.
'arguments,' +
// Everything in the current environment (835 items in Chrome, 104 in Node).
* Order of operation ENUMs.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/MyGenerator/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence
MyGenerator.ORDER_ATOMIC = 0; // 0 "" ...
MyGenerator.ORDER_NEW = 1.1; // new
MyGenerator.ORDER_MEMBER = 1.2; // . []
MyGenerator.ORDER_FUNCTION_CALL = 2; // ()
MyGenerator.ORDER_INCREMENT = 3; // ++
MyGenerator.ORDER_DECREMENT = 3; // --
MyGenerator.ORDER_BITWISE_NOT = 4.1; // ~
MyGenerator.ORDER_UNARY_PLUS = 4.2; // +
MyGenerator.ORDER_UNARY_NEGATION = 4.3; // -
MyGenerator.ORDER_LOGICAL_NOT = 4.4; // !
MyGenerator.ORDER_TYPEOF = 4.5; // typeof
MyGenerator.ORDER_VOID = 4.6; // void
MyGenerator.ORDER_DELETE = 4.7; // delete
MyGenerator.ORDER_AWAIT = 4.8; // await
MyGenerator.ORDER_EXPONENTIATION = 5.0; // **
MyGenerator.ORDER_MULTIPLICATION = 5.1; // *
MyGenerator.ORDER_DIVISION = 5.2; // /
MyGenerator.ORDER_MODULUS = 5.3; // %
MyGenerator.ORDER_SUBTRACTION = 6.1; // -
MyGenerator.ORDER_ADDITION = 6.2; // +
MyGenerator.ORDER_BITWISE_SHIFT = 7; // << >> >>>
MyGenerator.ORDER_RELATIONAL = 8; // < <= > >=
MyGenerator.ORDER_IN = 8; // in
MyGenerator.ORDER_INSTANCEOF = 8; // instanceof
MyGenerator.ORDER_EQUALITY = 9; // == != === !==
MyGenerator.ORDER_BITWISE_AND = 10; // &
MyGenerator.ORDER_BITWISE_XOR = 11; // ^
MyGenerator.ORDER_BITWISE_OR = 12; // |
MyGenerator.ORDER_LOGICAL_AND = 13; // &&
MyGenerator.ORDER_LOGICAL_OR = 14; // ||
MyGenerator.ORDER_CONDITIONAL = 15; // ?:
MyGenerator.ORDER_ASSIGNMENT = 16; // = += -= **= *= /= %= <<= >>= ...
MyGenerator.ORDER_YIELD = 17; // yield
MyGenerator.ORDER_COMMA = 18; // ,
MyGenerator.ORDER_NONE = 99; // (...)
* List of outer-inner pairings that do NOT require parentheses.
* @type {!Array<!Array<number>>}
// (foo()).bar -> foo().bar
// (foo())[0] -> foo()[0]
// (foo())() -> foo()()
// (foo.bar).baz -> foo.bar.baz
// (foo.bar)[0] -> foo.bar[0]
// (foo[0]).bar -> foo[0].bar
// (foo[0])[1] -> foo[0][1]
[MyGenerator.ORDER_MEMBER, MyGenerator.ORDER_MEMBER],
// (foo.bar)() -> foo.bar()
// (foo[0])() -> foo[0]()
// !(!foo) -> !!foo
// a * (b * c) -> a * b * c
// a + (b + c) -> a + b + c
// a && (b && c) -> a && b && c
// a || (b || c) -> a || b || c
* Whether the init method has been called.
* @type {?boolean}
MyGenerator.isInitialized = false;
* Initialise the database of variable names.
* @param {!Workspace} workspace Workspace to generate code from.
MyGenerator.init = function(workspace : Workspace) {
// Call Blockly.CodeGenerator's init.
if (!this.nameDB_) {
this.nameDB_ = new Names(this.RESERVED_WORDS_);
} else {
const defvars = [];
// Add developer variables (not created or named by the user).
const devVarList = Variables.allDeveloperVariables(workspace);
for (let i = 0; i < devVarList.length; i++) {
this.nameDB_.getName(devVarList[i], NameType.DEVELOPER_VARIABLE)); // FIXME : correct type
// Add user variables, but only ones that are being used.
const variables = Variables.allUsedVarModels(workspace);
for (let i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
defvars.push(this.nameDB_.getName(variables[i].getId(), NameType.VARIABLE)); // FIXME : correct type
// Declare all of the variables.
if (defvars.length) {
this.definitions_['variables'] = 'var ' + defvars.join(', ') + ';';
this.isInitialized = true;
* Prepend the generated code with the variable definitions.
* @param {string} code Generated code.
* @return {string} Completed code.
MyGenerator.finish = function(code : string) {
// Convert the definitions dictionary into a list.
const definitions = Object.values(this.definitions_);
// Call Blockly.CodeGenerator's finish.
code = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).finish.call(this, code);
this.isInitialized = false;
return definitions.join('\n\n') + '\n\n\n' + code;
* Naked values are top-level blocks with outputs that aren't plugged into
* anything. A trailing semicolon is needed to make this legal.
* @param {string} line Line of generated code.
* @return {string} Legal line of code.
MyGenerator.scrubNakedValue = function(line : string) {
return line + ';\n';
* Encode a string as a properly escaped MyGenerator string, complete with
* quotes.
* @param {string} string Text to encode.
* @return {string} MyGenerator string.
* @protected
MyGenerator.quote_ = function(string : string) {
// Can't use goog.string.quote since Google's style guide recommends
// JS string literals use single quotes.
string = string.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\\n')
.replace(/'/g, '\\\'');
return '\'' + string + '\'';
* Encode a string as a properly escaped multiline MyGenerator string, complete
* with quotes.
* @param {string} string Text to encode.
* @return {string} MyGenerator string.
* @protected
MyGenerator.multiline_quote_ = function(string : string) {
// Can't use goog.string.quote since Google's style guide recommends
// JS string literals use single quotes.
const lines = string.split(/\n/g).map(this.quote_);
return lines.join(' + \'\\n\' +\n');
* Common tasks for generating MyGenerator from blocks.
* Handles comments for the specified block and any connected value blocks.
* Calls any statements following this block.
* @param {!Block} block The current block.
* @param {string} code The MyGenerator code created for this block.
* @param {boolean=} opt_thisOnly True to generate code for only this statement.
* @return {string} MyGenerator code with comments and subsequent blocks added.
* @protected
MyGenerator.scrub_ = function(block : Block, code : string, opt_thisOnly : boolean) {
let commentCode = '';
// Only collect comments for blocks that aren't inline.
if (!block.outputConnection || !block.outputConnection.targetConnection) {
// Collect comment for this block.
let comment = block.getCommentText();
if (comment) {
comment = wrap(comment, this.COMMENT_WRAP - 3); // FIXME : correct type
commentCode += this.prefixLines(comment + '\n', '// ');
// Collect comments for all value arguments.
// Don't collect comments for nested statements.
for (let i = 0; i < block.inputList.length; i++) {
if (block.inputList[i].type === inputTypes.VALUE) {
const childBlockList = block.inputList[i].connection;
if (childBlockList == null) {
throw new Error('Expecting connection');
const childBlock = childBlockList.targetBlock();
if (childBlock) {
comment = this.allNestedComments(childBlock);
if (comment) {
commentCode += this.prefixLines(comment, '// ');
const nextBlock = block.nextConnection && block.nextConnection.targetBlock();
const nextCode = opt_thisOnly ? '' : this.blockToCode(nextBlock);
return commentCode + code + nextCode;
* Gets a property and adjusts the value while taking into account indexing.
* @param {!Block} block The block.
* @param {string} atId The property ID of the element to get.
* @param {number=} opt_delta Value to add.
* @param {boolean=} opt_negate Whether to negate the value.
* @param {number=} opt_order The highest order acting on this value.
* @return {string|number}
MyGenerator.getAdjusted = function(
block : Block, atId : string, opt_delta: number, opt_negate: boolean, opt_order: number) {
let delta = opt_delta || 0;
let order = opt_order || this.ORDER_NONE;
if (block.workspace.options.oneBasedIndex) {
const defaultAtIndex = block.workspace.options.oneBasedIndex ? '1' : '0';
let innerOrder;
let outerOrder = order;
if (delta > 0) {
outerOrder = this.ORDER_ADDITION;
innerOrder = this.ORDER_ADDITION;
} else if (delta < 0) {
outerOrder = this.ORDER_SUBTRACTION;
innerOrder = this.ORDER_SUBTRACTION;
} else if (opt_negate) {
outerOrder = this.ORDER_UNARY_NEGATION;
innerOrder = this.ORDER_UNARY_NEGATION;
let at = this.valueToCode(block, atId, outerOrder) || defaultAtIndex;
if (isNumber(at)) { // FIXME : correct type
// If the index is a naked number, adjust it right now.
at = Number(at) + delta;
if (opt_negate) {
at = -at;
} else {
// If the index is dynamic, adjust it in code.
if (delta > 0) {
at = at + ' + ' + delta;
} else if (delta < 0) {
at = at + ' - ' + -delta;
if (opt_negate) {
if (delta) {
at = '-(' + at + ')';
} else {
at = '-' + at;
innerOrder = Math.floor(innerOrder);
order = Math.floor(order);
if (innerOrder && order >= innerOrder) {
at = '(' + at + ')';
return at;
export default MyGenerator;