a year ago
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///Genarate token /// ex: https://twiliochatroomaccesstoken-4974.twil.io/test_token?identity=Tompei exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) { const AccessToken = require('twilio').jwt.AccessToken; const VoiceGrant = AccessToken.VoiceGrant; const twilioAccountSid = context.ACCOUNT_SID; const twilioApiKey = context.API_KEY_SID; const twilioApiSecret = context.API_SECRET; const outgoingApplicationSid = context.APP_SID; const pushCredentialSid = context.PUSH_CREDENTIAL_SID; const identity = event.identity || 'alice'; const voiceGrant = new VoiceGrant({ outgoingApplicationSid: outgoingApplicationSid, pushCredentialSid: pushCredentialSid }); const token = new AccessToken(twilioAccountSid, twilioApiKey, twilioApiSecret, {ttl: 20157}); token.addGrant(voiceGrant); token.identity = identity; callback(null, token.toJwt()); }; /// makeCall const callerNumber = '1234567890'; const callerId = 'client:Tom'; exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) { const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse(); var to = (event.to) ? event.to : event.To; if (!to) { twiml.say('Congratulations! You have made your first call! Good bye.'); } else if (isNumber(to)) { const dial = twiml.dial({callerId : callerNumber}); dial.number(to); } else { const dial = twiml.dial({callerId : callerId}); dial.client(to); } callback(null, twiml); }; function isNumber(to) { if(to.length == 1) { if(!isNaN(to)) { console.log("It is a 1 digit long number" + to); return true; } } else if(String(to).charAt(0) == '+') { number = to.substring(1); if(!isNaN(number)) { console.log("It is a number " + to); return true; }; } else { if(!isNaN(to)) { console.log("It is a number " + to); return true; } } console.log("not a number"); return false; }