
a year ago
2.2 kB
port = 9001             # Listening port for golbat

grpc_port = 50001       # Listening port for grpc

raw_bearer = ""         # Raw bearer (password) required

api_secret = "golbat1234"   # Golbat secret required on api calls (blank for none)

pokemon_memory_only = false  # Use in-memory storage for pokemon only


url = "http://{koji_url}/api/v1/geofence/feature-collection/{golbat_project}"

bearer_token = "your_super_secret"


pokemon = true          # Keep pokemon table is kept nice and short

incidents = true        # Remove incidents after expiry

quests = true           # Remove quests after expiry

stats = true            # Enable/Disable stats history

stats_days = 7          # Remove entries from ["pokemon_stats", "pokemon_shiny_stats", "pokemon_iv_stats", "pokemon_hundo_stats", "pokemon_nundo_stats" after x days

device_hours = 24       # Remove devices from in memory after not seen for x hours


debug = false

save_logs = true

max_size = 50           # Size in MB

max_backups = 10        # Amount of files to keep

max_age = 30            # Day(s) to keep files

compress = true         # Compress to gz archive


user = "unownhash"

password = "YourStrongRootPassw0rd!"

address = "db"

db = "golbat"


enabled = true

include_hundos_under_cap = false

# you can enable prometheus by uncommenting this section


#enabled = true

# You can specify more than one webhook destination by including the [[webhooks]] section

# multiple times.  The hook types can optionally be filtered by using the types array


url = "http://localhost:4201"

# types if specified can be...

# types = ["pokemon", "pokemon_iv", "pokemon_no_iv", "gym", "invasion", "quest", "pokestop", "raid", "weather", "fort_update"]

# "pokemon" includes both with ivs and without. "pokemon_iv" will only be encountered pokemon. "pokemon_no_iv" may be nearby pokemon that have not been encountered (yet).


#url = "http://localhost:4202"

#types = ["raid"]

#headers = ["X-Poracle-Secret:abc", "Other-Header:def"]


#url = "http://localhost:4202"

#types = ["raid"]

#areas = ["London/*", "*/Harrow", "Harrow"]
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