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import datetime # ده اللي جبته علشان اعرف التاريخ اليوم class TaskManager: def __init__(self, title, description, duedate, status,type,category): self._title = title self._description = description self._dueDate = duedate self._status = status self._type = type self._category =category def get_title(self): return self._title def set_title(self,x): self._title = x return self._title def get_description(self): return self._description def set_description(self,x): self._description = x return self._description def get_duedata(self): return self._dueDate def set_duedata(self,x): self._dueDate = x return self._dueDate def get_status(self): return self._status def set_status(self,x): self._status = x return self._status def get_type(self): return self._type def set_type(self,x): self._type = x return self._type def get_category(self): return self._category # حته list معرفها بدري شويه علشان احط فيها الابجكت list_work =[] list_presonal =[] class presonal(TaskManager): def __int__(self, title,description,duedat,status,type,category): super().__init__(title, description, duedat, status, type) self.category = category class Work(TaskManager): def __int__(self, title,description,duedat,status,type): super().__init__(title,description,duedat,status,type) # بياخد القيم ويضفها و return def add(): title = input("enter the title:\n") description = input("enter the description\n") day =0 month =0 year = 0 #لوب علشان يكرر بس ممكن تتحاش لما نجمع الكود while day == 0 and month == 0 and year == 0: duedat = (input("enter the duedat:\n")) dt = datetime.datetime.now() # هندلتها عشان لو دخل اسم في في التاريخ #خد التاريخ وفصلته وقارنته بتريخ اليوم علشان متحتش تاسك بتاريخ منتهي # اي قيمه عملها بصفر ده علشان يعيد الحته دي try: daye, monthe, yeare = duedat.split("-") day, month, year = int(daye), int(monthe), int(yeare) if year == dt.year: if month >= dt.month: if day >= dt.day: continue else: print("past history, try again") day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 else: print("past history, try again") day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 elif year > dt.year: continue else: print("past history, try again") day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 except ValueError: print("ValueError:") # عملتها كدي اختاصر كتابه لان ده طبيعي status ="incomplet" user_choice = input("enter yor number of choice to make type of task [1]work [2]personal\n") global list_presonal global list_work if user_choice == '1': type = 'work' list_work.append(Work(title, description, duedat, status, type,"no")) if user_choice == '2': c = input("enter category like separated by space ('famliy sport')") category = c.split() print(category) type = 'personal' list_presonal.append(Work(title,description,duedat,status,type,category)) ############################ خد بالك من دي # دي كنت عاوز عملها ان هي تشوف التارخ خلصان او ترنب التاوريخ في list بس معرفتش ########################### def due_time_end(): pass # دي بيحوش الابجكت من list def delete(k): user_choice = input("enter number of choice to delete:[1]work task [2]perspnal task\n") try: if user_choice == '1': list_work.remove(list_work[k]) if user_choice == '2': list_presonal.remove(list_presonal[k]) except IndexError: print("key not found") #دي بيعرض كل ابجكت من list def show(): user_choice=input("enter number of choice to show :[1]work task[2]personal task") if user_choice == '1': if list_work == []: print("empty") for k in list_work: print("-"*50) print(f"title : {k.get_title()}\ndescripion\n{k.get_description()}\ndue date : {k.get_duedata()}\nstatus : {k.get_status()}\nkey : {list_work.index(k)}") if user_choice == '2': if list_presonal == []: print("empty") for k in list_presonal: print("-"*50) print(f"title : {k.get_title()}\ncategory: {k.get_category()}\ndescripion\n{k.get_description()}\ndue date : {k.get_duedata()}\nstatus : {k.get_status()}\nkey : {list_presonal.index(k)}") #بيعمل تحديس لل تاريخ يدوي # تقربا كلها من add بسممكن نختصر كل ده ونعمل فنكشن تاني تعمل العمليه دي def update(): user_list_choice = input("enter number of choice [1] work task [2] personal task\n") key = int(input("enter the key to change\n")) user_choice ='' user_choice =input("enter choice [1]due data [2]status\n") if user_choice == "1": day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 while day == 0 and month == 0 and year == 0: duedat = (input("enter the duedat:\n")) dt = datetime.datetime.now() # هندلتها عشان لو دخل اسم في في التاريخ # خد التاريخ وفصلته وقارنته بتريخ اليوم علشان متحتش تاسك بتاريخ منتهي # اي قيمه عملها بصفر ده علشان يعيد الحته دي try: daye, monthe, yeare = duedat.split("-") day, month, year = int(daye), int(monthe), int(yeare) if year == dt.year: if month >= dt.month: if day >= dt.day: continue else: print("past history, try again") day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 else: print("past history, try again") day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 elif year > dt.year: continue else: print("past history, try again") day = 0 month = 0 year = 0 except ValueError: print("ValueError:") try: if user_list_choice =="1": list_work[key].set_duedata(duedat) elif user_list_choice =="2": list_presonal[key].set_duedata(duedat) except IndexError: print("key not found") elif user_choice=="2": user_choice_c = input("enter choice:\n[1]complet [2] will complet\n") if user_list_choice == "1": if user_choice_c == "1": list_work[key].set_status("complet") elif user_choice_c == '2': list_work[key].set_status('will complet') else: print('try again') if user_list_choice == "2": if user_choice_c == "1": list_presonal[key].set_status("complet") elif user_choice_c == '2': list_presonal[key].set_status('will complet') else: print('try again') # قائمه هتتغير لما هنركب الكود user_in = 0 while user_in != 5: user_in = input("[1]add [2]delet [3]updet [4]show\n") if user_in == "1": add() elif user_in == "2": delete(int(input("enter key of task to delete\n"))) elif user_in == "3": # ده علشان تتاكد انه شغال update() elif user_in == "4": # عرض التاسك show() elif user_in == "5": exit()
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