
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
2.3 kB
    MonsterSystem = {

        -- # player summons, created by command
        -- # set 0 to disable the level system on the monster
        -- # set -1 to disable this option and allow default behaviour
        defaultLevelOnArtificialMonster = 1,

        -- # monster skulls
        useMonsterSkulls = true,

        excludeMonsters = {
            "troll", "orc"

        chancesLevel = {

            -- # chance range <1-100>
            -- # you can also use decimals on chance values

            [1] = {minLevel = 1, maxLevel = 1, chance = 85}, -- # set a number lower than 100 to have a chance to not spawn a monster with level
            [2] = {minLevel = 2, maxLevel = 2, chance = 65},
            [3] = {minLevel = 3, maxLevel = 3, chance = 37},
            [4] = {minLevel = 4, maxLevel = 4, chance = 18},
            [5] = {minLevel = 5, maxLevel = 5, chance = 2},
            [6] = {minLevel = 6, maxLevel = 6, chance = 1, skull = SKULL_YELLOW}, -- # forced skull
            [7] = {minLevel = 7, maxLevel = 7, chance = 0.5, skull = {SKULL_WHITE, SKULL_RED}}, -- # random forced skull
            [8] = {minLevel = 10, maxLevel = 10, chance = 100, skull = SKULL_BLACK, monsters = {"demon", "juggernaut"}} -- # forced skull + predefined monsters only


        boostLevel = {

            -- # default boost values (percent) per level
            -- # do not remove the entries here, if you want to disable one of them by default just set 0 as value

            [MONSTER_BOOST_EXPERIENCE] = 7.5,
            [MONSTER_BOOST_SPEED] = 5,
            [MONSTER_BOOST_HEALTH] = 8.5,
            [MONSTER_BOOST_DAMAGE] = 10,
            [MONSTER_BOOST_LOOT] = 3,


        skulls = {

            -- # you can use all skulls type here
            [SKULL_YELLOW] = {

                minLevel = 1,
                maxLevel = 3, -- # you can remove the maxValue to only have a minLevel requirement
                chance = 12,

                boostLevel = {
                    [MONSTER_BOOST_HEALTH] = 11.5,
                    [MONSTER_BOOST_DAMAGE] = 15

                -- # if true, the system will sum (default + skull) boost values and then multiply per level
                sumBoostValues = false


        storage = {}