2 months ago
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--!Type(ClientAndServer) --!SerializeField local cameras : {GameObject} = nil local CameraManager = {} local cameraRequestEvent = Event.new("CameraRequest") local cameraResponseEvent = Event.new("CameraResponse") -- Number of cameras available on the server local cameraCount = 3 -- Method to set the active camera function CameraManager.SetActiveCamera(index: number) for i, camera in ipairs(cameras) do if camera then camera:SetActive(i == index) end end -- Notify the server about the active camera index CameraManager.SendActiveCameraIndexToServer(index) end -- Method to notify the server about the active camera index function CameraManager.SendActiveCameraIndexToServer(index: number) cameraRequestEvent:Fire(index) end -- Method to randomly change the active camera every 10 seconds function CameraManager.StartRandomCameraSwitching() local function switchCamera() if cameraCount > 0 then local randomIndex = math.random(1, cameraCount) Timer.After(0.1, function() -- Add a 0.1 second delay cameraRequestEvent:Fire(randomIndex) end) else print("No cameras available to switch.") end end -- Start the timer to switch cameras every 10 seconds Timer.Every(10, switchCamera) end -- Server-side initialization function self:ServerAwake() -- Start the random camera switching logic CameraManager.StartRandomCameraSwitching() -- Listen for camera request events from clients cameraRequestEvent:Connect(function(index) -- Ensure index wraps correctly using modulo and notify all clients local validIndex = (index - 1) % cameraCount + 1 ServerCameraManager.SetActiveCameraIndex(validIndex) cameraResponseEvent:FireAllClients(validIndex) end) end -- Client-side initialization function self:ClientAwake() -- Listen for camera response events from the server cameraResponseEvent:Connect(function(index) -- Wrap the received index using modulo for valid camera selection local validIndex = (index - 1) % #cameras + 1 CameraManager.SetActiveCamera(validIndex) end) end ServerCameraManager = {} -- Variable to store the active camera index ServerCameraManager.activeCameraIndex = 1 -- Method to set the active camera index on the server function ServerCameraManager.SetActiveCameraIndex(index: number) ServerCameraManager.activeCameraIndex = index print("Active camera index set to: " .. index) end return CameraManager
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