3 years ago
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#Create a creature program! #sets canvas size and stores half of height and width as a shorter name to simplify placing the shapes set_size(400, 400) height = get_height() /2 width = get_width() /2 ############################## #draws the square head def rect_head(): rect = Rectangle(300, 300) rect.set_position(50,50) rect.set_color(Color.red) add(rect) #draws the square eyes def rect_eyes(): lreye = Rectangle(40,40) lreye.set_position(255, 160) lreye.set_color(Color.black) add(lreye) rreye = Rectangle(40,40) rreye.set_position(105, 160) rreye.set_color(Color.black) add(rreye) #draws the pointed mouth option def rect_smile(): smle = Line(125, 285, 275, 285) add(smle) lsmle = Line(125, 255, 125, 285) add(lsmle) rsmle = Line(275, 285, 275, 255) add(rsmle) ############################# #draws the circle head def circ_head(): test = Circle(150) test.set_position(width, height) test.set_color(Color.red) add(test) #draws the round eyes def circ_eyes(): lreye = Circle(20) lreye.set_position(width + 75, height- 20) lreye.set_color(Color.black) add(lreye) rreye = Circle(20) rreye.set_position(width - 75, height- 20) rreye.set_color(Color.black) add(rreye) #draws the curved mouth def circ_smile(): x = Line(width - 75, height + 75, width -37.5, height + 85) add(x) y = Line(width + 75, height + 75, width + 37.5, height + 85) add(y) z = Line(162.5, 285, 237.5, 285) add(z) ############################# #this list is used to keep track of the users choices, to print out the information at the end lst = [] #asks the user what they want their head shape to be, puts answer in lst def head_q(): head = input("What shape do you want your head to be? (Square or Circle) ") head = head.lower() if head == "square": lst.append("square") elif head == "circle": lst.append("circle") else: q = input("That is not an option, please enter a valid option. Type to continue") head_q() #asks user what eyes they want, and puts in their choice in lst def eye_q(): q2 = input("What shape do you want the eyes to be? (Square or Circle) ") q2 = q2.lower() if q2 == "square": lst.append("square") elif q2 == "circle": lst.append("circle") else: q = input("That is not an option, please enter a valid option. Type to continue") eye_q() #asks user what smile they want, and puts it in lst def smile_q(): q3 = input("What shape do you want the smile to be? (Sharp or Round) ") q3 = q3.lower() if q3 == "sharp": lst.append("sharp") elif q3 == "round": lst.append("round") else: q = input("That is not an option, please enter a valid option. Type to continue") smile_q() #puts together the creature using the users previous options #uses a list to later describe the information about the creature def put_together(): if (lst[0]) == "circle": circ_head() if (lst[0]) == "square": rect_head() if (lst[1]) == "circle": circ_eyes() if (lst[1]) == "square": rect_eyes() if (lst[2]) == "sharp": rect_smile() if (lst[2]) == "round": circ_smile() #goes through list of colors, adds one to x each time if the color is not listed. since #there are 9 colors, if x = 10, then the input is not one of the colors and it is not a valid option, it #then goes on to repeat the question #Asks user their favorite color to change the name of the friend to that color. def name_color(): COLORS = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "cyan", "orange", "black", "gray", "purple"] while(True): col = input("Whats your favorite color? ") col = col.lower() if col in COLORS: color = str("Color." + col) break else: n = input("That is not an option, please enter a valid option. Type to continue") #gets the name and prints it out using the color above. name = input("What do you name your friend?") txt = Text(name) txt.set_position(40, 390) txt.set_color(col) txt.set_font("30pt Arial") add(txt) return name #puts all of the functions together to create the image and nametag of friend head_q() eye_q() smile_q() put_together() name = name_color() #prints out info about the creature! print(name + " has a " + lst[0] + " head, with " + lst[1] + " eyes, and a " + lst[2] + " smile!")
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