a month ago
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CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pkg_lkp_regions_tbl AS PROCEDURE check_ri ( p_country_id syn_regions_tbl.country_id%TYPE, p_region_id syn_regions_tbl.region_id%TYPE ); END pkg_lkp_regions_tbl; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg_lkp_regions_tbl AS PROCEDURE check_ri ( p_country_id syn_regions_tbl.country_id%TYPE, p_region_id syn_regions_tbl.region_id%TYPE ) AS v_count NUMBER; BEGIN -- Check if both country_id and region_id are provided IF p_country_id IS NOT NULL AND p_region_id IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN -- Validate the composite key in the table SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM syn_regions_tbl WHERE country_id = p_country_id AND region_id = p_region_id; -- If no match is found, raise an exception IF v_count = 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20999, 'Composite key (country_id: ' || p_country_id || ', region_id: ' || p_region_id || ') not found!'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; -- Propagate any unexpected errors END; ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20998, 'Both country_id and region_id must be provided!'); END IF; END check_ri; END pkg_lkp_regions_tbl; /
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