import React from "react"; import { Box, Text, VStack, HStack, Flex, UnorderedList, ListItem, Spacer, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import moment from "moment/moment"; export const CreateOfferLetter = (props) => { // const { // userData, // studentData, // courseDetail, // course, // batchDetail, // studentPaymentLists, // feeData, // currentBranchData // } = props; // const refNumber=`${currentBranchData?.name}/${courseDetail.name}/${studentData.registrationNumber}` const tableStyle = {border: "1px solid black", borderCollapse: "collapse"} const tableCell = {border: "1px solid black", borderCollapse: "collapse",textAlign:"center",fontSize:"12px"} return ( <Box bgColor={"gray"} > <Box p={12} paddingLeft={"8rem"} paddingRight={"8rem"} mx={"10"} bgColor={"white"} m="auto" fontFamily="Arial, sans-serif" maxW={"70%"}> <Box textAlign="right" mb={1}> <Box display="inline-block" textAlign="right" padding={2}> <Text fontSize="7xl" fontWeight="bold" lineHeight="1.2"> ICAD </Text> <Text fontSize="md" fontWeight={"light"} fontFamily={"revert"}>Creating & Nurturing Talent</Text> <Text mt={3} fontWeight={"bold"}> Date: 22nd April 2024 {/* Date: {moment().format('DD MMM YYYY')} */} </Text> </Box> </Box> <Box mb={4}> <HStack justifyContent={'right'}> <Text fontSize={'sm'} fontWeight={'bold'}> Ref. No:</Text> <Text fontSize={'sm'} fontWeight={'bold'}> NAGPUR HO / 3yr27 / Date : 23rd Feb. 24/ 8</Text> {/* <Text fontWeight="bold">{refNumber || "refNumber"}</Text> */} </HStack> <HStack mt={4}> <Text>Dear</Text> <Text fontWeight="bold">Shorya Parthi</Text> {/* <Text fontWeight="bold">{studentData?.name || "Candidate"}</Text> */} </HStack> </Box> <Box mb={4} mt={14}> <Text fontSize="4xl" fontFamily={"fantasy"}> CONGRATULATIONS! </Text> <Text fontSize={'sm'} mt={4}> We are glad to inform you that based on your performance in <span style={{ color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold' }}> {/* {studentData?.testName || "Test"} */} <span fontWeight="bold"> “Full course Test (FCT)”</span> </span> you have been qualified for our <span style={{ color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold' }}> <span fontWeight="bold">3yr27 Program</span> {/* {courseDetail?.name || "Course"} */} </span>. ICAD’s Advisory Members & Management have decided to provide you a scholarship in the form of a certain percentage waiver in the charges at ICAD, for our <span style={{ color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold' }}> {/* {studentData?.testName || "Test"} */} </span>. </Text> </Box> <Text fontSize={"xs"} mb={3}>The below chart shows the ICAD Regular fees / charges structure along with scholarship & installment:</Text> <Text fontWeight={"bold"} mb={3}>Nagpur Head Office – 3yr27 Program</Text> <Box mb={4} maxW={"100%"}> <table variant='simple' style={tableStyle} width={"100%"}> <tr style={tableStyle}> <th style={tableCell}>Head Office</th> <th style={tableCell}>Total Academic Charges</th> <th style={tableCell}>Registeration Charges</th> <th style={tableCell}>Total Charges</th> <th style={tableCell}>Scholarship in %age on Total charges</th> <th style={tableCell}>Scholarship in amount</th> <th style={tableCell}>Charges After Scholarship</th> <th style={tableCell}>Installment 1 (Before Batch start)</th> <th style={tableCell}>Installment 2 (1st Aug 2024)</th> <th style={tableCell}>Installment 3 (1st April 2025)</th> <th style={tableCell}>Installment 4 (1st Aug 2025)</th> <th style={tableCell}>Installment 5 (1st April 2026)</th> </tr> <tr style={tableStyle}> <td style={tableCell}>3Yr27</td> <td style={tableCell}>300000</td> <td style={tableCell}>21000</td> <td style={tableCell}>279000</td> <td style={tableCell}>20%</td> <td style={tableCell}>55800</td> <td style={tableCell}>223200</td> <td style={tableCell}>33480</td> <td style={tableCell}>58032</td> <td style={tableCell}>40176</td> <td style={tableCell}>58032</td> <td style={tableCell}>33480</td> </tr> </table> </Box> <Box mb={4}> <Box display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between" mb={2}> <Text fontWeight="bold" as='u'>Notes:</Text> </Box> <VStack align="start" spacing={2}> <UnorderedList fontSize={'sm'}> <ListItem> The charges cover Tuition Fee, Books, Study Material and the GST wherever applicable as on today. GST amount is subject to change and applicable, as per any Govt. amendments in the future. </ListItem> <ListItem> ICAD Online App requires a compulsory tablet with the necessary specifications. Student can purchase from ICAD or other sources. ICAD will charge modest operator’s charges for locking the tablet. Installation of ICAD Online App is free. </ListItem> <ListItem> Tuition classes and providing study material, books are separate services. </ListItem> {/* <ListItem> Registration charges, 1st, 3rd & 5th Installment is towards tuition fees to be paid in ICAD Technologies Pvt. Ltd. </ListItem> <ListItem> 2nd & 4th Installment is towards books, Lecture plans & exam booklets to be paid in ICAD Publications Pvt. Ltd. </ListItem> */} </UnorderedList> </VStack> </Box> <Box mb={4}> <Box display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between" mb={2}> <Text fontWeight="bold" as='u'>Terms & Conditions:</Text> </Box> <VStack align="start" spacing={2}> <UnorderedList fontSize={'sm'}> <ListItem> You can confirm your seat by paying registration charges of Rs.21000/- before <span style={{ color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold' }}> {/* {feeData?.lastDate || "30th Jan 2025"} */} <Text as={"b"}>30th April 2023.</Text> <br /> </span>. Registration charges are nonrefundable but adjustable (at your name only) at other Centers of ICAD. </ListItem> <ListItem> Kindly submit two passport-size photographs along with a photocopy of the student's Aadhaar card at the time of registration. </ListItem> <ListItem> Postdated installment cheques (PDCs) must be submitted at the time of admission. </ListItem> <ListItem> The amount must be paid strictly as per the prescribed installment pattern. </ListItem> <ListItem> ICAD reserves the right of admission. </ListItem> </UnorderedList> </VStack> </Box> <Box> <Text mt={5}>We hereby welcome you to ICAD family</Text> <Text mt={5} mb={10}>Happy Learning!</Text> </Box> <Box mt={14} > <Text fontWeight={'bold'} mt={5}>Sarang Upganlawar</Text> <Text color={'gray.600'} >Founder & Director</Text> <Text color={'gray.600'}>ICAD Group of Institutes</Text> </Box> <Box border={'2px dotted gray'} mt={7}></Box> <Box textAlign="left" fontSize="sm" mt={6}> <Text mt={2} fontWeight={'bold'}>For Office Use Only</Text> <Flex > <HStack> <Text>Course :</Text> {/* <Text fontWeight={'bold'}>{courseDetail?.name || "courseName"}</Text> */} </HStack> <Spacer /> <HStack ml={3}> <Text>Roll No :</Text> {/* <Text fontWeight={'bold'}>{course?.rollNumber || "rollNumber"}</Text> */} </HStack> <Spacer /> <HStack> <Text>Date of Admission :</Text> {/* <Text fontWeight={'bold'}>{studentData?.admissionDate || "admissionDate"}</Text> */} </HStack> <Spacer /> <HStack ml={3}> <Text>Software Id :</Text> {/* <Text fontWeight={'bold'}>{userData?.softwareId || "softwareId"}</Text> */} </HStack> </Flex> <Box border={'2px solid gray'} mt={7}></Box> <Flex justifyContent={"center"} alignItems={"centre"}> <Text fontSize="sm" mt={3} color="gray.600" > # 21, Tilak Nagar, Nagpur – 440010 | Cell : +91 - 9823037090 | Website: www.icadiit.com | Email: contact@icadiit.com </Text> </Flex> </Box> </Box> </Box> ); };
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