Promela code MultiElevators - Misho
2 years ago
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/* Elevator template model for Assignment 2 of 2IX20 - Software Specification. Set up for one elevator and two floors. */ // LTL formulas to be verified //ltl p1 { []<> (floor_request_made[1]==true) } /* this property does not hold, as a request for floor 1 can be indefinitely postponed. */ // ltl p2 { []<> (cabin_door_is_open==true) } /* this property should hold, but does not yet; at any moment during an execution, the opening of the cabin door will happen at some later point. */ // ltl a1 { [] ((floor_request_made[1]==true) -> <>(cabin_door_is_open[1]==true)) } // ltl a2 { [] ((floor_request_made[2]==true) -> <>(cabin_door_is_open[2]==true)) } // ltl b1 { []<> (cabin_door_is_open==true) } // ltl b2 { []<> (cabin_door_is_open==false) } // ltl c { [] ((cabin_door_is_open==true) -> (cabin_door_is_open[el_dest_floor]==true)) } // the number of elevators #define M 2 // the number of floors #define N 4 // IDs of req_button processes - must be from 0 to N-1 - get the 0 right, in single el. first button process will have _pid=4, so we -4 in reqid definition. Counting the number of processes, with M elevators, the first button process will have _pid=3*M+2, hence subtract 3*M+2 to get the first button with reqid=0 #define reqid _pid-(3*M+1) // TODO modify // keep track of which elevators are free bool el_free[M] = true; // all are free, initially // type for direction of elevator mtype { down, up, none }; // asynchronous channel to handle passenger requests chan request = [N] of { byte }; // status of requests per floor bool floor_request_made[N]; // status of floor doors of the shaft of the multiple elevators // Each floor[i] has a field - array cabin_door_is_open[M] typedef door_open { bool cabin_door_is_open[M]; // COLUMNS, doors on a floor = M } door_open floor[N]; // ROWS - each of N rows has M doors // floor[i].cabin_door_is_open[j] will open the door on floor i (0 <= i <= N-1), with number j (0 <= j <= M) // status and synchronous channels for elevator cabin and engine byte el_dest_floor[M]; // current floor of each of M elevators bool cabin_door_is_open[M]; // M cabin doors for M elevators chan update_cabin_door[M] = [0] of { bool }; chan cabin_door_updated[M] = [0] of { bool }; chan move_el[M] = [0] of { bool }; chan floor_reached[M] = [0] of { bool }; // each of M elevators must reach a requested floor // synchronous channels for communication between request handler and main control //chan go = [0] of { byte }; chan go_el[M] = [0] of { byte }; // one channel for each of M elevators #define main_control_id _pid-(2*M) chan served = [0] of { bool }; #define elevator_engine_id _pid-M #define cabin_door_id _pid // cabin door process active [M] proctype cabin_door() { do :: update_cabin_door[cabin_door_id]?true -> floor[el_dest_floor[cabin_door_id]].cabin_door_is_open[cabin_door_id] = true; cabin_door_is_open[cabin_door_id] = true; cabin_door_updated[cabin_door_id]!true; :: update_cabin_door[cabin_door_id]?false -> cabin_door_is_open[cabin_door_id] = false; floor[el_dest_floor[cabin_door_id]].cabin_door_is_open[cabin_door_id] = false; cabin_door_updated[cabin_door_id]!false; od; } // process combining the elevator engine and sensors active [M] proctype elevator_engine() { do // 'elevator_engine_id' refers to which elevator will move (dependence active [M]) :: move_el[elevator_engine_id]?true -> do :: move_el[elevator_engine_id]?false -> break; :: floor_reached[elevator_engine_id]!true; od; od; } // DUMMY main control process. Remodel it to control the doors and the engine! active [M] proctype main_control() { byte dest; // 'main_control_id' is reference to the elevator (dependence active [M]) do :: go_el[main_control_id]?dest -> el_dest_floor[main_control_id] = dest; el_free[main_control_id] = false; // Moving elevator move_el[main_control_id]!true; floor_reached[main_control_id]?true; update_cabin_door[main_control_id]!true; cabin_door_updated[main_control_id]?true; update_cabin_door[main_control_id]!false; cabin_door_updated[main_control_id]?false; // After serving a floor floor_request_made[dest] = false; el_free[main_control_id] = true; od; } // request handler process. Remodel this process to serve M elevators! active proctype req_handler() { byte dest; short el_num = 0; do :: request?dest; if :: (el_free[el_num] == true) -> // Halts until elevator el_num is free, then sends req to this el. go_el[el_num]!dest; el_num = el_num + 1; if :: (el_num == M) -> el_num = 0; :: else // Avoids blocking fi; fi; od; } // request button associated to a floor i to request an elevator active [N] proctype req_button() { do :: !floor_request_made[reqid] -> atomic { request!reqid; floor_request_made[reqid] = true; } od; }