3 months ago
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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class PointsCounter : MonoBehaviour { public int Points; public int Streak; // Tracks the current scoring streak public int BestStreak; // Tracks the highest streak public bool isActive = true; public GameObject Area; public float PointCooldown = 2f; public bool didScore = false; // Tracks if a score has occurred [Header("Streak Feature")] private const string PointsKey = "SavedPoints"; private const string StreakKey = "SavedStreak"; // Key for saving streak private const string BestStreakKey = "SavedBestStreak"; public AudioSource pointGet; [Header("Dependencies")] public FallCheck fallCheck; // Reference to FallCheck script public EnterCheck enterCheck; // Reference to EnterCheck script [Header("Reset Settings")] public float scoreResetDelay = 2f; // Time in seconds before resetting didScore public void SetActive(bool state) { isActive = state; } private void Start() { Points = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PointsKey, 0); BestStreak = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(BestStreakKey, 0); Streak = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(StreakKey, 0); // Load the saved streak } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!isActive) return; if (other.CompareTag("Basketball")) { Debug.Log("Scored Point!"); didScore = true; // Set didScore to true when scoring pointGet.Play(); Points++; Streak++; // Update the best streak if the current streak is higher if (Streak > BestStreak) { BestStreak = Streak; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(BestStreakKey, BestStreak); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PointsKey, Points); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(StreakKey, Streak); // Save the current streak PlayerPrefs.Save(); if (Area != null) { BoxCollider areaCollider = Area.GetComponent<BoxCollider>(); if (areaCollider != null) { areaCollider.enabled = false; StartCoroutine(ReenableColliderAfterCooldown(areaCollider)); } } } } // Call this method when the player fails to score (implement failure detection in your game logic) public void ResetStreak() { Streak = 0; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(StreakKey, Streak); // Save the reset streak PlayerPrefs.Save(); didScore = false; // Reset didScore on failure } private IEnumerator ReenableColliderAfterCooldown(BoxCollider collider) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(PointCooldown); collider.enabled = true; } private void Update() { // Check if FallCheck hasCollidedWithGround is enabled if (fallCheck != null && fallCheck.hasCollidedWithGround) { if (enterCheck != null && enterCheck.didEnter) { if (didScore) { // Maintain the streak } else { // Reset streak if both didEnter and hasCollidedWithGround are active but didScore is not ResetStreak(); } } } // Reset didScore after a delay if required if (fallCheck != null && fallCheck.hasCollidedWithGround && didScore) { StartCoroutine(ResetDidScoreAfterDelay()); } } private IEnumerator ResetDidScoreAfterDelay() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(scoreResetDelay); didScore = false; } public void ResetPoints() { Points = 0; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PointsKey, Points); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } }
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