a year ago
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<?php use App\Models\Listing; use App\Models\OauthToken; use App\Models\Shop; use App\Models\User; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase; use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response; use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; use function Pest\Laravel\{actingAs}; uses(RefreshDatabase::class); test('user can see all listings it belongs to', function () { // Add user with shop $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); // take first shop. $shop = $user->shops->first(); // Add listings to shop $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(3)->make()->toArray() ); // Get listings actingAs($user)->get(route('listings.index', ['shopID' => $shop->id])) ->assertStatus(200) ->assertSee('Listings'); }); test('user can not see all listings it dont belongs to', function () { // Add user with shop $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); // take first shop. $shop = $user->shops->first(); // Add listings to shop $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(3)->make()->toArray() ); // Get listings actingAs($user)->get(route('listings.index', ['shopID' => 2])) ->assertStatus(403); }); test('listings can be imported from etsy', function () { }); test('listings can be updated from etsy', function () { }); test('user can update a listing', function () { $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); $shop = $user->shops->first(); $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(1)->make()->toArray() ); $listing = $shop->listings->first(); actingAs($user)->patch(route('listings.update', $listing->id), [ 'title' => 'New Title', 'description' => 'New Description', 'price' => 10.66, 'quantity' => 10, 'tags' => 'tag1, tag2, tag3', 'materials' => 'material1, material2, material3', 'image_1' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_2' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_3' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_4' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_5' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', ])->assertStatus(200); expect($listing->fresh()->toArray())->toMatchArray( [ 'title' => 'New Title', 'description' => 'New Description', 'price' => '10.66', 'quantity' => 10, 'tags' => 'tag1, tag2, tag3', 'materials' => 'material1, material2, material3', 'image_1' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_2' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_3' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_4' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', 'image_5' => 'https://i.etsystatic.com/12345678/d/il/12345678/12345678/il_340x270.12345678_1234.jpg?version=0', ] ); }); test('user can update multiple listings', function () { })->markTestSkipped('Handle in the frontend.'); test('user can delete one listing', function () { $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); $shop = $user->shops->first(); $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(1)->make()->toArray() ); $listing = $shop->listings->first(); actingAs($user)->delete(route('listings.destroy', $listing->id)) ->assertStatus(200); expect($listing->fresh())->toBeNull(); }); test('user can update 10.00 as price', function () { $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); $shop = $user->shops->first(); $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(1)->make()->toArray() ); $listing = $shop->listings->first(); actingAs($user)->patch(route('listings.update', $listing->id), [ 'title' => $listing->title, 'description' => $listing->description, 'price' => '10.00', 'quantity' => $listing->quantity, 'image_1' => $listing->image_1, ])->assertStatus(200); expect($listing->fresh()->toArray())->toMatchArray( [ 'price' => '10.00', ] ); }); test('user can add 10.99 as price', function () { $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); $shop = $user->shops->first(); $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(1)->make()->toArray() ); $listing = $shop->listings->first(); actingAs($user)->patch(route('listings.update', $listing->id), [ 'title' => $listing->title, 'description' => $listing->description, 'price' => '10.99', 'quantity' => $listing->quantity, 'image_1' => $listing->image_1, ])->assertStatus(200); expect($listing->fresh()->toArray())->toMatchArray( [ 'price' => '10.99', ] ); }); test('user can copy multiple listings to selected shops', function () { $user = User::factory()->create(); $shop_1 = Shop::factory()->create([ 'shop_name' => 'shop 1', 'user_id' => $user->id, ]); $shop_2 = Shop::factory()->create([ 'shop_name' => 'shop 2', 'user_id' => $user->id, ]); $shop_3 = Shop::factory()->create([ 'shop_name' => 'shop 3', 'user_id' => $user->id, ]); $listing_1 = Listing::factory()->create([ 'shop_id' => $shop_1->id, ]); $listing_2 = Listing::factory()->create([ 'shop_id' => $shop_1->id, ]); actingAs($user)->post(route('listings.copy', [ 'listing_ids' => [$listing_1->id, $listing_2->id], 'shop_ids' => [$shop_2->id, $shop_3->id], ]))->assertStatus(200); expect($shop_2->listings->count())->toBe(2); expect($shop_3->listings->count())->toBe(2); }); test('deleted listings will be soft deleted', function () { $user = User::factory()->withShop()->create(); $shop = $user->shops->first(); $shop->listings()->createMany( Listing::factory()->count(5)->make()->toArray() ); $listingIds = $shop->listings->pluck('id')->flatten()->all(); actingAs($user)->delete(route('listings.destroy'), [ 'listing_ids' => [$listingIds[0], $listingIds[1], $listingIds[2], $listingIds[3], $listingIds[4]], ])->assertStatus(302); expect($shop->listings()->onlyTrashed()->count())->toBe(5); }); test('user can create listing to multiple shops', function () { Http::fake([ // Mock the response for the createDraftListing method. 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v3/application/shops/*/listings' => Http::response([ 'listing_id' => 123456789, 'state' => 'draft', ], 201), ]); $user = User::factory()->hasShops(3)->create(); foreach ($user->shops as $shop) { OauthToken::factory()->create([ 'shop_id' => $shop->id, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'access_token' => 'valid-access-token', 'refresh_token' => 'valid-refresh-token', 'expires_at' => now()->addHour(), ]); } Storage::fake('local'); $fakeImage = UploadedFile::fake()->image('photo1.jpg'); // Prepare the payload simulating what the frontend would send $payload = [ 'shops' => [ $user->shops[0]->id => [ 'shopData' => [ 'title' => 'Halloween, shirt', 'description' => 'Description 1', 'tags' => ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'materials' => ['wood', 'metal'], 'price' => 100.00, 'quantity' => 10, 'who_made' => 'i_did', 'when_made' => 'made_to_order', 'taxonomy_id' => 1, 'processing_min' => 1, 'processing_max' => 5, 'is_published' => false, 'state' => 'active', 'variants' => [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'colors', 'options' => [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'green', 'sku' => null, 'price' => '0', 'quantity' => '0', ], 1 => [ 'name' => 'blue', 'sku' => null, 'price' => '0', 'quantity' => '0', ], 2 => [ 'name' => 'yellow', 'sku' => null, 'price' => '0', 'quantity' => '0', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'name' => 'size', 'options' => [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'M', 'sku' => null, 'price' => '0', 'quantity' => '0', ], 1 => [ 'name' => 'L', 'sku' => null, 'price' => '0', 'quantity' => '0', ], 2 => [ 'name' => 'S', 'sku' => null, 'price' => '0', 'quantity' => '0', ], ], ], ], 'variantsInputs' => [ 'size' => ['M', 'L', 'S'], 'color' => ['green', 'blue', 'yellow'], ], 'variantsVary' => false, 'images' => array_fill(0, 10, ['url' => 'localhost://test.jpg', 'file' => $fakeImage, 'name' => 'test image 1', 'type' => 'image/jpeg']), 'video' => ['src' => null], 'should_auto_renew' => false, 'is_personalizable' => false, 'personalization_is_required' => false, 'sku' => 'SKU123', 'shipping_profile' => ['id' => 123456, 'processingDays' => '1-2 days', 'title' => 'Fixed pices', 'type' => 'fixed'], 'shop_id' => $user->shops[1]->id, ], ], $user->shops[1]->id => [ 'shopData' => [ 'title' => 'Halloween, shirt', 'description' => 'Description 1', 'tags' => ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'materials' => ['wood', 'metal'], 'price' => 100.00, 'quantity' => 10, 'who_made' => 'i_did', 'when_made' => 'made_to_order', 'taxonomy_id' => 1, 'processing_min' => 1, 'processing_max' => 5, 'is_published' => false, 'state' => 'active', 'variants' => [ [ 'title' => 'Small, Blue', 'price' => 100.00, 'sku' => 'SKU123-SB', 'quantity' => 5, ], [ 'title' => 'Medium, Blue', 'price' => 100.00, 'sku' => 'SKU123-MB', 'quantity' => 5, ], [ 'title' => 'Large, Blue', 'price' => 100.00, 'sku' => 'SKU123-LB', 'quantity' => 5, ], ], 'variantsInputs' => [ 'size' => ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'], 'color' => ['Blue'], ], 'variantsVary' => true, 'images' => array_fill(0, 10, ['url' => null]), 'video' => ['src' => null], 'should_auto_renew' => false, 'is_personalizable' => false, 'personalization_is_required' => false, 'sku' => 'SKU123', 'shipping_profile' => ['id' => 123456, 'processingDays' => '1-2 days', 'title' => 'Fixed pices', 'type' => 'fixed'], 'shop_id' => $user->shops[1]->id, ], ], ], ]; actingAs($user) ->post(route('listings.store'), $payload); Http::assertSentCount(2); expect($user->shops[0]->listings()->count())->toBe(1); expect($user->shops[1]->listings()->count())->toBe(1); Storage::disk('local')->assertExists('/public/listing-images/'.$fakeImage->hashName()); }); test('if shipping profile is calculated all item fields should be required', function () { $user = User::factory()->hasShops(3)->create(); // Prepare the payload simulating what the frontend would send. $payload = [ 'shops' => [ $user->shops[0]->id => [ 'shopData' => [ 'title' => 'Halloween, shirt', 'description' => 'Description 1', 'tags' => ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'materials' => ['wood', 'metal'], 'price' => 100.00, 'quantity' => 10, 'who_made' => 'i_did', 'when_made' => 'made_to_order', 'taxonomy_id' => 1, 'return_policy_id' => null, 'shop_section_id' => null, 'processing_min' => 1, 'processing_max' => 5, 'is_published' => false, 'state' => 'active', 'variants' => [ [ 'title' => 'Small, Blue', 'price' => 100.00, 'sku' => 'SKU123-SB', 'quantity' => 5, ], [ 'title' => 'Medium, Blue', 'price' => 100.00, 'sku' => 'SKU123-MB', 'quantity' => 5, ], [ 'title' => 'Large, Blue', 'price' => 100.00, 'sku' => 'SKU123-LB', 'quantity' => 5, ], ], 'variantsInputs' => [ 'size' => ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'], 'color' => ['Blue'], ], 'variantsVary' => true, 'images' => array_fill(0, 10, ['url' => null]), 'video' => ['src' => null], 'should_auto_renew' => false, 'is_personalizable' => false, 'personalization_is_required' => false, 'personalization_char_count_max' => null, 'personalization_instructions' => '', 'sku' => 'SKU123', 'shop_section_id' => null, 'renewal_option' => 'manual', 'type' => 'physical', 'production_partner_ids' => [], 'shipping_profile' => ['id' => 123456, 'processingDays' => '1-2 days', 'title' => 'Fixed pices', 'type' => 'calculated'], 'is_customizable' => false, 'is_taxable' => false, 'is_supply' => false, 'image_ids' => null, 'styles' => null, 'item_weight' => null, 'item_length' => null, 'item_width' => null, 'item_height' => null, 'item_weight_unit' => null, 'item_dimensions_unit' => null, 'shop_id' => $user->shops[1]->id, ], ], ], ]; actingAs($user) ->post(route('listings.store'), $payload) ->assertStatus(302) ->assertSessionHasErrors([ 'shops.1.shopData.item_weight' => 'The shops.1.shopData.item_weight field is required when shops.1.shopData.shipping_profile is present.', 'shops.1.shopData.item_length' => 'The shops.1.shopData.item_length field is required when shops.1.shopData.shipping_profile is present.', 'shops.1.shopData.item_width' => 'The shops.1.shopData.item_width field is required when shops.1.shopData.shipping_profile is present.', 'shops.1.shopData.item_height' => 'The shops.1.shopData.item_height field is required when shops.1.shopData.shipping_profile is present.', 'shops.1.shopData.item_weight_unit' => 'The shops.1.shopData.item_weight_unit field is required when shops.1.shopData.shipping_profile is present.', 'shops.1.shopData.item_dimensions_unit' => 'The shops.1.shopData.item_dimensions_unit field is required when shops.1.shopData.shipping_profile is present.', ]); }); test('user can upload files', function () { Http::fake([ // Mock the response for the createDraftListing method. 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v3/application/shops/*/listings' => Http::response([ 'listing_id' => 123456789, 'state' => 'draft', ], 201), ]); }); test('user can delete multiple listings', function () { })->markTestSkipped('Handle in the frontend.'); test('global images upload will uplodate to all listings', function () { })->markTestSkipped('Handle in the frontend.');