#!/bin/bash # Prompt for details read -r -p "Enter the name of the Azure ML Workspace: " workspaceName read -r -p "Enter the location (default is japaneast): " location read -r -p "Enter the description (optional): " description read -r -p "Enter the SKU name (default is Basic): " skuName read -r -p "Enter the SKU tier (default is Basic): " skuTier # Set defaults if not provided location=${location:-japaneast} skuName=${skuName:-Basic} skuTier=${skuTier:-Basic} # Automatic Resource Group Naming with prefix "alh" resourceGroupName="alh-rg-${workspaceName}" # Fetch the current subscription ID dynamically subscriptionId=$(az account show --query "id" --output tsv) # Create resource group (if not exists) az group create --name "$resourceGroupName" --location "$location" # Deploy the ARM template with timestamped output timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") outputFile="${workspaceName}_${timestamp}.json" az deployment group create \ --resource-group "$resourceGroupName" \ --template-file azureml-workspace-template.json \ --parameters workspaceName="$workspaceName" location="$location" description="$description" skuName="$skuName" skuTier="$skuTier" \ --output json > "$outputFile" echo "Deployment output saved to $outputFile" # Check if managed network is enabled managedNetworkEnabled=$(az ml workspace show --name "alh${workspaceName}" --resource-group "$resourceGroupName" --query "managedNetwork" --output tsv) if [ -z "$managedNetworkEnabled" ]; then echo "Managed network not found or not enabled. Enabling managed network..." az ml workspace update \ --name "alh${workspaceName}" \ --resource-group "$resourceGroupName" \ --set managedNetwork.enabled=true fi # Adding outbound rules using Azure CLI echo "Adding outbound rules to the workspace..." az ml workspace update \ --name "alh${workspaceName}" \ --resource-group "$resourceGroupName" \ --set managedNetwork.outboundRules='[ { "name": "outboundrulemlws", "type": "PrivateEndpoint", "destination": { "serviceResourceId": "/subscriptions/'"$subscriptionId"'/resourceGroups/'"$resourceGroupName"'/providers/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/alh'"${workspaceName}"'", "subresourceTarget": "amlworkspace" }, "status": "Active", "category": "UserDefined" } ]' echo "Outbound rules added successfully." # TODO Check Azure Subscription: az login # TODO Create Post-Deployment Guide
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