
18 days ago
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care about, troszczyć się / dbać o coś/kogoś, Everyone should care about the environment.
careful about, ostrożny, uważny, I don't trust John. Be careful about what you say to him.
concerned about, zaniepokojony, All parents are concerned about their children's education.
conclusion about, wniosek na temat czegoś, We have not come to any conclusion about this subject.
curious about, ciekawy czegoś, Students were curious about their exam results.
doubts about, wątpliwości co do czegoś, Luke has never had any doubts about his career choice.
enthusiastic about, rozentuzjazmowany czymś, The whole team are enthusiastic about the tournament.
knowledgeable about, dobrze znać się na czymś, He seems knowledgeable about ancient Greece.
laugh about, śmiać się z czegoś, Now I can laugh about that accident, but it didn't seem funny then.
optimistic about, optymistyczny w sprawie czegoś, dobrej myśli, The Party is optimistic about winning the elections.
genius at, geniusz w (jakiejś dziedzinie), He's a genius at maths. He can process numbers like a computer.
good at, dobry w (jakiejś dziedzinie), Are you good at tennis?
laugh at, śmiać się z czegoś/kogoś, Everyone was laughing at me when I slipped on a banana peel.
master at, mistrz w czymś, My aunt is a master at baking cakes.
scream at, krzyczeć na coś/kogoś, Why are you screaming at the TV? It can't hear you.
stare at, gapić się na coś/kogoś, It's rude to stare at people on the bus.
differ from, różnić się od czegoś/kogoś, Ben differs from Bill a lot even though they are twins.
different from, inny od czegoś/kogoś, The sequel is very different from the first movie.
discourage sb from, zniechęcać kogoś do czegoś, Heavy snowfall discouraged me from leaving the hotel.
prevent sb from sth, powstrzymywać kogoś od (zrobienia) czegoś, The firefighters prevented the fire from spreading.
resign from, zrezygnować z czegoś (np. pracy), The Prime Minister resigned from office after the referendum.
result from, wynikać z czegoś, The arrests resulted from an anonymous phone call.
save sth/sb from, uchronić coś/kogoś przed czymś, You can't save me from my own mistakes.
withdraw from, wycofać (się) z czegoś, Wills withdrew from the race after he twisted his ankle.
apologise to sb for, przepraszać kogoś za coś, Joey apologised to Roy for scratching his car.
argument for, argument za czymś, na poparcie czegoś, There are some good arguments for introducing this new law.
beneficial for, korzystny dla kogoś/czegoś, Cycling is highly beneficial for your health.
blame sth/sb for, wnić coś/kogoś za coś, Don't blame the weather for your bad mood.
campaign for, prowadzić kampanię na rzecz czegoś, Suffragettes campaigned for women's rights.
care for sth/sb, zajmować się kimś, troszczyć się o coś, People should care for their elderly parents.
famous for, słynny (z jakiegoś powodu), Holland is famous for tulips and windmills.
grateful for, wdzięczny za coś, I am grateful for the support of my family.
nominate sth/sb for, nominować coś/kogoś do czegoś, Who can nominate films for the Academy Awards?
reason for, przyczyna czegoś, Obesity is a reason for many diseases.
believe in, wierzyć w coś/kogoś, When did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
course in, kurs z czegoś, I've signed up for a course in Spanish.
decrease/increase in, spadek/wzrost czegoś, The police have recently noticed a(n) decrease/increase in crime.
degree in, stopień naukowy w (jakiejś dziedzinie), My brother's got a degree in business.
engage in, angażować się w coś, This is our last chance to engage in the new science project.
engaged/engrossed in, zaabsorbowany, pochłonięty czymś, He was so engaged/engrossed in the book he didn't hear the doorbell.
enrol in, zapisywać się (np. na kurs), How many students have enrolled in this course so far?
involved in, zaangażowany w coś, They were so involved in the conversation that they missed the train.
major in, studiować jakiś kierunek, What did you major in at university?
participate in, brać w czymś udział, Everyone in the class participated in the workshop.
result in, doprowadzać do czegoś, Changes in climate can result in the extinction of life on Earth.
specialist in, specjalista w (jakiejś dziedzinie), Bob is a specialist in theoretical physics.
successful in, odnoszący sukcesy w czymś, More and more people seek advice on how to be successful in their career.
take pride in, być dumnym z czegoś, My football team takes pride in winning nine matches in a row.
accuse sb of, oskarżać kogoś o coś, The police accused John of stealing the money.
advantage/disadvantage of, zaleta/wada czegoś, What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?
approve of, pochwalać coś, popierać coś, Paul's parents don't approve of his decision to quit school.
aware of, świadomy czegoś, I wasn't aware of the new regulations because I had spent a year abroad.
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