a year ago
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct Node { int data; struct Node *next; }; void linkedListTraversal(struct Node *ptr) { while (ptr != NULL) { printf("Element: %d\n", ptr->data); ptr = ptr->next; } } // Case 1: Deleting the first element from the linked list struct Node * deleteFirst(struct Node * head){ struct Node * ptr = head; head = head->next; free(ptr); return head; } // Case 2: Deleting the element at a given index from the linked list struct Node * deleteAtIndex(struct Node * head, int index){ struct Node *p = head; struct Node *q = head->next; for (int i = 0; i < index-1; i++) { p = p->next; q = q->next; } p->next = q->next; free(q); return head; } // Case 3: Deleting the last element struct Node * deleteAtLast(struct Node * head){ struct Node *p = head; struct Node *q = head->next; while(q->next !=NULL) { p = p->next; q = q->next; } p->next = NULL; free(q); return head; } // Case 4: Deleting the element with a given value from the linked list struct Node * deleteAtIndex(struct Node * head, int value){ struct Node *p = head; struct Node *q = head->next; while(q->data!=value && q->next!= NULL) { p = p->next; q = q->next; } if(q->data == value){ p->next = q->next; free(q); } return head; } int main() { struct Node *head; struct Node *second; struct Node *third; struct Node *fourth; // Allocate memory for nodes in the linked list in Heap head = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); second = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); third = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); fourth = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // Link first and second nodes head->data = 4; head->next = second; // Link second and third nodes second->data = 3; second->next = third; // Link third and fourth nodes third->data = 8; third->next = fourth; // Terminate the list at the third node fourth->data = 1; fourth->next = NULL; printf("Linked list before deletion\n"); linkedListTraversal(head); // head = deleteFirst(head); // For deleting first element of the linked list // head = deleteAtIndex(head, 2); head = deleteAtLast(head); printf("Linked list after deletion\n"); linkedListTraversal(head); return 0; }