author: User,
title: string,
description: string,
cover: string,
category: Category,
info: {
// is the content free or paid
availability: enum[Public, Subscriber],
// Can everybody see this content
visibility: enum[Public, Me],
// Is the creation completed or it's inprogress
state: enum[Completed, Inprogress],
language: Language,
// estimated reading time
readingTime: number,
// people who help making this content
collaborators: [{
user: User,
role: enum[Editor, Translator, Illustrator, Proofreader, Copywriter]
interactions: {
likes: number,
views: number,
bookmarks: number,
review: Review[{
author: User,
content: string,
score: number,
comments: Comment[].
totalCost: {
wr: number,
// percentage discount
offer: number,
chapter: [{
title: string,
/* string is for novels and string[]
is for comics which is an array of images */
content: string | string[],
cover: string,
info: {
visibility: enum[Public, Subscriber],
availability: enum[Public, Subscriber],
state: enum[Completed, Inprogress]
readingTime: number,
cost: {
wr: number,
// percentage discount
offer: number