23 days ago
35 kB
indicator(title="RSI PU Taraması", format=format.price)

grupSec = input.string(defval='1', options=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','ÖZEL LİSTE'], group='Taraması yapılacak 40\'arlı gruplardan birini seçin', title='Grup seç')
per = input.timeframe(defval='', title='PERİYOT',group = "Tarama yapmak istediğiniz periyotu seçin")

len = input.int(title="RSI Period", minval=1, defval=14)
src = input(title="RSI Source", defval=close)
lbR = input(title="Pivot Lookback Right", defval=5, display = display.data_window)
lbL = input(title="Pivot Lookback Left", defval=5, display = display.data_window)
rangeUpper = input(title="Max of Lookback Range", defval=60, display = display.data_window)
rangeLower = input(title="Min of Lookback Range", defval=5, display = display.data_window)
plotBull = input(title="Pozitif Uyumsuzluk", defval=true, display = display.data_window)
plotHiddenBull = input(title="Gizli Pozitif Uyumsuzluk", defval=true, display = display.data_window)
plotBear = input(title="Negatif Uyumsuzluk", defval=true, display = display.data_window)
plotHiddenBear = input(title="Gizli Negatif Uyumsuzluk", defval=true, display = display.data_window)
bearColor = color.red
bullColor = color.green
hiddenBullColor = color.green
hiddenBearColor = color.red
textColor = color.white
noneColor = color.new(color.white, 100)
osc = ta.rsi(src, len)

// SMA Calculation
smaLength = input.int(title="SMA", minval=1, defval=14)
smaRSI = ta.sma(osc, smaLength)
plot(smaRSI, title="SMA", linewidth=2, color=color.orange)

plot(osc, title="RSI", linewidth=2, color=color.rgb(159, 21, 201))
hline(50, title="Middle Line", color=color.rgb(185, 31, 206), linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
obLevel = hline(70, title="Overbought", color=#787B86, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
osLevel = hline(30, title="Oversold", color=#787B86, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
fill(obLevel, osLevel, title="Background", color=color.rgb(33, 150, 243, 90))

plFound = na(ta.pivotlow(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true
phFound = na(ta.pivothigh(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true
_inRange(cond) =>
	bars = ta.barssince(cond == true)
	rangeLower <= bars and bars <= rangeUpper

// Regular Bullish
// Osc: Higher Low

oscHL = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(plFound[1])

// Price: Lower Low

priceLL = low[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1)
bullCondAlert = priceLL and oscHL and plFound
bullCond = plotBull and bullCondAlert

     plFound ? osc[lbR] : na,
     title="Regular Bullish",
     color=(bullCond ? bullColor : noneColor),
	 display = display.pane

	 bullCond ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Regular Bullish Label",
	 text=" PU ",

// Hidden Bullish
// Osc: Lower Low

oscLL = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(plFound[1])

// Price: Higher Low

priceHL = low[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1)
hiddenBullCondAlert = priceHL and oscLL and plFound
hiddenBullCond = plotHiddenBull and hiddenBullCondAlert

	 plFound ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Hidden Bullish",
	 color=(hiddenBullCond ? hiddenBullColor : noneColor),
	 display = display.pane

	 hiddenBullCond ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Hidden Bullish Label",
	 text=" Gizli PU ",

// Regular Bearish
// Osc: Lower High

oscLH = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(phFound[1])

// Price: Higher High

priceHH = high[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1)

bearCondAlert = priceHH and oscLH and phFound
bearCond = plotBear and bearCondAlert

	 phFound ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Regular Bearish",
	 color=(bearCond ? bearColor : noneColor),
	 display = display.pane

	 bearCond ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Regular Bearish Label",
	 text=" NU ",

// Hidden Bearish
// Osc: Higher High

oscHH = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(phFound[1])

// Price: Lower High

priceLH = high[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1)

hiddenBearCondAlert = priceLH and oscHH and phFound
hiddenBearCond = plotHiddenBear and hiddenBearCondAlert

	 phFound ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Hidden Bearish",
	 color=(hiddenBearCond ? hiddenBearColor : noneColor),
	 display = display.pane

	 hiddenBearCond ? osc[lbR] : na,
	 title="Hidden Bearish Label",
	 text=" Gizli NU ",

alertcondition(bullCondAlert, title='Regular Bullish Divergence', message="Found a new Regular Bullish Divergence, `Pivot Lookback Right` number of bars to the left of the current bar")
alertcondition(hiddenBullCondAlert, title='Hidden Bullish Divergence', message='Found a new Hidden Bullish Divergence, `Pivot Lookback Right` number of bars to the left of the current bar')
alertcondition(bearCondAlert, title='Regular Bearish Divergence', message='Found a new Regular Bearish Divergence, `Pivot Lookback Right` number of bars to the left of the current bar')
alertcondition(hiddenBearCondAlert, title='Hidden Bearish Divergence', message='Found a new Hidden Bearish Divergence, `Pivot Lookback Right` number of bars to the left of the current bar')

///////////////// TARAMA

func() => 
    cond = bullCondAlert or hiddenBullCondAlert
    // cond = ta.crossover(close[1], rma[1]) or (close[1] >= rsi0[1] and close[1] <= rsi10[1]) or ta.crossover(close, rsi10[1]) or ta.crossover(f_var(kaynak, uzunluk), f_var(kaynak, uzunluk1)) or ta.crossover(f_var(kaynak, uzunluk), rma) 

    [close, cond]

sb1 =  input.symbol(title='1',  defval='',group = "╠═════════════ ÖZEL LİSTE ═════════════╣")
sb2 =  input.symbol(title='2',  defval='BIST:XAKUR')
sb3 =  input.symbol(title='3',  defval='BIST:XBANA')
sb4 =  input.symbol(title='4',  defval='BIST:XBANK')
sb5 =  input.symbol(title='5',  defval='BIST:XBLSM')
sb6 =  input.symbol(title='6',  defval='BIST:XELKT')
sb7 =  input.symbol(title='7',  defval='BIST:XFINK')
sb8 =  input.symbol(title='8',  defval='BIST:XGIDA')
sb9 =  input.symbol(title='9',  defval='BIST:XGMYO')
sb10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:XHOLD')
sb11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:XILTM')
sb12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:XINSA')
sb13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:XKAGT')
sb14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:XKMYA')
sb15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:XMADN')
sb16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:XMANA')
sb17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:XMESY')
sb18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:XSGRT')
sb19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:XSPOR')
sb20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:XTAST')
sb21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:XTCRT')
sb22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:XTEKS')
sb23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:XTRZM')
sb24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:XTUMY')
sb25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:XU030')
sb26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:XU100')
sb27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:XU500')
sb28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:XULAS')
sb29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:XUSIN')
sb30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:XUTEK')
sb31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:XUTUM')
sb32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='')
sb33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='')
sb34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='')
sb35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='')
sb36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='')
sb37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='')
sb38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='')
sb39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='')
sb40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='')

a01 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:A1CAP' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ARCLK' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIGCH' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CEMTS' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:DZGYO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FLAP' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HEKTS' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:IZMDC' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KRSTL' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MHRGY' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:OZRDN' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:RYGYO' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TABGD' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:ULUUN' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb1 : na
a02 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ACSEL' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ARDYZ' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIMAS' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CEOEM' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EBEBK' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FMIZP' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HKTM' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:JANTS' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KRTEK' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MIATK' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:OZSUB' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:RYSAS' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TARKM' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:UMPAS' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb2 : na
a03 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ADEL' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ARENA' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BINHO' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CIMSA' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ECILC' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FONET' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HLGYO' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KAPLM' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KRVGD' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MIPAZ' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PAGYO' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SAFKR' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TATEN' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:UNLU' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb3 : na
a04 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ADESE' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ARSAN' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIOEN' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CLEBI' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ECZYT' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FORMT' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HTTBT' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KAREL' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KSTUR' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MMCAS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PAMEL' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SAHOL' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TATGD' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:USAK' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb4 : na
a05 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ADGYO' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ARTMS' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIZIM' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CMBTN' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EDATA' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FORTE' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HUBVC' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KARSN' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KTLEV' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MNDRS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PAPIL' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SAMAT' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TAVHL' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:UZERB' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb5 : na
a06 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AEFES' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ARZUM' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIGCH' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CMENT' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EDIP' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FRIGO' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HUNER' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KARTN' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KTSKR' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MNDTR' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PARSN' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SANEL' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TBORG' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VAKBN' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb6 : na
a07 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AFYON' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ASELS' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIMAS' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CONSE' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EGEEN' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FROTO' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:HURGZ' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KARYE' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KUTPO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MOBTL' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PASEU' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SANFM' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TCELL' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VAKFN' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb7 : na
a08 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AGESA' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ASGYO' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BINHO' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:COSMO' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EGEPO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:FZLGY' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ICBCT' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KATMR' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KUVVA' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MOGAN' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PATEK' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SANKO' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TDGYO' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VAKKO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb8 : na
a09 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AGHOL' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ASTOR' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIOEN' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CRDFA' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EGGUB' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GARAN' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ICUGS' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KAYSE' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KUYAS' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MPARK' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PCILT' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SARKY' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TEKTU' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VANGD' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb9 : na
a10 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AGROT' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ASUZU' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BIZIM' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CRFSA' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EGPRO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GARFA' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IDGYO' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KBORU' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KZBGY' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MRGYO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PEHOL' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SASA' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TERA' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VBTYZ' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb10 : na
a11 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AGYO' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ATAGY' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BJKAS' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CUSAN' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EGSER' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GEDIK' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IEYHO' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KCAER' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:KZGYO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MRSHL' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PEKGY' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SAYAS' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TETMT' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VERTU' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb11 : na
a12 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AHGAZ' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ATAKP' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BLCYT' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CVKMD' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EKGYO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GEDZA' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IHAAS' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KCHOL' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LIDER' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MSGYO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PENGD' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SDTTR' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TEZOL' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VERUS' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb12 : na
a13 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKBNK' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ATATP' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BMSCH' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:CWENE' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EKIZ' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GENIL' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IHEVA' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KENT' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LIDFA' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MTRKS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PENTA' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SEGYO' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TGSAS' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VESBE' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb13 : na
a14 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKCNS' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ATEKS' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BMSTL' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DAGHL' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EKOS' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GENTS' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IHGZT' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KERVN' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LINK' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MTRYO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PETKM' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SEKFK' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:THYAO' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VESTL' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb14 : na
a15 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKENR' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ATLAS' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BNTAS' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DAGI' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EKSUN' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GEREL' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IHLAS' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KERVT' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LKMNH' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:MZHLD' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PETUN' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SEKUR' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TKFEN' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VKFYO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb15 : na
a16 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKFGY' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:ATSYH' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BOBET' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DAPGM' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ELITE' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GESAN' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IHLGM' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KFEIN' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LMKDC' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NATEN' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PGSUS' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SELEC' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TKNSA' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VKGYO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb16 : na
a17 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKFYE' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AVGYO' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BORLS' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DARDL' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EMKEL' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GIPTA' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IHYAY' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KGYO' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LOGO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NETAS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PINSU' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SELGD' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TLMAN' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VKING' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb17 : na
a18 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKGRT' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AVHOL' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BORSK' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DENGE' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EMNIS' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GLBMD' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IMASM' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KIMMR' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LRSHO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NIBAS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PKART' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SELVA' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TMPOL' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:VRGYO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb18 : na
a19 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKMGY' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AVOD' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BOSSA' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DERHL' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ENERY' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GLCVY' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:INDES' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLGYO' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:LUKSK' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NTGAZ' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PKENT' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SEYKM' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TMSN' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YAPRK' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb19 : na
a20 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKSA' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AVPGY' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRISA' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DERIM' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ENJSA' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GLRYH' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:INFO' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLKIM' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MAALT' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NTHOL' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PLTUR' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SILVR' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TNZTP' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YATAS' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb20 : na
a21 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKSEN' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AVTUR' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRKO' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DESA' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ENKAI' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GLYHO' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:INGRM' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLMSN' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MACKO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NUGYO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PNLSN' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SISE' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TOASO' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YAYLA' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb21 : na
a22 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKSGY' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AYCES' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRKSN' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DESPC' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ENSRI' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GMTAS' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:INTEM' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLNMA' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MAGEN' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:NUHCM' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PNSUT' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SKBNK' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TRCAS' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YBTAS' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb22 : na
a23 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKSUE' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AYDEM' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRKVY' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DEVA' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EPLAS' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GOKNR' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:INVEO' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLRHO' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MAKIM' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OBAMS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:POLHO' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SKTAS' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TRGYO' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YEOTK' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb23 : na
a24 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:AKYHO' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AYEN' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRLSM' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DGATE' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ERBOS' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GOLTS' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:INVES' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLSER' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MAKTK' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OBASE' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:POLTK' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SKYLP' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TRILC' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YESIL' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb24 : na
a25 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALARK' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AYES' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRMEN' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DGGYO' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ERCB' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GOODY' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IPEKE' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KLSYN' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MANAS' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:ODAS' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PRDGS' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SKYMD' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TSGYO' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YGGYO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb25 : na
a26 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALBRK' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AYGAZ' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRSAN' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DGNMO' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EREGL' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GOZDE' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISATR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KMPUR' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MARBL' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OFSYM' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PRKAB' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SMART' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TSKB' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YGYO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb26 : na
a27 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALCAR' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:AZTEK' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BRYAT' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DIRIT' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ERSU' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GRNYO' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISBIR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KNFRT' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MARKA' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:ONCSM' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PRKME' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SMRTG' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TSPOR' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YKBNK' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb27 : na
a28 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALCTL' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BAGFS' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BSOKE' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DITAS' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ESCAR' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GRSEL' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISBTR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KONKA' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MARTI' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:ORCAY' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PRZMA' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SNGYO' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TTKOM' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YKSLN' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb28 : na
a29 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALFAS' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BAKAB' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BTCIM' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DMRGD' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ESCOM' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GRTRK' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISCTR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KONTR' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MAVI' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:ORGE' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PSDTC' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SNICA' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TTRAK' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YONGA' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb29 : na
a30 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALGYO' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BALAT' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BUCIM' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DMSAS' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ESEN' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GSDDE' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISDMR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KONYA' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MEDTR' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:ORMA' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:PSGYO' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SNKRN' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TUCLK' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YUNSA' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb30 : na
a31 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALKA' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BANVT' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BURCE' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DNISI' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ETILR' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GSDHO' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISFIN' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KOPOL' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MEGAP' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OSMEN' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:QNBFB' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SNPAM' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TUKAS' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YYAPI' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb31 : na
a32 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALKIM' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BARMA' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BURVA' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOAS' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:ETYAT' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GSRAY' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISGSY' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KORDS' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MEGMT' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OSTIM' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:QNBFL' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SODSN' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TUPRS' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:YYLGD' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb32 : na
a33 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALMAD' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BASCM' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BVSAN' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOBUR' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EUHOL' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GUBRF' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISGYO' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KOZAA' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MEKAG' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OTKAR' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:QUAGR' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SOKE' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TUREX' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:ZEDUR' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb33 : na
a34 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALTIN' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BASGZ' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:BYDNR' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOCO' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EUKYO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GWIND' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISKPL' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KOZAL' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MEPET' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OTTO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:RALYH' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SOKM' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TURGG' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:ZOREN' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb34 : na
a35 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ALVES' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BAYRK' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:CANTE' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOFER' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EUPWR' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:GZNMI' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISKUR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KRDMA' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MERCN' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OYAKC' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:RAYSG' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SONME' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:TURSG' : grupSec == '14' ? 'BIST:ZRGYO' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb35 : na
a36 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ANELE' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BEGYO' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:CASA' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOGUB' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EUREN' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:HALKB' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISMEN' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KRDMB' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MERIT' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OYAYO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:REEDR' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SRVGY' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:UFUK' : grupSec == '14' ? '' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb36 : na
a37 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ANGEN' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BERA' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:CATES' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOHOL' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EUYO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:HATEK' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:ISSEN' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KRDMD' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MERKO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OYLUM' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:RNPOL' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SUMAS' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:ULAS' : grupSec == '14' ? '' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb37 : na
a38 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ANHYT' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BEYAZ' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:CCOLA' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DOKTA' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:EYGYO' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:HATSN' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IZENR' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KRGYO' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:METRO' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OYYAT' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:RODRG' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SUNTK' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:ULKER' : grupSec == '14' ? '' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb38 : na
a39 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ANSGR' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BFREN' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:CELHA' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DURDO' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:FADE' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:HDFGS' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IZFAS' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KRONT' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:METUR' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OZGYO' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:RTALB' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SURGY' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:ULUFA' : grupSec == '14' ? '' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb39 : na
a40 = grupSec == '1' ? 'BIST:ARASE' : grupSec == '2' ? 'BIST:BIENY' : grupSec == '3' ? 'BIST:CEMAS' : grupSec == '4' ? 'BIST:DYOBY' : grupSec == '5' ? 'BIST:FENER' : grupSec == '6' ? 'BIST:HEDEF' : grupSec == '7' ? 'BIST:IZINV' : grupSec == '8' ? 'BIST:KRPLS' : grupSec == '9' ? 'BIST:MGROS' : grupSec == '10' ? 'BIST:OZKGY' : grupSec == '11' ? 'BIST:RUBNS' : grupSec == '12' ? 'BIST:SUWEN' : grupSec == '13' ? 'BIST:ULUSE' : grupSec == '14' ? '' : grupSec == 'ÖZEL LİSTE' ? sb40 : na

[v1,s155] = request.security(a01, per, func())
[v2,s255] = request.security(a02, per, func())
[v3,s355] = request.security(a03, per, func())
[v4,s455] = request.security(a04, per, func())
[v5,s555] = request.security(a05, per, func())
[v6,s655] = request.security(a06, per, func())
[v7,s755] = request.security(a07, per, func())
[v8,s855] = request.security(a08, per, func())
[v9,s955] = request.security(a09, per, func())
[v10,s10] = request.security(a10, per, func())
[v11,s11] = request.security(a11, per, func())
[v12,s12] = request.security(a12, per, func())
[v13,s13] = request.security(a13, per, func())
[v14,s14] = request.security(a14, per, func())
[v15,s15] = request.security(a15, per, func())
[v16,s16] = request.security(a16, per, func())
[v17,s17] = request.security(a17, per, func())
[v18,s18] = request.security(a18, per, func())
[v19,s19] = request.security(a19, per, func())
[v20,s20] = request.security(a20, per, func())
[v21,s21] = request.security(a21, per, func())
[v22,s22] = request.security(a22, per, func())
[v23,s23] = request.security(a23, per, func())
[v24,s24] = request.security(a24, per, func())
[v25,s25] = request.security(a25, per, func())
[v26,s26] = request.security(a26, per, func())
[v27,s27] = request.security(a27, per, func())
[v28,s28] = request.security(a28, per, func())
[v29,s29] = request.security(a29, per, func())
[v30,s30] = request.security(a30, per, func())
[v31,s31] = request.security(a31, per, func())
[v32,s32] = request.security(a32, per, func())
[v33,s33] = request.security(a33, per, func())
[v34,s34] = request.security(a34, per, func())
[v35,s35] = request.security(a35, per, func())
[v36,s36] = request.security(a36, per, func())
[v37,s37] = request.security(a37, per, func())
[v38,s38] = request.security(a38, per, func())
[v39,s39] = request.security(a39, per, func())
[v40,s40] = request.security(a40, per, func())

roundn(x, n) =>
    mult = 1
    if n != 0
        for i = 1 to math.abs(n) by 1
            mult *= 10

    n >= 0 ? math.round(x * mult) / mult : math.round(x / mult) * mult

scr_label = 'Pozitif Uyumsuzluk\n'
scr_label := s155 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a01) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v1, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s255 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a02) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v2, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s355 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a03) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v3, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s455 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a04) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v4, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s555 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a05) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v5, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s655 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a06) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v6, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s755 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a07) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v7, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s855 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a08) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v8, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s955 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a09) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v9, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s10 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a10) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v10, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s11 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a11) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v11, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s12 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a12) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v12, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s13 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a13) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v13, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s14 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a14) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v14, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s15 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a15) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v15, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s16 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a16) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v16, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s17 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a17) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v17, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s18 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a18) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v18, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s19 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a19) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v19, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s20 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a20) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v20, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s21 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a21) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v21, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s22 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a22) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v22, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s23 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a23) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v23, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s24 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a24) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v24, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s25 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a25) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v25, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s26 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a26) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v26, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s27 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a27) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v27, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s28 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a28) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v28, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s29 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a29) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v29, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s30 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a30) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v30, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s31 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a31) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v31, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s32 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a32) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v32, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s33 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a33) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v33, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s34 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a34) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v34, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s35 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a35) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v35, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s36 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a36) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v36, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s37 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a37) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v37, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s38 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a38) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v38, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s39 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a39) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v39, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label
scr_label := s40 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a40) + ' ' + str.tostring(roundn(v40, 2)) + '\n' : scr_label

var panel = table.new(position = position.middle_right,columns = 10,rows = 10,bgcolor = color.green,frame_color = color.black,border_color = color.red)

if barstate.islast
    table.cell(panel,0,0,text = str.tostring(scr_label))
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