Скрипт для рисования границ для таблиц в док файле, одновременно с парсингом полей и дублирования их описания в других поляхunknown
a year ago
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from docx import Document from docx.oxml import OxmlElement from docx.oxml.ns import qn def set_table_borders(table, size, color): for row in table.rows: for cell in row.cells: tcPr = cell._element.tcPr tc_borders = tcPr.xpath('./*[local-name()="tcBorders"]')[0] if tcPr.xpath( './*[local-name()="tcBorders"]') else OxmlElement("w:tcBorders") for border_element in ["top", "left", "bottom", "right"]: border = tc_borders.xpath(f'./*[local-name()="{border_element}"]')[0] if tc_borders.xpath( f'./*[local-name()="{border_element}"]') else OxmlElement("w:" + border_element) border.set(qn("w:val"), "single") border.set(qn("w:sz"), str(size)) border.set(qn("w:color"), color) tc_borders.append(border) if not tcPr.xpath('./*[local-name()="tcBorders"]'): tcPr.append(tc_borders) def fill_empty_descriptions(doc): descriptions = {} # Collect descriptions from all tables for table in doc.tables: for row in table.rows: id_cell = row.cells[0] id_text = id_cell.text.strip() description_cell = row.cells[3] description_text = description_cell.text.strip() if id_text and description_text: descriptions[id_text] = description_text # Fill empty descriptions in all tables for table in doc.tables: for row in table.rows: id_cell = row.cells[0] id_text = id_cell.text.strip() description_cell = row.cells[3] description_text = description_cell.text.strip() if id_text and not description_text: if id_text in descriptions: description_cell.text = descriptions[id_text] def main(): # Load the .docx file doc = Document("какое то название.docx") # Define the border size and color border_size = 10 # Border size in twips (1 point = 20 twips, so 0.5 points = 10 twips) border_color = "000000" # Black color in RGB hex format # Iterate through all the tables and set the borders for table in doc.tables: set_table_borders(table, border_size, border_color) # Fill empty descriptions based on the IDs fill_empty_descriptions(doc) # Save the modified .docx file doc.save("output.docx") if __name__ == "__main__": main()