allowed_channels(1015260651943383111, 1203433141205733376, error_message="Execute the command in the channel: <#1015260651943383111>") if server_var("riddle_game") == "True": set_error(f"❌ {user.mention}, A game is already in progress") else: update_server_var("riddle_game", "True") RIDDLES_TOTAL = 15 MAX_PASS = 3 MAX_ATT = 3 TIMEOUT = 60 THRESHOLD = 75 CORRECT_MSG = "✅ Correct answer! Next riddle:" INCORRECT_MSG = "❌ Incorrect answer. Try again! Remaining attempts: `{}`" PASS_MSG = "🔄 Riddle skipped. Next one:" PASS_WARN_MSG = "⚠️ No more passes available or it's the last riddle." END_TIMEOUT_MSG = f"⏰ Time's up, {user.mention}. **GAME OVER.**" END_MAX_ATT_MSG = f"❌ Maximum attempts reached (`{MAX_ATT}`). **GAME OVER.**" END_CONGRATS_MSG = "## 🎉 Congratulations! You've completed the game!" db = load_database("clz8durud000kdvyvjsrhhuze") riddles = db.find(where={"theme": theme}) riddles = pyrandom.sample(riddles, RIDDLES_TOTAL) if len(riddles) >= RIDDLES_TOTAL else riddles
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