Yes, i mentioned “good changes were made” but not emphasis that “you can’t deny me”. I never expressed any attitude like “you can’t deny me.” Instead, I repeatedly emphasized that purely verbal feedback is vague, and I need visual references for discussions. This is because I deeply understand how cultural differences and the inherent ambiguity of text can make simple feedback insufficient to drive improvement. That’s why I’ve stressed multiple times that I hope everyone can provide more specific references, such as pictures of leg widths or proportions that you think are appropriate. It’s like if you were to describe your appearance purely in text—it would be very hard for me to draw the most accurate portrait you have in mind. Most artists I know won’t accept character design commissions based solely on text descriptions, as such projects require significant revisions and confirmations to satisfy the client. I’m not an AI that can quickly produce every result everyone imagines in bulk. This is precisely why I need more intuitive and specific references so I can better understand your needs, rather than trying to guess out of thin air. This situation is frustrating because, without clear feedback, it’s hard to make targeted improvements. 新的 [22:42] Why not revert to the previous version? There was a lot of information in yesterday’s discussion, with several people asking questions simultaneously. English is not my native language, and I rely on translation software to respond, which makes it difficult for me to answer every question quickly. At the time, I thought this feedback wasn’t very important, so I responded casually. The V2 version was released so quickly within a month because I dedicated an immense amount of time and effort to it—processing nearly 24,000 images not includive of coding. This meant almost all my personal time was spent on this work; aside from eating and sleeping, I was continuously optimizing and adjusting images. And all this was done without any form of compensation. Reverting to the previous version would mean overturning all the work I’ve done in the past month, which would result in a huge waste of time, with no one to compensate me for that month’s effort. For requests like “revert to the previous version,” I can only say that it’s unrealistic. Improvements can only continue based on the current version. However, when I asked follow-up questions like “Which body type specifically has issues with the feet?” no one responded. Instead, people simply upvoted comments under the thread, which left me disappointed. It made me wonder whether you wanted to solve the issue or were just venting emotions. 新的 [22:42] Why did I close Discord’s feature suggestion channel and move it to GitHub Issues? In the early stages of the project, there were lesser feature suggestions, so I could spare the time to fulfill them. However, as suggestions increased, they far exceeded my personal capacity. Suggestions made on Discord were often unstructured and disorganized. Some suggestions were casual and vague, sometimes just a few words. And I actually didn’t delete the feature suggestion channel—I just hid it because it’s no longer the primary feedback channel. I still process the requests in that channel when I have free time. 新的 [22:42] Why did the user survey only target female-oriented areas instead of mixed-user areas or the "most users area"? First, this mod initially gained popularity in female-oriented areas. From its first release to subsequent updates, the majority of users have been from these areas, and most of the feedback and suggestions I’ve received come from there. In contrast, I once made a deliberate effort to visit every public room in mixed-user areas, only to find that the number of users who had installed this mod could be counted on one hand. It’s clear that mixed-user areas have far less demand or acceptance for this mod, making their influence on survey results minimal. 新的 [22:42] Secondly, in terms of user scale, the number of users in female-oriented areas far exceeds that of mixed-user areas. Almost everyone in the female areas has installed this mod. Given this, I chose to focus my survey resources on the most impactful and widespread user group, which I consider the most logical approach. For me, mixed-user areas are more like a small niche that cannot represent mainstream user needs. 新的 [22:42] Is comparing real images not really workable? It’s not entirely without value! What’s more important is that I need you to provide specific references for legs or proportions that you consider “good” so I can make more precise adjustments. Purely verbal descriptions are often too abstract to capture your actual needs. Visual references are far more effective and intuitive for reaching consensus. 新的 [22:42] Issues with male assets. BC doesn’t include complete male leg assets; they’re essentially an unfinished product. Modifying such assets carries significant risks, as it could lead to poor results or compatibility issues. Therefore, adjustments to male assets are of very low priority. I hope everyone can understand! 新的 [22:42] Adding an "optional body replacement" button? This is not feasible! Retaining the previous body version would significantly increase the time and effort required to develop new assets and maintain existing ones. This would double the workload, especially for new assets, with no tangible benefits. My personal time is extremely limited, and I can’t support such a high-cost option. 新的 [22:42] Final Words Negative comments will not pressure or stressed me. On the contrary, the most relaxing scenario for me would be if nobody used this mod so that I wouldn’t need to consider any feedback or restrictions and could freely add whatever I wanted. That would be the most liberating and comfortable situation for me. Thank you for reading this long message!
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