
2 months ago
11 kB
from random import randrange as rr

#test map - 'p' is start position
shuffle = [
' ',' ',' ',
map = [

map0 = [

class ProcGen:
	def __init__(self, map):
		self.map = map.copy()
		self.mapx = int(len(map[0]))-1
		self.mapy = int(len(map))-1
		self.lvl = 1
		self.mechanics = {
			'turn':0, #0lt, 1rt, 2up, 3dn
		self.lvlpos = list()
		self.count = 0
		self.rocount = 0
		self.ropos = dict()
		self.times = 0
		self.corridors = list()
		self.chests = list()
	def Reset(self):
		self.times = 0
		self.count = 0
		self.rocount = 0
		self.ropos = dict()
		self.lvlpos = list()
		self.corridors = list()
	def Randomize(self):
		for i in range(0,rr(25,65)):
			self.mechanics['turn'] = rr(0,2)
			if self.mechanics['turn'] in [0,1]:
				self.mechanics['step'] = rr(1,4)
			if self.mechanics['turn'] in [0,1]:
				self.mechanics['step'] = rr(3,9)
		self.map[self.mechanics['lvy']] = self.map[self.mechanics['lvy']][:self.mechanics['lvx']] + '9' + self.map[self.mechanics['lvy']][self.mechanics['lvx']+1:]
	def Position(self, sec=0):
		# column and items in column
		for i, ii in enumerate(self.map):
			#row and items in row
			for j, jj in enumerate(ii):
				#if item in row is 'p' - starting position
				if jj == '1' and sec == 0:
					self.mechanics['posx'] = j
					self.mechanics['posy'] = i
				elif sec == 1:
					if jj == ' ' and self.times == 0:	
						self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j] + 'p' + self.map[i][j+1:]
						self.times = 1
					elif jj == ' ':
						if self.lvl % 5 != 0:
							self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j] + f'{shuffle[rr(0,len(shuffle))]}' + self.map[i][j+1:]
						elif self.lvl % 5 in [3,4]:
							self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j] + f'{shuffle[rr(0,len(shuffle))]}' + self.map[i][j+1:]
						elif self.lvl % 5 == 0:
							self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j] + f'{shuffle[rr(0,len(shuffle))]}' + self.map[i][j+1:]
				if jj == ' ' and sec == 2:
					self.mechanics['lvx'] = j
					self.mechanics['lvy'] = i
					if sec == 3:
						#big room
						if self.map[i][:j] + '00000' + self.map[i][j+5:] == self.map[i]:
							if self.map[i+1][:j] + '00000' + self.map[i+1][j+5:] == self.map[i+1]:
								if self.map[i+2][:j] + '00000' + self.map[i+2][j+5:] == self.map[i+2]:
									if self.map[i+3][:j] + '00000' + self.map[i+3][j+5:] == self.map[i+3]:		
										if self.map[i+4][:j] + '00000' + self.map[i+4][j+5:] == self.map[i+4]:
											if self.map[i+2 or i+1 or i+3][j+5] not in '90':
												self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+1][j+4:]
												self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+2][j+4:]
												self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+3][j+4:]
												if self.map[i+2][j+5] not in '90':
													self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+4] + '(' + self.map[i+2][j+5:]
												elif self.map[i+1][j+5] not in '90':
													self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+4] + '(' + self.map[i+1][j+5:]
												elif self.map[i+3][j+5] not in '90':
													self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+4] + '(' + self.map[i+3][j+5:]
												self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+2,j+2
												self.rocount += 1
											elif self.map[i+2 or i+1 or i+3][j-1] not in '90':
												self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+1][j+4:]
												self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+2][j+4:]
												self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+3][j+4:]
												if self.map[i+2][j-1] not in '90':
													self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j] + '(' + self.map[i+2][j+1:]
												elif self.map[i+1][j-1] not in '90':
													self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j] + '(' + self.map[i+1][j+1:]
												elif self.map[i+3][j-1] not in '90':
													self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j] + '(' + self.map[i+3][j+1:]
												self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+2,j+2
												self.rocount += 1
											elif self.map[i-1][j+2 or j+1 or j+3] not in '90':	
												self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+1][j+4:]
												self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+2][j+4:]
												self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+3][j+4:]
												if self.map[i-1][j+2] not in '90':
													self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j+2] + '(' + self.map[i][j+3:]
												elif self.map[i-1][j+1] not in '90':
													self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j+1] + '(' + self.map[i][j+2:]
												elif self.map[i-1][j+3] not in '90':
													self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j+3] + '(' + self.map[i][j+4:]
												self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+2,j+2
												self.rocount += 1
											elif self.map[i+5][j+2 or j+1 or j+3] not in '90':	
												self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+1][j+4:]
												self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+2][j+4:]
												self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+1] + '.'*3 + self.map[i+3][j+4:]
												if self.map[i+5][j+2] not in '90':
													self.map[i+4] = self.map[i+4][:j+2] + '(' + self.map[i+4][j+3:]
												elif self.map[i+5][j+1] not in '90':
													self.map[i+4] = self.map[i+4][:j+1] + '(' + self.map[i+4][j+2:]
												elif self.map[i+5][j+3] not in '90':
													self.map[i+4] = self.map[i+4][:j+3] + '(' + self.map[i+4][j+4:]
												self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+2,j+2
												self.rocount += 1
						#small room
						if self.map[i][:j] + '0000' + self.map[i][j+4:] == self.map[i]:
							if self.map[i+1][:j] + '0000'+ self.map[i+1][j+4:] == self.map[i+1]:
								if self.map[i+2][:j] + '0000' + self.map[i+2][j+4:] == self.map[i+2]:
									if self.map[i+3][:j] + '0000' + self.map[i+3][j+4:] == self.map[i+3]:
										if self.map[i+1 or i+2][j+4] not in '90':	
											self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+1][j+3:]
											self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+2][j+3:]
											if self.map[i+2][j+4] not in '90':
												self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+3] + '(' + self.map[i+2][j+4:]
											elif self.map[i+1][j+4] not in '90':
												self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+3] + '(' + self.map[i+1][j+4:]
											self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+1,j+1
											self.rocount += 1
										elif self.map[i+1 or i+2][j-1] not in '90':
											self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+1][j+3:]
											self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+2][j+3:]
											if self.map[i+1][j-1] not in '90':
												self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j] + '(' + self.map[i+1][j+1:]
											elif self.map[i+2][j-1] not in '90':
												self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j] + '(' + self.map[i+2][j+1:]	
											self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+1,j+1
											self.rocount += 1
										elif self.map[i-1][j+1 or j+2] not in '90':
											self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+1][j+3:]
											self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+2][j+3:]
											if self.map[i-1][j+1] not in '90':
												self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j+1] + '(' + self.map[i][j+2:]
											elif self.map[i][j+2] not in '90':
												self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j+2] + '(' + self.map[i][j+3:]
											self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+1,j+1
											self.rocount += 1
										elif self.map[i+4][j+1 or j+2] not in '90':	
											self.map[i+1] = self.map[i+1][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+1][j+3:]
											self.map[i+2] = self.map[i+2][:j+1] + '.'*2 + self.map[i+2][j+3:]
											if self.map[i+4][j+1] not in '90':
												self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+1] + '(' + self.map[i+3][j+2:]
											elif self.map[i+4][j+2] not in '90':
												self.map[i+3] = self.map[i+3][:j+2] + '(' + self.map[i+3][j+3:]
											self.ropos[self.rocount] = i+1,j+1
											self.rocount += 1
				except IndexError:

	def Generate(self, j, i, t, s):
		for it in range(s):
			if self.count == 0:
				if t == 0 and j - s >= 1: #left
					self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j-s+1] + ' '*s + self.map[i][j+1:]
					self.mechanics['posx'] = j-s+1
					self.mechanics['posy'] = i
				elif t == 1 and j + s <= self.mapx:
					self.map[i] = self.map[i][:j] + ' '*s + self.map[i][j+s:]
					self.mechanics['posx'] = j+s-1
					self.mechanics['posy'] = i
			if self.count == 1:
				if t == 0 and i - s >= 1: # up
					self.map[i-it] = self.map[i-it][:j] + ' ' + self.map[i+-it][j+1:]
					self.mechanics['posx'] = j
					self.mechanics['posy'] = i-it
				elif t == 1 and i + s <= self.mapy:
					self.map[i+it] = self.map[i+it][:j] + ' ' + self.map[i+it][j+1:]
					self.mechanics['posx'] = j
					self.mechanics['posy'] = i+it
		self.count += 1
		if self.count >= 2:
			self.count = 0

a = ProcGen(map)
for i in range(50):	
	for i in a.map:
	a.map = map.copy()
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