2 years ago
2.9 kB
if (!content) { return } var info = JSON.parse(content) var currency = info.currency var amount = info.amount var hash = info.hash //convert from Crypto to BTC var amo = CurrencyQuote.convert({ amount: amount, from: currency, to: "BTC" }) var totalinvest = Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherChatRes("totaldepo", "global") var balance = Libs.ResourcesLib.userRes("balance") var active = Libs.ResourcesLib.userRes("ai") var history = User.getProperty("depohistory") var time = Libs.DateTimeFormat.format(new Date(), "dd/m/yyyy h:M:s T") + "M" var wallet = User.getProperty("walleta") var tronp = User.getProperty("tronp2") if (amo >= 0.1 && amo <= 349) { var ret = amo * 1.35 Bot.sendMessage(`*ā New Investment Started in Bot* š Total Investment Duration: 24 Hours, for a 135% _š Get paid on Every 24 Hours_ ā±* Payment* 135% every 24 Hours š“ *Invested Amount*: ${amo} TRX š§®* Expected Return*: ${ret} TRX`) Api.sendMessage({ chat_id: "@lkghfc", text: `šŖ *NEW ${currency} DEPOSIT RECEIVED* šŖ š¤ ${user.first_name} š ${user.telegramid} āØ Amount ${amo} ${currency} ā Transaction id [${txn_id}](https://api.jobians.top/tx/?c=${currency}&h=${txn_id}) INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND GET 0.1 TRX š`, parse_mode: "Markdown", disable_web_page_preview: true }) totalinvest.add(+amo) balance.add(-amo) active.add(+amo) Bot.run({ command: "/sendpro2", run_after: 1 * 60 * 60 * 24, options: { amount: amo } }) let refUser = Libs.ReferralLib.currentUser.attractedByUser() if (refUser) { var balanceref = Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherUserRes( "balance", refUser.telegramid ) var affiliate = Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherUserRes( "affiliate", refUser.telegramid ) var tdeposit = Libs.ResourcesLib.anotherUserRes( "affiliated", refUser.telegramid ) var affbo = amo / 15 balanceref.add(+affbo) affiliate.add(+affbo) tdeposit.add(+amo) Bot.sendMessageToChatWithId( refUser.chatId, "š¦" + affbo.toFixed(4) + " TRX Received from referral deposit: " + "[" + user.first_name + "]" + "(" + "tg://user?id=" + user.telegramid + ")" ) } if (history == undefined) { var newh = "\n\n*Your Deposit*: " + amo + " TRX\nā [Transaction Hash](https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/" + txn_id + ")\nš„* Investment Started* : " + time User.setProperty("depohistory", newh, "string") } else { var nwh = "\n\n *Your Deposit*: " + amo + " TRX\nā [Transaction Hash](https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/" + txn_id + ")\nš„* Investment Started* : " + time var toal = nwh + history User.setProperty("depohistory", toal, "string") } }