7 months ago
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import 'dart:developer'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:self_science_station/model/metric_model.dart'; import 'package:self_science_station/model/sensor_model.dart'; import 'package:self_science_station/sensor/sensorInstance.dart'; import 'package:self_science_station/utils/utils.dart'; import 'package:self_science_station/sensor/polar_api.dart'; import 'package:polar/polar.dart'; // TODO create a custom type that has fields: // - SensorTypeModel // - SensorState // - Function handlers for state machine /* State Machine (TODO create Figma flow chart for this for reference) * disconnected * * * */ class SensorProvider extends ChangeNotifier { // The list storing all the child instances final List<SensorInstance> sensorInstances = []; final List<SensorTypeModel> _sensorTypes = []; // List of the physical sensors we've found from scanning // Indexed by their the sensor type ID final Map<String, List<String>> physicalSensors = {}; final Map<SensorTypeModel, dynamic> registeredScanSubscription = {}; // // Lists of the Sensor Model details -- no need for this i believe // final List<SensorInstanceModel> _sensorInstances = []; // Constructor (without subclass-instance creation) SensorProvider(); List<SensorTypeModel> getAllSensorTypes() => _sensorTypes; SensorTypeModel? getSensorType(String sensorTypeID) => _sensorTypes.where((s) => s.id == sensorTypeID).firstOrNull; // TODO set third party respondent ID for current user SensorInstance getSensorFromType(String sensorTypeID) => //_sensorTypes.firstWhere((s) => s.id == sensorTypeID); sensorInstances.firstWhere((s) => s.getTypeModel().id == sensorTypeID); SensorInstance? getSensorFromInstanceID(String sensorInstanceID) => sensorInstances .where((s) => s.getSensorInstance().id == sensorInstanceID) .firstOrNull; SensorInstance? getSensorFromInstanceDeviceID( String sensorInstanceDeviceID) => sensorInstances .where( (s) => s.getSensorInstance().deviceID == sensorInstanceDeviceID) .firstOrNull; List<SensorInstance> getAllSensorsOfType(String sensorTypeID) => sensorInstances .where((s) => s.getTypeModel().id == sensorTypeID) .toList(); // Gets you a sensor for a given type that is recording SensorInstance? getCurrentlyRecordingSensorOfType(String sensorTypeID) => sensorInstances .where((s) => s.getTypeModel().id == sensorTypeID && (s.sState == SensorState.connected_acquiring || s.sState == SensorState.disconnected_acquiring)) .firstOrNull; List<MetricModel> getMetricsFromSensorTypeIDs(List<String> sensorIDs) { final metrics = <MetricModel>[]; for (final sensorID in sensorIDs) { final sensorInstance = sensorInstances.firstWhere((s) => s.getTypeModel().id == sensorID); final sensorType = sensorInstance.getTypeModel(); for (final metric in sensorType.canRecord) { // Only add if we don't already have it if (!metrics.any((m) => m.id == metric.id)) { metrics.add(metric); } } } return metrics; } void updateEverything() { notifyListeners(); } void resetEverything() { _sensorTypes.clear(); physicalSensors.clear(); for (final sub in registeredScanSubscription.values) { sub?.cancel(); } registeredScanSubscription.clear(); sensorInstances.clear(); notifyListeners(); } // will get the sensor types from the backend void setSensors(List<dynamic> sensors) { for (final sensor in sensors) { // TODO: do we even need to retrieve sensor instances on client side? -- I think so, for the sensors that connects to the edge-device (client?) try { final sensorType = SensorTypeModel.fromMap(sensor['sensors_id']['model']); final sensorDevice = SensorInstanceModel.fromMap(sensor['sensors_id']); if (_sensorTypes.any((s) => s.id == sensorType.id)) { // Find the study in the list and remove it _sensorTypes.removeWhere((s) => s.id == sensorType.id); } _sensorTypes.add(sensorType); final sensorInst = SensorInstance.create(this, sensorDevice, sensorType); // Register scan function to keep track of sensors we've physically encountered if (!registeredScanSubscription.containsKey(sensorType)) { registeredScanSubscription[sensorType] = sensorInst.scanForSensor((deviceID) { log('Device of type ${sensorType.id} found from scan: $deviceID'); if (physicalSensors[sensorType.id] == null || !physicalSensors[sensorType.id]!.contains(deviceID) && sensorInstances.any( (s) => s.getSensorInstance().deviceID == deviceID)) { physicalSensors[sensorType.id] = [ ...?physicalSensors[sensorType.id], deviceID ]; } notifyListeners(); }); } // Create sensor instance and add to list of sensor instances sensorInstances.add(sensorInst); } catch (e) { log('Error parsing sensor: ${e.toString()}'); } } notifyListeners(); } // // A method to add a child instance to the list // static void addSensorInstanceToList(SensorInstance sensor) { // sensorInstances.add(sensor); // } }
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