2 years ago
5.2 kB
import json import ast import re def fromJsonToField(input, className): fields = '' keys = input.keys() for key in keys: if type(input[key]) == type(""): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): varName = toCamel(key) fields += '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final String? {},\n'.format(key, varName) else: varName = toCamel(key) fields += 'final String? ' + toCamel(key) + ',\n' elif type(input[key]) == type(1): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): fields += '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final int? {} ,\n'.format(key, toCamel(key)) else: fields += 'final int? ' + toCamel(key) + ',\n' elif type(input[key]) == type(1.0): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): fields += '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final double? {} ,\n'.format(key, toCamel(key)) else: fields += 'final double? ' + toCamel(key) + ',\n' elif type(input[key]) == type(True): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): fields += '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final bool? {} ,\n'.format(key, toCamel(key)) else: fields += 'final bool? ' + toCamel(key) + ',\n' elif type(input[key]) == type({}): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): fields += '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final {}? {},\n'.format(key, toCamel(key).title(), toCamel(key)) fromJsonToField(input[key], toCamel(key).title()) else: fields += 'final {}? {},\n'.format( toCamel(key).title(), toCamel(key)) fromJsonToField(input[key], key.title()) elif type(input[key] == type([])): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): fields += '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final List<{}>? {},\n'.format( key, toCamel(key).title(), toCamel(key)) fromJsonToField(ast.literal_eval( str(list(input[key])[0])), toCamel(key).title()) else: fields += 'final List<{}>? {},\n'.format( toCamel(key).title(), toCamel(key)) fromJsonToField(ast.literal_eval( str(list(input[key])[0])), toCamel(key).title()) print(template.replace('{className}', className).replace( '{field}', fields.replace('"$', '"\\$'))) template = """ @freezed class {className} with _${className} { const factory {className}({ {field} }) = _{className}; factory {className}.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _${className}FromJson(json); } """ def toCamel(snake_str): components = snake_str.split('_') # We capitalize the first letter of each component except the first one # with the 'title' method and join them together. if components[0] != '': x = components[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in components[1:]) else: x = components[1] + ''.join(x.title() for x in components[2:]) i = 0 while (x[i] == '$'): i+=1 return x[i:] def toSnake (camel_input): words = re.findall(r'[A-Z]?[a-z]+|[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z]|\d|\W|$)|\d+', camel_input) return '_'.join(map(str.lower, words)) def getFieldName(key, type): if ('_' in str(key) or str(key).startswith('$')): return '@JsonKey(name: "{}") final {} {},\n'.format(key, key, key) else: return 'final {} {},\n'.format(key, key) jsonString = """ { "notification": { "title": "Tạo nhóm chat", "body": "Nhóm chat vhhhvvvhhvv đã được tạo bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tùng. Thời gian: 09:11 01/06/2022" }, "data": { "rocketchat_room_id": "XDob5P2To5S2BEmt4", "groupId": "118" }, "collapse_key": "", "message_id": "0:1654049487363689%9e13a9ca9e13a9ca", "sent_time": 1654049487340, "from": "506562643544", "ttl": 2419200 } """.replace("true", "True").replace("false", "False") if __name__ == '__main__': # # print(baseJson) # # print(baseJson.keys()) className = "NotificationModel" baseJson = ast.literal_eval(jsonString) print("import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';") print("part '{}.freezed.dart';".format(toSnake(className)) ) print("part '{}.g.dart';".format(toSnake(className))) fromJsonToField(baseJson, className) # print(ast.literal_eval('''{'_id': 'azS4jsNHGsB7wcpjY', 't': 'ru', 'rid': 'c4K9WSMxQWXrKJ22e', 'ts': {'$date': 1652860408908}, 'msg': '', 'u': {'_id': '5GnTy6hDwXBZwMF4N', 'username': '', 'name': 'Nguyễn Thanh Tùng'}, 'groupable': False, 'unread': True, '_updatedAt': {'date': 1652860408908}}'''))