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/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2017 Politecnico di Torino and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *******************************************************************************/ package it.polito.verefoo.solver; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.microsoft.z3.BoolExpr; import com.microsoft.z3.Context; import com.microsoft.z3.Model; import com.microsoft.z3.Optimize; import com.microsoft.z3.Params; import com.microsoft.z3.Status; import it.polito.verefoo.allocation.AllocationNode; import it.polito.verefoo.graph.Flow; import it.polito.verefoo.graph.SecurityRequirement; import it.polito.verefoo.utils.VerificationResult; /** * Various checks for specific properties in the network. * * */ public class Checker { public enum Prop { ISOLATION,REACHABILITY,OWASP } Context ctx; NetContext nctx; Optimize solver; public BoolExpr[] assertions={}; public Status result; public Model model; private HashMap<String, AllocationNode> allocationNodes; private List<BoolExpr> constraintList; private long timeChecker; /** * Public constructor of Checker class * @param context it is the z3 context where assertions must be introduced into * @param nctx it is the NetContext which stores basic z3 variables * @param allocationNodes it is the map of allocation nodes of the Allocation Graph */ public Checker(Context context, NetContext nctx, HashMap<String,AllocationNode> allocationNodes) { this.ctx = context; this.nctx = nctx; this.allocationNodes = allocationNodes; this.solver = ctx.mkOptimize(); this.constraintList =new ArrayList<BoolExpr>(); // initial parameters Params p = ctx.mkParams(); p.add("maxsat_engine", ctx.mkSymbol("wmax")); p.add("maxres.wmax", true ); p.add("timeout", 1800000); solver.setParameters(p); } /** * Thus method adds hard and soft constraints in the solver */ public void addConstraints() { allocationNodes.values().forEach(node->node.addConstraints(solver)); constraintList.forEach(boolExpr->this.solver.Add(boolExpr)); nctx.addConstraints(solver); } /** * This method starts the z3 solver to solve the MaxSMT problem * @return */ public VerificationResult propertyCheck(){ solver.Push(); addConstraints(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); result = this.solver.Check(); long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime; timeChecker = elapsedTime; System.out.println("single checker time " +timeChecker); model = (result == Status.SATISFIABLE) ? this.solver.getModel() : null; logAssertions(); solver.Pop(); return new VerificationResult(ctx, result, nctx, assertions, model); } public long getTimeChecker() { return timeChecker; } public void setTimeChecker(long timeChecker) { this.timeChecker = timeChecker; } /** * This method prints the assertions of the z3 model in the log. * old versions of z3 did not provide solver.getAssertions() method * so if you want to use, it has to be commented */ private void logAssertions() { /* Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger("assertions"); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); assertions = solver.getAssertions(); Arrays.asList(assertions).forEach(t-> stringWriter.append(t+"\n\n")); if(model!=null){ logger.debug("---------- Assertions: "+assertions.length); } */ } /** * This method generates the constraints for a OWASP constraint * @param sr It is the requirement that must be modeled in z3 language */ public void createOwaspConstraint(SecurityRequirement sr) { List<BoolExpr> pathConstraints = new ArrayList<>(); Map<Integer, Flow> allFlows = sr.getFlowsMap(); for(Flow flow : allFlows.values()) { List<BoolExpr> singleConstraints = new ArrayList<>(); for(AllocationNode node : flow.getPath().getNodes()) { if(node.getPlacedNF() != null) singleConstraints.add(ctx.mkAnd(node.getPlacedNF().getUsed(), (BoolExpr) nctx.deny.apply(node.getZ3Name(), ctx.mkInt(flow.getIdFlow())))); } BoolExpr[] arrayConstraints = new BoolExpr[singleConstraints.size()]; BoolExpr finalConstraint = ctx.mkOr(singleConstraints.toArray(arrayConstraints)); pathConstraints.add(finalConstraint); } BoolExpr[] arrayConstraints = new BoolExpr[pathConstraints.size()]; BoolExpr finalConstraint = ctx.mkAnd(pathConstraints.toArray(arrayConstraints)); constraintList.add(finalConstraint); } }