9 days ago
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DECLARE @fromdate AS DATETIME = '2024-09-28 17:09:34.000'; DECLARE @enddate AS DATETIME = '2024-09-28 21:42:47.000'; DECLARE @tbl AS TABLE (reason VARCHAR(MAX), unitname VARCHAR(MAX), start DATETIME, endtime DATETIME, color VARCHAR(10)); -- Insert into @tbl INSERT INTO @tbl (reason, unitname, start, endtime, color) SELECT 'OFF' AS reason, start_time.unitname, start_time.eventtime AS [Downtime Start], end_time.stoptime AS [Downtime End], CASE WHEN 'OFF' = 'ON' THEN 'green' -- This condition will always evaluate to false ELSE 'red' END AS color FROM ( SELECT unitname, Uniqueid, recipe, failurevalue, eventtime, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Uniqueid ORDER BY eventtime) AS Row_Number FROM [].BatchHistoryEx.dbo.BHFailure WHERE unitname = 'MX302' AND EVENTTIME BETWEEN @fromdate AND @enddate ) AS start_time LEFT JOIN ( SELECT Uniqueid, recipe, eventtime AS [stoptime], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Uniqueid ORDER BY eventtime) AS Row_Number FROM [].BatchHistoryEx.dbo.BHFailureClear WHERE EVENTTIME BETWEEN @fromdate AND @enddate ) AS end_time ON start_time.Row_Number = end_time.Row_Number AND start_time.Uniqueid = end_time.Uniqueid; DECLARE @firstdowntime AS DATETIME; -- Get the first downtime SELECT TOP(1) @firstdowntime = start FROM @tbl ORDER BY start; -- Create the final output SELECT 'ON' AS reason, 'MX302' AS unitname, @fromdate AS start, @firstdowntime AS endtime, 'green' AS color -- You can set the color as needed UNION ALL SELECT 'ON', unitname, endtime AS [RunStart], COALESCE(LEAD(start) OVER (ORDER BY start), @enddate) AS [RunStopTime], color FROM @tbl ORDER BY start;
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