11 days ago
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from maya.api import OpenMaya as om from maya import cmds import importlib import skincluster_curve importlib.reload(skincluster_curve) def split_biped_chain_joints(mesh): sides = 'LR' limbs = 'arm', 'leg' spine_indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] neck_indices = [0, 1, 2] upper_limb_indices = [0, 1, 2, 3] lower_limb_indices = [5, 6, 7, 8] if not cmds.objExists(mesh): cmds.error(f'mesh does not exist: {mesh}') skin_cluster = (cmds.ls(cmds.listHistory(mesh), typ='skinCluster') or [None])[0] if not skin_cluster: cmds.error(f'mesh does not have a skinCluster: {mesh}') infs = cmds.skinCluster(skin_cluster, q=True, inf=True) or [] # ----- split spine weights spine_jnts = [f'spine_C0_{i}_jnt' for i in spine_indices] for jnt in spine_jnts: if not cmds.objExists(jnt): cmds.error(f'joint does not exist: {jnt}') if jnt not in infs: cmds.skinCluster(skin_cluster, e=True, ai=jnt, wt=0.0) spine_positions = [om.MVector(cmds.xform(jnt, q=True, ws=True, t=True)) for jnt in spine_jnts] start_dir = spine_positions[0] - spine_positions[1] end_dir = spine_positions[-1] - spine_positions[-2] start_cv_pos = spine_positions[0] + start_dir end_cv_pos = spine_positions[-1] + end_dir inbetween_positions = [] for i, position in enumerate(spine_positions[1:-1]): spine_dir = spine_positions[i + 2] - position inbetween_positions.append(position + spine_dir * 0.5) cv_positions = [start_cv_pos] + inbetween_positions + [end_cv_pos] crv = cmds.curve(p=cv_positions, k=[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3], d=2) skincluster_curve.split_with_curve(mesh, spine_jnts, crv, d=3) cmds.delete(crv) # ----- split neck weights for i in neck_indices: jnt = f'neck_C0_{i}_jnt' if not cmds.objExists(jnt): cmds.error(f'joint does not exist: {jnt}') if jnt not in infs: cmds.skinCluster(skin_cluster, e=True, ai=jnt, wt=0.0) start_pos = cmds.xform(f'neck_C0_{neck_indices[0]}_jnt', q=True, ws=True, t=True) end_pos = cmds.xform(f'neck_C0_{neck_indices[-1]}_jnt', q=True, ws=True, t=True) crv = cmds.curve(p=[start_pos, end_pos], k=[0, 1], d=1) skincluster_curve.split_with_curve(mesh, [f'neck_C0_{i}_jnt' for i in neck_indices], crv, d=2) cmds.delete(crv) # ----- split arm and leg weights for side in sides: for limb in limbs: for indices in upper_limb_indices, lower_limb_indices: for i in indices: jnt = f'{limb}_{side}0_{i}_jnt' if not cmds.objExists(jnt): cmds.error(f'joint does not exist: {jnt}') if jnt not in infs: cmds.skinCluster(skin_cluster, e=True, ai=jnt, wt=0.0) start_pos = cmds.xform(f'{limb}_{side}0_{indices[0]}_jnt', q=True, ws=True, t=True) end_pos = cmds.xform(f'{limb}_{side}0_{indices[-1]}_jnt', q=True, ws=True, t=True) crv = cmds.curve(p=[start_pos, end_pos], k=[0, 1], d=1) skincluster_curve.split_with_curve(mesh, [f'{limb}_{side}0_{i}_jnt' for i in indices], crv, d=2) cmds.delete(crv)
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