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Logfile from Fulcrum
Log opened 09/01/2025  -  19:58:38

Mail: You have new mail from -> JobsWiz [Subj: Approved: Kenning the Card Reader.]

The Rookery - Ground Floor (#3232 RnJlMA)

     This was once a beautiful and luxurious home, recently renovated back to its former glory. The fin-de-siecle architecture looks as though it was either kept in good condition or more likely, recently restored. The house is roomy, with a basic floor plan of a big rectangle with a square in the center where the front door is, and two small round towers at the front corners. The first floor walls are stone, covered with plaster except near the fireplaces.
     The beamed ceilings are high and the beams match the molding, as does the furniture and other accents that are new. There are places on the wall that have been repaired and painted. The place seems solid and not prone to leaking or cold and the utilities seems to be working just fine; it is comfortable in temperature even in winter or summer. The many rooms are a mix, some restored to late nineteenth century style, others more modern. Recessed track lighting supplements the ornate lamps here and there.
     When you first enter the house through the front doorway, you come into a vestibule (plook 1). After passing through the vestibule the first thing one might notice is the pleasant aroma of cooking, often that of freshly baked bread.

(Note: 'plook 1' shows a description of place 1, and so on. This is where individual rooms are described.)
Outside, it's fair and cool..

     +views available     

                           ('places' are available)                           

------------------------------------ Players -----------------------------------
Nowell              0s    Pretty, pale Sidhe boy. Green eyes, silver hair. Goth?
Lydia Grey          3s    
Obvious exits:
Kitchen Area <K>  Upstairs <U>  Basement <B>  Out <O> 

A handsome redcap gentleman opens the door to your bell. "Young Lord Nowell I, presume? If you have met him before you recognize the man as Viktor Edgestow.

Lydia is inside near the table where a silver tea set is out on a tray still steaming. There are little porcelain cups with chinese characters on them at the table enough for four even though only the three of you are present. SHe smiles as Viktor lets you in.

Nowell gives a slight bow of his head to Viktor, saying, "Yes, sir. Would you be able to get these in a vase?" And he holds a bouquet of black roses out towards the Redcap. "I felt them appropriate."

Viktor takes the flowers, "But of course Young Lord but I do hope they arent for me." He chuckles and takes them to the kitchen while Lydia pours the tea.
<Public><Fae> Ben has connected.
<Public><Fae> Ben has disconnected.
<Public> Ozzie has disconnected.
<Public><Fae> Ben has connected.
<Public><Fae> Lilith has connected.
<Public><Fae> Ben has disconnected.

Nowell shakes his head. "They are for both the Mistress of High Tea and Goodwoman Black. There were no orchids, unfortunately." He smiles at the Redcap, then approaches the table where Lydia has laid out tea. "Mademoiselle Grey," he says as he nears her, bowing his head as he pulls her chair out for her. "It looks lovely, thank you." He waits for her to seat herself before pushing her chair in.
<Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "hi"

Lydia Grey smiles as she pours out the steaming liquid. "Today we are having some rare yellow tea, Junzhan Yinzhen if you are familiar, delicious either way. She sits down after pouring.

Nowell gives the tea an interested, curious look as it is poured for him, settling down in a chair of his own. "I have not, but I am more a fan of black teas, or kemincha. It smells delightful, though." He uses the tiny silver tongs provided to move a couple of sugarcubes to his saucer. After transferring the cubes to his cup, he carefully stirs in figure-8 patterns, taking care not to clink his spoon against the sides of the porcelain cup. "I do enjoy a good gossip, but I am afraid I am only aware of what has been playing out over the Eldritch Circle listserv." He sets his spoon down in the correct place, then lifts the cup with both hands to his mouth, inhaling its fragrance again. "So I will cut to the chase: would you be interested in helping me help Count Draper hold a proper post-investiture banquet?" Only now does he take a delicate sip.

Lydia Grey raises a brow. "Well I am the Mistress of High Tea, certainly you have a goal, a rival perhaps. You didnt just come to ask me whats happening when Ive posted it all over that server I would assume."
<Public> Eden says, "Ben-gay! needs to be applied to fists :P"

Lydia Grey says "Who are you interested in?"

Nowell savors his sip of tea for a moment before swallowing. "Sir Roque might perhaps see himself as a rival to me, but that would almost be braggadoccio on my part. My main interest lies in seeing Count Draper further his own trajectory here, and hosting a banquet for all the ranked Nobility, as well as our Ducal guests, would do wonders for that." He pauses. "But it must needs be planned well. Which is why I am seeking the advice of the expert in such things."

You say "Or a full consultation, even."

Nowell uses a different set of silver serving tongs to obtain himself a small triange of cress-and-egg sandwich.

Lydia Grey says "Well Roque, I mean that man is a veritable cornucopia of embarassments. Where do I begin? He has embarassed every leader he ever had by arguing with them. He was thrown out of the Minds Eye in years past because he simply couldnt bring himself to accept that Astarte, a child would rule. His squire is an unruly nocker, Ryan Rhyme who should be a peasant constantly haranguing about Ben McCrae and Josie being together, but Benjamin is a rather smelly pile of refuse too isnt he? Not worthy of spurs now, not ever. Roque if you ask him is the only hero in the realm and everything all of us did, we did because he was there and no one ever did anything half as heroic until he arrived.""

Lydia Grey says "But if COunt Draper would like my help planning a party I mean, I wouldnt say no, it sounds a splendid idea.""

Nowell breaks out into a dazzling grin as the Sluagh considers his request favorably. "Oh, merci, Mademoiselle! That is wonderful news." He pauses for nourishment before continuing. "I do think much could be accomplished here if people could simply slow down and listen to each other, but I am a Young Lord, not a Lord, or Knight, or anyone of higher rank that could encourage it. It is part of why I chose the path of diplomacy, rather than might. Sir Roque is too inured in his human-ness to understand that sometimes children are much more than they appear to be. My Lady Astarte is such." He takes a sip of tea. "I do not think he quite got the insult implied when she decided his daughter would be a better Foster for me than he, himself would have been."

Lydia Grey chuckles, "Oh good heavens did I miss that?" She sighs as she finishes laughing. "Well Young Lord Nowell, an event to bring all the fae together inevitably means intrigue and gossip and stupidity, my favorite sports."

Nowell shoots the Mistress of High Tea a wonderfully conspiratorial grin. "I enjoy the fremdscham - vicarious embarassment - that these things engender, too. By saying nothing at all I have already proven myself less volatile and more dignified than Esquire Ben, or Sir Roque...to some extent, anyway." Another pause for refreshment. "Now would you like to hear further my idea?"

Lydia Grey says "Yes well they say even a fool is considered wise if he open not his mouth." She smiles. "Of course I would!""

Nowell straightens his shoulders and takes a breath, before elaborating. "The Shadow Court has kind of monopolised Midwinters Night, and I should like to claim it back. I am sure you have the resources, both in Dross and in Arts, to make of the Glade a gorgeous winter's fete, as the brand-bearers come to refresh the bale?"

Lydia Grey says "Well they celebrate it with more fervor yes, but we are not going to celebrate the shadow surely.""

Nowell resolutely shakes his head. "No. Absolutely not. We are celebrating the light itself."

Lydia Grey says "Well I think you hosting and planning this festival will be an excellent way to show your political acumen to Lord Galchrist. Bravo Young Lord Nowell, I know what your doing!"

Nowell actually looks surprised by that declaration. "You do? What is it that I am doing?" He isn't challenging her as much as he is interested in knowing what she sees, in that case. He drinks of his tea, then sets the cup down on its saucer.

Lydia Grey says "Well... I thought you were going to host the party and wanted my help, or are you asking me to host it?"

Nowell presses his black-varnished nails to his heart, relieved. "I could play emcee, but Count Draper should be the actual host, as it would be under his aegis."

You say "I thought perhaps you felt I was being duplicitous."

Jordan comes down from the second floor.
Jordan has arrived.

Nowell and Lydia are seated together at the table, enjoying tea and conversation.

Lydia Grey is having tea with Viktor Edgestow and Young Lord Nowell. The table is set for four even though three are here only before someone else arrives. "Well yes of course but hosting and planning are seperate activities."

"Lydia being duplicitous, who would imagine," Viktor says cheekily.

Nowell reaches for another egg-and-cress, using silver serving tongs to convey the little triangle back to his plate. "I had kind of been hoping that you and I could do the planning, and he could do the hosting. The man needs the practice in etiquette and grace. Leadership is more than just strength and planning."

Jordan is coming down the stairs and moving through the hall with a towel over her shoulder, striding along like she has not a care in the world at the moment. Those that live here are likely more used to it than those that do not.

Lydia Grey smirks. "You think COunt Draper needs lessons in grace and etiquette? Whats he done?"

Lilith comes up from the basement.
Lilith has arrived.

Lilith comes up from the basement.

Nowell shakes his head. "I do not think he needs lessons. I think **other people** need to be made to see that he is capable of diplomacy, as well as simply being strong. For example, the Scathach in New York whom the Piskey has gotten herself entangled with is a Sidhe supremacist. He is the type of person who needs to see what Count Draper is capable of. I like the man, so I would like to see him succeed."

Nowell and Lydia nad Edgestowe are seated at the table, enjoying tea and conversation.

Lydia Grey smiles, "Is this Sidhe from the COurt of COunt Maldiset?"

Nowell nods. "Oui, Mademoiselle."

Jordan just came down from the upstairs rooms, looking ready to hit the hot tub. "Well diplomacy requires one to be diplomatic, which for most of the people around here isn't something that they are familiar with."
You paged Amber with 'Jordan sucks as a pooka so much.'.

You say "Which is why we are going to Eliza Doolittle Travis somewhat."

Lilith whispers, "Good evening. Can I get anything for anyone while I'm up? We have thumbprint cookies tonight. Oh then people will think he's Hungarian."

Lydia Grey looks up from the table. "That would be lovely Lilith darling." She looks back to the others. "You know aside from cuffing Roque upside the head, I havent found Travis to be that coarse as a noble, but everyone has room to improve. How are you planning to do this Young Lord Nowell. Certainly if you bring a lot of people and he looks good, that will raise your esteem. Which sidhe from Golden Sigil is it?" She smiles at Jordan. "Well they do the best they can dont they?"

Nowell gives a gracious bow of his head to the lady of the Rookery. "I am quite fine, thank you, Goodwoman Black."

"That is generally why people are supposed to move through the ranks rather than be skipped over the one where you figure out the whole diplomacy thing. But hey, what do I know?" Jordan says, looking over towards Lilith, her tail swishing back and forth some. "All the cookies." She answers to the question.

Lilith smiles affectionately at Jordan and curtseys a little to all before repairing to the kitchen and returning with a plate of thumbprint cookies including dark chocolate, raspberry, and apricot as the thumbprints.

Lydia Grey says "Well once you pass the rank of KNight or Lord it does become fluid in some cases. Its about who you know, who you impress, its certainly not ever going to be fair is it?"

Nowell clarifies for Lydia, "It was Count Maldiset himself whom I discovered was unhappy with Duke Kelodin, merely as he is a Troll, and not for any pertinent reason." He glances to the Baroness ever-so-slightly, keeping his eyes genteely averted as he bows to the Pooka. "I am curious as to what you make of mine own slow trajectory, then."

Lydia Grey says "Do you find your trajectory slow Young Lord Nowell? I think every young lord would say the same, especially sidhe." She chuckles. "Maldiset is unapologetic yes. I think you are well on your way. It would have been interesting to see you apprenticed to Lady Merryn but then you would have been aimed toward House Liam and really, thats not where most would like to be.""

Lydia Grey says "I think your Lord is well chosen."

"If something is launched with the right trajectory, it lands where it is supposed to. If not, well, there are some terrible, but sometimes satisfying splats." Jordan says. "The funny thing is, when you get the right people it ends up somewhat of a meritocracy. If you don't, then it really isn't as fair." She doesn't actually take any of the cookies.

Nowell shakes his head at the Mistress of High Tea's question. "I do not, actually. Especially as I had to approach the Countess on my own recognisance - it felt out of order not having a ranking Noble presenting me. The protocols were not being followed." He gives the Baroness another discreet, sidelong glance. "I am merely following where my D'an leads me. I am not yet proficient enough in Soothsay to attempt to divine it."

Lilith takes one of the raspberry cookies and sets the plate down.

Lydia Grey says "Well Young Lord Nowell, that makes me wonder why you werent fostered where you came from? That would normally be the way of it, a letter from your old duchy or county and someone should have been lined up already to foster you but your arrival was a bit different.""

Nowell tells Lydia Grey, with a bit of an insouicant shruge of his shoulder. "I was following my D'an and my D'an never led me there. Also, I am Unseelie in a Seelie House, and not the biggest fan of our innate doomvision, so I was kind of disposable, I think. It did not bother me, until it did."

"I find it funny when everyone wants to look to others, or fate, to have their paths set out for them. Wouldn't it be better to forge your own path? I mean I went ahead and asked Morgance to take me on as a Lady in waiting....Then so on and so forth until I am where I am today." Jordan says.

Lydia Grey nods. "Forging your own path is always the best because you want it and what we gain out of life is almost entirely based on how bad we want it and what we are willing to do. If your not that motivated, the results usually match. How are you finding Lord Galchrist? It must be strange learning from a Gwydion, no?"

Lilith whispers, "Some of us tend toward more fatalism. It's common among soothsayers."

Nowell informs Jordan, "It is different for the Sidhe. We are typically mentored through life, whereas Commoner Kiths are expected to find their own paths. I do not advocate it, necessarily, but it is what it is." To Lydia's question, he says, "It is definitely unusual, but I look at it as something overdue, and perhaps a microcosm for the Houses as a whole."

Lydia Grey says "Have you mastered the commensurate skills and studies to be a lord already?"

"What have you done that deserve becoming a Lord, or are you banking on the nepotism to get ahead?" Jordan asks with a smirk.

Lilith takes a chocolate cookie and listens.

Nowell considers the question. "I would think that that is for Lord Galchrist to determine...I have undertaken the study of Politics and Diplomacy, and have begun to learn of some of the Arts necessary to diplomacy." He carefully removes the cosy from the teapot and pours hot tea, with nary a splash, into his teacup. "As I am the only Beaumayn in Goldenrod, I cannot rely on Nepotism, only on the advisory capacity I have, and the knowledges I keep."

Lydia Grey nods. "Yes and I am sure that is the reason most people will call upon you. If you do good work, they will call again, and again. Its good to be indispensible. But tell me your plans for this festival."

"What would being a lord mean to you?" Jordan asks, curious as ever. "And more importantly, what does being a Lord mean to your lord. I'm betting that is a question that you never thought to ask."

Nowell refuses to entertain the Baroness' not-quite serious-seeming line of questioning any more than he has. So he turns back to Lady Grey. "A midnight landscape of glittering stars and filigree ice, with fantastic food and perfect drink...a wintry confection, waiting for the brands to be ridden in from Tara-Nar and set it aglow with the rejuvenating of the Balefire. And Count Draper presiding over it all, in fine raiment." He then reiterates. "We need to reclaim the Festival from the Shadow Court."

Lydia Grey just looks at Nowell as if he had forgotten to do something.

Nowell then takes a few moments to refresh himself with some tea and egg-and-cress. "Being a Lord would mean that the Dreaming recognises my talent enough to graciously allow me to prove myself and attain rank." He shrugs one shoulder again. "I do not know what being a Lord means to Lord Galchrist. It is not something we have discussed. Given his actions, it seems to mean a great deal to him to be advisor to the Countess."

Jordan raises the brow at initially being ignored, then says, looking at the little lord. "I wouldn't assume anything. Ask the question, because if you're not meeting his standards, you will be left in limbo."

Lydia Grey says "Well I dare say that you should care what being a lord means to Lord Galchrist because it isnt the dreaming that is going to decide whether you rise or not, its Lord Galchrist young man."

Viktor nods. "Quite so."

Nowell's one visible bright green eye widens in horror. "Oh. No...I thought you meant his own personal philsophy on his own Lordship, not what he thought of me. So far he seems satisfied with my progress. He has been willing to teach me things I did not already know, and was not averse to teaching me things that I asked of him. I suspect he will be disappointed that I did not think to ask to lay a Tattletale upon Baroness Eithne to keep track of what was happening in the Goblin Market, as I could have also been Kenning through it. They would have at least have had information awaiting them when they returned."
<Public> Sif has disconnected.

Lydia Grey says "Indeed he would have, as might others. Do you think you will end up in the Minds Eye once you are a Lord?"

Lilith says "That's quite a good idea. I still want to experiment with the two way Tattletale link - that would be even better."

Viktor says. "Well both of those things would be useful to know I should think is what the Baroness was telling you."

"You consider yourself a scholar, right? When you're trying to find out how to solve a problem, you need to ask the right questions. And yes, it is -his-..." Jordan emphasizes the word, "...philosophy on his lordship that matters. What do you think he is using for his metric on judging if you are ready? Just bring it up with him, and you might just get that neatly organized list of what he is looking for." She looks at Lydia, then Lilith, "I think that knowing expectations is the first step to success."

Lilith nods to Jordan.

Nowell chews and swallows a bite of tiny triangle sandwich before responding to anyone. "I would not mind being a part of Mind's Eye, as it affords me access to the Library of the Deeps, and a familiar Court...but should they loan me out to other Courts, I could not argue it. A Lord still has to be dutiful to her Liege." He glances down at his teacup, noting the delicate embossing therein. He glances at the Baroness, that silver fringe of his obscuring his eyes. "May I speak freely?"

Lydia Grey nods. "Quite so, Baroness."

Viktor waits for Jordans answer to the young lord, not interrupting.

Jordan crosses her arms and shrugs. "Are you about to question the advice from someone who has literally worked the way up from nothing to being a baroness?"

Lilith looks now to Nowell.

Nowell tells the Baroness, "Your advice is appreciated, if unsolicited. Can you afford me the same respect of allowing me my own agency in my relationship with my Lord? I have been watching, with joy, as Commoners have been proving themselves and attaining Title, for the past ten years. I do understand each pathway, as much as I am able to. Thankfully I have Amber to teach me empathy." He then adds, "And not to be leaning too heavily into stereotype, but you are a Pooka. I cannot tell which parts of what you say are sincere and serious, and which are...Pooka. I am sorry, but I cannot tell."

VIktor laughs. "Well I dont think a baroness needs permission to give advice, young Lord Nowell and...its rather good advice to boot."

Lydia Grey says "Well youll find Baroness Moon to be the most honest pooka you ever met I say, as long as you dont ask her a direct question.""

Lilith nods , apparently agreeing with Viktor and Lydia.

Jordan looks to Lilith, "You know that last bit in the advice was a way less than subtle hint that you need to ask a certain someone questions, right?" She says before looking back to Nowell, "No." She answers the question, then smirks.

Lilith nods to Jordan.

Nowell says, quietly, "That is not my realm of experience. It is part of what takes me so long to respond; I keep trying to determine fact from fiction." His pale cheeks flush embarrassedly. As the Baroness glances towards Lilith, he pauses, determining if she is telling the Goodwoman to do something, or if she means it for him. "I do admit I find it fascinating that you suddenly have an interest in my ascension through the ranks, here. I was not sure you even knew my name."

Lydia Grey shrugs. "I thought I just gave the primer but I suppose youll get it eventually."

Lilith whispers, "You've made yourself fairly well known."

"I was taking part in the conversation and sharing information that I've come across that applied to said conversation. You can do whatever you want with it. Ignore it if you don't think it will be useful. It's what a lot of people do." Jordan says with a shrug.

Nowell's brow is likely furrowing in bemusement under his fringe. "I am not sure what I am misunderstanding...checking in more with my Lord, and winnowing out his expectations of me, I understood. I just did not understand why the Baroness was just now taking interest in me...she could have had herself a fantastic Squire upon my arrival here. So could have Baroness Eithne, or Count Travis, or Countess Katiya. I had already endeavoured to undertake her advice, so yes, it is sound, just post-facto. What makes me interesting now, rather than five months ago?"

Viktor raises a brow. "Which squire do you mean?"

Lydia Grey nods. "I hope you dont mean that McCrae fellow."

Nowell shakes his head, and flips his hand so that he's pointing at himself. "Non, non. Me."

Lilith says "I took an interest in you five months ago."

Viktor tilts his head to the left. "I did not know you had an interest in being a knight, you always presented yourself as a non combatant?"

"Because emo Keeblers are my thing.' Jordan answers, rolling her eyes. "I was taking my amazing tits to the hot tub. And you happened to be in a room on the way." She bounces a little bit for effect.

Nowell keeps his gaze politely averted as he bows his head to the Baroness. "My apologies for being. I did not intend to impede your path to tiny bubbles." To Viktor, he explains, "Misnomer on my part...too many Squires amongst the Beaumayn, not many Young Lords. I do abhor combat."

Viktor nods and his eyes dull slightly, "Ahh yes, very good then."

"And to the hot tub!" Jordan exclaims, before heading towards the kitchen.

Nowell turns to Lilith. "But you are a Goodwoman, non? I did not think you had the capacity to be either esquiring or Fostering others. You took an interest in my ability to Soothsay, and perhaps what you could get me to teach you. I did not realise that this was the means to an investiture with you."

Lydia stands. "Well shall we go upstairs Viktor, Im feeling peckish." She looks to Nowell. "It was lovely to meet you Young Lord. I expect to hear from you and COunt Draper very soon."

Lydia Grey says "Lilith is my Lady in Waiting."

Nowell bows his head to the Mistress of High Tea. "Bonsoir, and thank you for accepting my proposal. Once Count Draper is returned, I shall consult with him."

Lilith says "No, but I have connections. You were suspicious and hostile so I stopped trying to socialize with you as you seemed to think.. well I don't know what you thought. Something unpleasant.""

You say "I did not like that it seemed as if you wanted to put Tattletales on people without their knowledge, and then you got a little wacky with Naming and hurt the one thing that was keeping me tied here. It did not lend itself to great enthusiasm." He gets slightly less formal with his tea drinking now that Lady Grey has gone upstairs. "I was also waiting for you to make amends to Amber; it was highly vexing that she was spiraling her way to needing a full Rescue."

You say "However, she has informed me that you both apologised and actually finally paid the Dross she was owed as your fine. It helps."

Lilith says "Whatever gave you that impression? I've never suggested putting tattletales on people without their knowledge, nor have I done so. I paid that immediately, to the Duke to give to her, then he sat on it for a while, being very busy. I was advised not to pay her directly. In any case, I'm willing to start over if you are interested.""

"Oh. You're going to just hang around more. Okay. I was trying to get my fiancee into the hot tub." Jordan says.

Nowell immediately gets up from his chair. "My apologies, Baroness. I shall leave. Goodwoman Black, there are fresh black roses that Sir Edgestowe has put in water, somewhere." He bows to the Baroness, then takes himself out.

Logging stopped at 09/01/2025  -  23:30:58
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