2 years ago
42 kB
<?php namespace wapmorgan\Mp3Info; use Exception; use RuntimeException; /** * This class extracts information about an mpeg audio. (supported mpeg versions: MPEG-1, MPEG-2) * (supported mpeg audio layers: 1, 2, 3). * * It extracts: * * All tags stored in both at the beginning and at the end of file (id3v2 and id3v1). id3v2.4.0 and id3v2.2.0 are not supported, only the most popular id3v2.3.0 is supported. * * Audio parameters: * * * - Total duration (in seconds) * * * - BitRate (in bps) * * * - SampleRate (in Hz) * * * - Number of channels (stereo or not) * * * - ... and other information * * Used sources: * * {@link mpeg header description} * * {@link id3v2 tag specifications}. Specially: {@link id3v2.3.0}, {@link id3v2.2.0}, {@link id3v2.4.0} * * {@link Descripion of VBR header "Xing"} * * {@link Xing, Info and Lame tags specifications} */ class Mp3Info { const TAG1_SYNC = 'TAG'; const TAG2_SYNC = 'ID3'; const VBR_SYNC = 'Xing'; const CBR_SYNC = 'Info'; /** * Magic constants */ const FRAME_SYNC = 0xffe0; const LAYER_1_FRAME_SIZE = 384; const LAYERS_23_FRAME_SIZE = 1152; const META = 1; const TAGS = 2; const MPEG_1 = 1; const MPEG_2 = 2; const MPEG_25 = 3; const CODEC_UNDEFINED = 4; const LAYER_1 = 1; const LAYER_2 = 2; const LAYER_3 = 3; const STEREO = 'stereo'; const JOINT_STEREO = 'joint_stereo'; const DUAL_MONO = 'dual_mono'; const MONO = 'mono'; /** * @var array */ static private $_bitRateTable; /** * @var array */ static private $_sampleRateTable; /** * @var array */ static private $_vbrOffsets = [ self::MPEG_1 => [21, 36], self::MPEG_2 => [13, 21], self::MPEG_25 => [13, 21], ]; /** * @var int Limit in bytes for seeking a mpeg header in file */ public static $headerSeekLimit = 2048; /** * @var int MPEG codec version (1 or 2 or 2.5 or undefined) */ public $codecVersion; /** * @var int Audio layer version (1 or 2 or 3) */ public $layerVersion; /** * @var int Audio size in bytes. Note that this value is NOT equals file size. */ public $audioSize; /** * @var float Audio duration in seconds.microseconds (e.g. 3603.0171428571) */ public $duration; /** * @var int Audio bit rate in bps (e.g. 128000) */ public $bitRate; /** * @var int Audio sample rate in Hz (e.g. 44100) */ public $sampleRate; /** * @var boolean Contains true if audio has variable bit rate */ public $isVbr = false; /** * @var boolean Contains true if audio has cover */ public $hasCover = false; /** * @var array Contains VBR properties */ public $vbrProperties = []; /** * @var array Contains picture properties */ public $coverProperties = []; /** * Channel mode (stereo or dual_mono or joint_stereo or mono) * @var string */ public $channel; /** * @var array Unified list of tags (id3v1 and id3v2 united) */ public $tags = []; /** * @var array Audio tags ver. 1 (aka id3v1) */ public $tags1 = []; /** * @var array Audio tags ver. 2 (aka id3v2) */ public $tags2 = []; /** * @var int Major version of id3v2 tag (if id3v2 present) (2 or 3 or 4) */ public $id3v2MajorVersion; /** * @var int Minor version of id3v2 tag (if id3v2 present) */ public $id3v2MinorVersion; /** * @var array List of id3v2 header flags (if id3v2 present) */ public $id3v2Flags = []; /** * @var array List of id3v2 tags flags (if id3v2 present) */ public $id3v2TagsFlags = []; /** * @var string Contains audio file name */ public $_fileName; /** * @var int Contains file size */ public $_fileSize; /** * @var int Number of audio frames in file */ public $_framesCount = 0; /** * @var float Contains time spent to read&extract audio information. */ public $_parsingTime; /** * @var int Calculated frame size for Constant Bit Rate */ private $_cbrFrameSize; /** * @var int|null Size of id3v2-data */ public $_id3Size; /** * $mode is self::META, self::TAGS or their combination. * * @param string $filename * @param bool $parseTags * * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($filename, $parseTags = false) { if (self::$_bitRateTable === null) self::$_bitRateTable = require dirname(__FILE__).'/../data/bitRateTable.php'; if (self::$_sampleRateTable === null) self::$_sampleRateTable = require dirname(__FILE__).'/../data/sampleRateTable.php'; $this->_fileName = $filename; $isLocal = (strpos($filename, '://') === false); if (!$isLocal) { $this->_fileSize = static::getUrlContentLength($filename); } else { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new \Exception('File ' . $filename . ' is not present!'); } $this->_fileSize = filesize($filename); } if ($isLocal and !static::isValidAudio($filename)) { throw new \Exception('File ' . $filename . ' is not mpeg/audio!'); } $mode = $parseTags ? self::META | self::TAGS : self::META; $this->audioSize = $this->parseAudio($this->_fileName, $this->_fileSize, $mode); } /** * @return bool|null */ public function getCover() { if (empty($this->coverProperties)) { return null; } $fp = fopen($this->_fileName, 'rb'); fseek($fp, $this->coverProperties['offset']); $data = fread($fp, $this->coverProperties['size']); fclose($fp); return $data; } /** * Reads audio file in binary mode. * mpeg audio file structure: * ID3V2 TAG - provides a lot of meta data. [optional] * MPEG AUDIO FRAMES - contains audio data. A frame consists of a frame header and a frame data. The first frame may contain extra information about mp3 (marked with "Xing" or "Info" string). Rest of frames can contain only audio data. * ID3V1 TAG - provides a few of meta data. [optional] * @param string $filename * @param int $fileSize * @param int $mode * @return float|int * @throws \Exception */ private function parseAudio($filename, $fileSize, $mode) { $time = microtime(true); // create temp storage for media if (strpos($filename, '://') !== false) { $fp = fopen('php://memory', 'rwb'); fwrite($fp, file_get_contents($filename)); rewind($fp); } else { $fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'); } /** @var int Size of audio data (exclude tags size) */ $audioSize = $fileSize; // parse tags if (fread($fp, 3) == self::TAG2_SYNC) { if ($mode & self::TAGS) $audioSize -= ($this->_id3Size = $this->readId3v2Body($fp)); else { fseek($fp, 2, SEEK_CUR); // 2 bytes of tag version fseek($fp, 1, SEEK_CUR); // 1 byte of tag flags $sizeBytes = $this->readBytes($fp, 4); array_walk($sizeBytes, function (&$value) { $value = substr(str_pad(base_convert($value, 10, 2), 8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT), 1); }); $size = bindec(implode($sizeBytes)) + 10; $audioSize -= ($this->_id3Size = $size); } } fseek($fp, $fileSize - 128); if (fread($fp, 3) == self::TAG1_SYNC) { if ($mode & self::TAGS) $audioSize -= $this->readId3v1Body($fp); else $audioSize -= 128; } if ($mode & self::TAGS) { $this->fillTags(); } fseek($fp, 0); // audio meta if ($mode & self::META) { if ($this->_id3Size !== null) fseek($fp, $this->_id3Size); /** * First frame can lie. Need to fix in the future. * @link */ $framesCount = $this->readMpegFrame($fp); $this->_framesCount = $framesCount !== null ? $framesCount : ceil($audioSize / $this->_cbrFrameSize); // recalculate average bit rate in vbr case if ($this->isVbr && $framesCount !== null) { $avgFrameSize = $audioSize / $framesCount; $this->bitRate = $avgFrameSize * $this->sampleRate / (1000 * $this->layerVersion == self::LAYER_3 ? 12 : 144); } // The faster way to detect audio duration: $samples_in_second = $this->layerVersion == 1 ? self::LAYER_1_FRAME_SIZE : self::LAYERS_23_FRAME_SIZE; // for VBR: adjust samples in second according to VBR quality // disabled for now // if ($this->isVbr && isset($this->vbrProperties['quality'])) { // $samples_in_second = floor($samples_in_second * $this->vbrProperties['quality'] / 100); // } // Calculate total number of audio samples (framesCount * sampleInFrameCount) / samplesInSecondCount $this->duration = ($this->_framesCount - 1) * $samples_in_second / $this->sampleRate; } fclose($fp); $this->_parsingTime = microtime(true) - $time; return $audioSize; } /** * Read first frame information. * @param resource $fp * @return int Number of frames (if present if first frame of VBR-file) * @throws \Exception */ private function readMpegFrame($fp) { $header_seek_pos = ftell($fp) + self::$headerSeekLimit; do { $pos = ftell($fp); $first_header_byte = $this->readBytes($fp, 1); if ($first_header_byte[0] === 0xFF) { $second_header_byte = $this->readBytes($fp, 1); if ((($second_header_byte[0] >> 5) & 0b111) == 0b111) { fseek($fp, $pos); $header_bytes = $this->readBytes($fp, 4); break; } } fseek($fp, 1, SEEK_CUR); } while (ftell($fp) <= $header_seek_pos); if (!isset($header_bytes) || $header_bytes[0] !== 0xFF || (($header_bytes[1] >> 5) & 0b111) != 0b111) { throw new \Exception('At '.$pos .'(0x'.dechex($pos).') should be a frame header!'); } switch ($header_bytes[1] >> 3 & 0b11) { case 0b00: $this->codecVersion = self::MPEG_25; break; case 0b01: $this->codecVersion = self::CODEC_UNDEFINED; break; case 0b10: $this->codecVersion = self::MPEG_2; break; case 0b11: $this->codecVersion = self::MPEG_1; break; } switch ($header_bytes[1] >> 1 & 0b11) { case 0b01: $this->layerVersion = self::LAYER_3; break; case 0b10: $this->layerVersion = self::LAYER_2; break; case 0b11: $this->layerVersion = self::LAYER_1; break; } $this->bitRate = self::$_bitRateTable[$this->codecVersion][$this->layerVersion][$header_bytes[2] >> 4]; $this->sampleRate = self::$_sampleRateTable[$this->codecVersion][($header_bytes[2] >> 2) & 0b11]; switch ($header_bytes[3] >> 6) { case 0b00: $this->channel = self::STEREO; break; case 0b01: $this->channel = self::JOINT_STEREO; break; case 0b10: $this->channel = self::DUAL_MONO; break; case 0b11: $this->channel = self::MONO; break; } $vbr_offset = self::$_vbrOffsets[$this->codecVersion][$this->channel == self::MONO ? 0 : 1]; // check for VBR fseek($fp, $pos + $vbr_offset); if (fread($fp, 4) == self::VBR_SYNC) { $this->isVbr = true; $flagsBytes = $this->readBytes($fp, 4); // VBR frames count presence if (($flagsBytes[3] & 2)) { $this->vbrProperties['frames'] = implode(unpack('N', fread($fp, 4))); } // VBR stream size presence if ($flagsBytes[3] & 4) { $this->vbrProperties['bytes'] = implode(unpack('N', fread($fp, 4))); } // VBR TOC presence if ($flagsBytes[3] & 1) { fseek($fp, 100, SEEK_CUR); } // VBR quality if ($flagsBytes[3] & 8) { $this->vbrProperties['quality'] = implode(unpack('N', fread($fp, 4))); } } // go to the end of frame if ($this->layerVersion == self::LAYER_1) { $this->_cbrFrameSize = floor((12 * $this->bitRate / $this->sampleRate + ($header_bytes[2] >> 1 & 0b1)) * 4); } else { $this->_cbrFrameSize = floor(144 * $this->bitRate / $this->sampleRate + ($header_bytes[2] >> 1 & 0b1)); } fseek($fp, $pos + $this->_cbrFrameSize); return isset($this->vbrProperties['frames']) ? $this->vbrProperties['frames'] : null; } /** * @param $fp * @param $n * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ private function readBytes($fp, $n) { $raw = fread($fp, $n); if (strlen($raw) !== $n) throw new \Exception('Unexpected end of file!'); $bytes = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) $bytes[$i] = ord($raw[$i]); return $bytes; } /** * Reads id3v1 tag. * @return int Returns length of id3v1 tag. */ private function readId3v1Body($fp) { $this->tags1['song'] = trim(fread($fp, 30)); $this->tags1['artist'] = trim(fread($fp, 30)); $this->tags1['album'] = trim(fread($fp, 30)); $this->tags1['year'] = trim(fread($fp, 4)); $this->tags1['comment'] = trim(fread($fp, 28)); fseek($fp, 1, SEEK_CUR); $this->tags1['track'] = ord(fread($fp, 1)); $this->tags1['genre'] = ord(fread($fp, 1)); return 128; } /** * Reads id3v2 tag. * ----------------------------------- * Overall tag header structure (10 bytes) * ID3v2/file identifier "ID3" (3 bytes) * ID3v2 version (2 bytes) * ID3v2 flags (1 byte) * ID3v2 size 4 * %0xxxxxxx (4 bytes) * ----------------------------------- * id3v2.2.0 tag header (10 bytes) * ID3/file identifier "ID3" (3 bytes) * ID3 version $02 00 (2 bytes) * ID3 flags %xx000000 (1 byte) * ID3 size 4 * %0xxxxxxx (4 bytes) * Flags: * x (bit 7) - unsynchronisation * x (bit 6) - compression * ----------------------------------- * id3v2.3.0 tag header (10 bytes) * ID3v2/file identifier "ID3" (3 bytes) * ID3v2 version $03 00 (2 bytes) * ID3v2 flags %abc00000 (1 byte) * ID3v2 size 4 * %0xxxxxxx (4 bytes) * Flags: * a - Unsynchronisation * b - Extended header * c - Experimental indicator * Extended header structure (10 bytes) * Extended header size $xx xx xx xx * Extended Flags $xx xx * Size of padding $xx xx xx xx * Extended flags: * %x0000000 00000000 * x - CRC data present * ----------------------------------- * id3v2.4.0 tag header (10 bytes) * ID3v2/file identifier "ID3" (3 bytes) * ID3v2 version $04 00 (2 bytes) * ID3v2 flags %abcd0000 (1 byte) * ID3v2 size 4 * %0xxxxxxx (4 bytes) * Flags: * a - Unsynchronisation * b - Extended header * c - Experimental indicator * d - Footer present * @param resource $fp * @return int Returns length of id3v2 tag. * @throws \Exception */ private function readId3v2Body($fp) { // read the rest of the id3v2 header $raw = fread($fp, 7); $data = unpack('cmajor_version/cminor_version/H*', $raw); $this->id3v2MajorVersion = $data['major_version']; $this->id3v2MinorVersion = $data['minor_version']; $data = str_pad(base_convert($data[1], 16, 2), 40, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $flags = substr($data, 0, 8); if ($this->id3v2MajorVersion == 2) { // parse id3v2.2.0 header flags $this->id3v2Flags = array( 'unsynchronisation' => (bool)substr($flags, 0, 1), 'compression' => (bool)substr($flags, 1, 1), ); } else if ($this->id3v2MajorVersion == 3) { // parse id3v2.3.0 header flags $this->id3v2Flags = array( 'unsynchronisation' => (bool)substr($flags, 0, 1), 'extended_header' => (bool)substr($flags, 1, 1), 'experimental_indicator' => (bool)substr($flags, 2, 1), ); if ($this->id3v2Flags['extended_header']) throw new \Exception('NEED TO PARSE EXTENDED HEADER!'); } else if ($this->id3v2MajorVersion == 4) { // parse id3v2.4.0 header flags $this->id3v2Flags = array( 'unsynchronisation' => (bool)substr($flags, 0, 1), 'extended_header' => (bool)substr($flags, 1, 1), 'experimental_indicator' => (bool)substr($flags, 2, 1), 'footer_present' => (bool)substr($flags, 3, 1), ); if ($this->id3v2Flags['extended_header']) throw new \Exception('NEED TO PARSE EXTENDED HEADER!'); if ($this->id3v2Flags['footer_present']) throw new \Exception('NEED TO PARSE id3v2.4 FOOTER!'); } $size = substr($data, 8, 32); // some fucking shit // getting only 7 of 8 bits of size bytes $sizes = str_split($size, 8); array_walk($sizes, function (&$value) { $value = substr($value, 1); }); $size = implode($sizes); $size = bindec($size); if ($this->id3v2MajorVersion == 2) { // parse id3v2.2.0 body /*throw new \Exception('NEED TO PARSE id3v2.2.0 flags!');*/ } else if ($this->id3v2MajorVersion == 3) { // parse id3v2.3.0 body $this->parseId3v23Body($fp, 10 + $size); } else if ($this->id3v2MajorVersion == 4) { // parse id3v2.4.0 body $this->parseId3v24Body($fp, 10 + $size); } return 10 + $size; // 10 bytes - header, rest - body } /** * Parses id3v2.3.0 tag body. * @todo Complete. */ protected function parseId3v23Body($fp, $lastByte) { while (ftell($fp) < $lastByte) { $raw = fread($fp, 10); $frame_id = substr($raw, 0, 4); if ($frame_id == str_repeat(chr(0), 4)) { fseek($fp, $lastByte); break; } $data = unpack('Nframe_size/H2flags', substr($raw, 4)); $frame_size = $data['frame_size']; $flags = base_convert($data['flags'], 16, 2); $this->id3v2TagsFlags[$frame_id] = array( 'flags' => array( 'tag_alter_preservation' => (bool)substr($flags, 0, 1), 'file_alter_preservation' => (bool)substr($flags, 1, 1), 'read_only' => (bool)substr($flags, 2, 1), 'compression' => (bool)substr($flags, 8, 1), 'encryption' => (bool)substr($flags, 9, 1), 'grouping_identity' => (bool)substr($flags, 10, 1), ), ); switch ($frame_id) { // case 'UFID': # Unique file identifier // break; ################# Text information frames case 'TALB': # Album/Movie/Show title case 'TCON': # Content type case 'TYER': # Year case 'TXXX': # User defined text information frame case 'TRCK': # Track number/Position in set case 'TIT2': # Title/songname/content description case 'TPE1': # Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s) case 'TBPM': # BPM (beats per minute) case 'TCOM': # Composer case 'TCOP': # Copyright message case 'TDAT': # Date case 'TDLY': # Playlist delay case 'TENC': # Encoded by case 'TEXT': # Lyricist/Text writer case 'TFLT': # File type case 'TIME': # Time case 'TIT1': # Content group description case 'TIT3': # Subtitle/Description refinement case 'TKEY': # Initial key case 'TLAN': # Language(s) case 'TLEN': # Length case 'TMED': # Media type case 'TOAL': # Original album/movie/show title case 'TOFN': # Original filename case 'TOLY': # Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) case 'TOPE': # Original artist(s)/performer(s) case 'TORY': # Original release year case 'TOWN': # File owner/licensee case 'TPE2': # Band/orchestra/accompaniment case 'TPE3': # Conductor/performer refinement case 'TPE4': # Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by case 'TPOS': # Part of a set case 'TPUB': # Publisher case 'TRDA': # Recording dates case 'TRSN': # Internet radio station name case 'TRSO': # Internet radio station owner case 'TSIZ': # Size case 'TSRC': # ISRC (international standard recording code) case 'TSSE': # Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding $this->tags2[$frame_id] = $this->handleTextFrame($frame_size, fread($fp, $frame_size)); break; ################# Text information frames ################# URL link frames // case 'WCOM': # Commercial information // break; // case 'WCOP': # Copyright/Legal information // break; // case 'WOAF': # Official audio file webpage // break; // case 'WOAR': # Official artist/performer webpage // break; // case 'WOAS': # Official audio source webpage // break; // case 'WORS': # Official internet radio station homepage // break; // case 'WPAY': # Payment // break; // case 'WPUB': # Publishers official webpage // break; // case 'WXXX': # User defined URL link frame // break; ################# URL link frames // case 'IPLS': # Involved people list // break; // case 'MCDI': # Music CD identifier // break; // case 'ETCO': # Event timing codes // break; // case 'MLLT': # MPEG location lookup table // break; // case 'SYTC': # Synchronized tempo codes // break; // case 'USLT': # Unsychronized lyric/text transcription // break; // case 'SYLT': # Synchronized lyric/text // break; case 'COMM': # Comments $dataEnd = ftell($fp) + $frame_size; $raw = fread($fp, 4); $data = unpack('C1encoding/A3language', $raw); // read until \null character $short_description = null; $last_null = false; $actual_text = false; while (ftell($fp) < $dataEnd) { $char = fgetc($fp); if ($char == "\00" && $actual_text === false) { if ($data['encoding'] == 0x1) { # two null-bytes for utf-16 if ($last_null) $actual_text = null; else $last_null = true; } else # no condition for iso-8859-1 $actual_text = null; } else if ($actual_text !== false) $actual_text .= $char; else $short_description .= $char; } if ($actual_text === false) $actual_text = $short_description; // list($short_description, $actual_text) = sscanf("s".chr(0)."s", $data['texts']); // list($short_description, $actual_text) = explode(chr(0), $data['texts']); $this->tags2[$frame_id][$data['language']] = array( 'short' => (bool)($data['encoding'] == 0x00) ? mb_convert_encoding($short_description, 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1') : mb_convert_encoding($short_description, 'utf-8', 'utf-16'), 'actual' => (bool)($data['encoding'] == 0x00) ? mb_convert_encoding($actual_text, 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1') : mb_convert_encoding($actual_text, 'utf-8', 'utf-16'), ); break; // case 'RVAD': # Relative volume adjustment // break; // case 'EQUA': # Equalization // break; // case 'RVRB': # Reverb // break; case 'APIC': # Attached picture $this->hasCover = true; $last_byte = ftell($fp) + $frame_size; $this->coverProperties = ['text_encoding' => ord(fread($fp, 1))]; // fseek($fp, $frame_size - 4, SEEK_CUR); $this->coverProperties['mime_type'] = $this->readTextUntilNull($fp, $last_byte); $this->coverProperties['picture_type'] = ord(fread($fp, 1)); $this->coverProperties['description'] = $this->readTextUntilNull($fp, $last_byte); $this->coverProperties['offset'] = ftell($fp); $this->coverProperties['size'] = $last_byte - ftell($fp); fseek($fp, $last_byte); break; // case 'GEOB': # General encapsulated object // break; case 'PCNT': # Play counter $data = unpack('L', fread($fp, $frame_size)); $this->tags2[$frame_id] = $data[1]; break; // case 'POPM': # Popularimeter // break; // case 'RBUF': # Recommended buffer size // break; // case 'AENC': # Audio encryption // break; // case 'LINK': # Linked information // break; // case 'POSS': # Position synchronisation frame // break; // case 'USER': # Terms of use // break; // case 'OWNE': # Ownership frame // break; // case 'COMR': # Commercial frame // break; // case 'ENCR': # Encryption method registration // break; // case 'GRID': # Group identification registration // break; // case 'PRIV': # Private frame // break; default: fseek($fp, $frame_size, SEEK_CUR); break; } } } /** * Parses id3v2.4.0 tag body. * @param $fp * @param $lastByte */ protected function parseId3v24Body($fp, $lastByte) { while (ftell($fp) < $lastByte) { $raw = fread($fp, 10); $frame_id = substr($raw, 0, 4); if ($frame_id == str_repeat(chr(0), 4)) { fseek($fp, $lastByte); break; } $data = unpack('Nframe_size/H2flags', substr($raw, 4)); $frame_size = $data['frame_size']; $flags = base_convert($data['flags'], 16, 2); $this->id3v2TagsFlags[$frame_id] = array( 'flags' => array( 'tag_alter_preservation' => (bool)substr($flags, 1, 1), 'file_alter_preservation' => (bool)substr($flags, 2, 1), 'read_only' => (bool)substr($flags, 3, 1), 'grouping_identity' => (bool)substr($flags, 9, 1), 'compression' => (bool)substr($flags, 12, 1), 'encryption' => (bool)substr($flags, 13, 1), 'unsynchronisation' => (bool)substr($flags, 14, 1), 'data_length_indicator' => (bool)substr($flags, 15, 1), ), ); switch ($frame_id) { // case 'UFID': # Unique file identifier // break; ################# Text information frames case 'TALB': # Album/Movie/Show title case 'TCON': # Content type case 'TYER': # Year case 'TXXX': # User defined text information frame case 'TRCK': # Track number/Position in set case 'TIT2': # Title/songname/content description case 'TPE1': # Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s) case 'TBPM': # BPM (beats per minute) case 'TCOM': # Composer case 'TCOP': # Copyright message case 'TDAT': # Date case 'TDLY': # Playlist delay case 'TENC': # Encoded by case 'TEXT': # Lyricist/Text writer case 'TFLT': # File type case 'TIME': # Time case 'TIT1': # Content group description case 'TIT3': # Subtitle/Description refinement case 'TKEY': # Initial key case 'TLAN': # Language(s) case 'TLEN': # Length case 'TMED': # Media type case 'TOAL': # Original album/movie/show title case 'TOFN': # Original filename case 'TOLY': # Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) case 'TOPE': # Original artist(s)/performer(s) case 'TORY': # Original release year case 'TOWN': # File owner/licensee case 'TPE2': # Band/orchestra/accompaniment case 'TPE3': # Conductor/performer refinement case 'TPE4': # Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by case 'TPOS': # Part of a set case 'TPUB': # Publisher case 'TRDA': # Recording dates case 'TRSN': # Internet radio station name case 'TRSO': # Internet radio station owner case 'TSIZ': # Size case 'TSRC': # ISRC (international standard recording code) case 'TSSE': # Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding $this->tags2[$frame_id] = $this->handleTextFrame($frame_size, fread($fp, $frame_size)); break; ################# Text information frames ################# URL link frames // case 'WCOM': # Commercial information // break; // case 'WCOP': # Copyright/Legal information // break; // case 'WOAF': # Official audio file webpage // break; // case 'WOAR': # Official artist/performer webpage // break; // case 'WOAS': # Official audio source webpage // break; // case 'WORS': # Official internet radio station homepage // break; // case 'WPAY': # Payment // break; // case 'WPUB': # Publishers official webpage // break; // case 'WXXX': # User defined URL link frame // break; ################# URL link frames // case 'IPLS': # Involved people list // break; // case 'MCDI': # Music CD identifier // break; // case 'ETCO': # Event timing codes // break; // case 'MLLT': # MPEG location lookup table // break; // case 'SYTC': # Synchronized tempo codes // break; // case 'USLT': # Unsychronized lyric/text transcription // break; // case 'SYLT': # Synchronized lyric/text // break; case 'COMM': # Comments $dataEnd = ftell($fp) + $frame_size; $raw = fread($fp, 4); $data = unpack('C1encoding/A3language', $raw); // read until \null character $short_description = null; $last_null = false; $actual_text = false; while (ftell($fp) < $dataEnd) { $char = fgetc($fp); if ($char == "\00" && $actual_text === false) { if ($data['encoding'] == 0x1) { # two null-bytes for utf-16 if ($last_null) $actual_text = null; else $last_null = true; } else # no condition for iso-8859-1 $actual_text = null; } else if ($actual_text !== false) $actual_text .= $char; else $short_description .= $char; } if ($actual_text === false) $actual_text = $short_description; // list($short_description, $actual_text) = sscanf("s".chr(0)."s", $data['texts']); // list($short_description, $actual_text) = explode(chr(0), $data['texts']); $this->tags2[$frame_id][$data['language']] = array( 'short' => (bool)($data['encoding'] == 0x00) ? mb_convert_encoding($short_description, 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1') : mb_convert_encoding($short_description, 'utf-8', 'utf-16'), 'actual' => (bool)($data['encoding'] == 0x00) ? mb_convert_encoding($actual_text, 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1') : mb_convert_encoding($actual_text, 'utf-8', 'utf-16'), ); break; // case 'RVAD': # Relative volume adjustment // break; // case 'EQUA': # Equalization // break; // case 'RVRB': # Reverb // break; case 'APIC': # Attached picture $this->hasCover = true; $last_byte = ftell($fp) + $frame_size; $this->coverProperties = ['text_encoding' => ord(fread($fp, 1))]; // fseek($fp, $frame_size - 4, SEEK_CUR); $this->coverProperties['mime_type'] = $this->readTextUntilNull($fp, $last_byte); $this->coverProperties['picture_type'] = ord(fread($fp, 1)); $this->coverProperties['description'] = $this->readTextUntilNull($fp, $last_byte); $this->coverProperties['offset'] = ftell($fp); $this->coverProperties['size'] = $last_byte - ftell($fp); fseek($fp, $last_byte); break; // case 'GEOB': # General encapsulated object // break; case 'PCNT': # Play counter $data = unpack('L', fread($fp, $frame_size)); $this->tags2[$frame_id] = $data[1]; break; // case 'POPM': # Popularimeter // break; // case 'RBUF': # Recommended buffer size // break; // case 'AENC': # Audio encryption // break; // case 'LINK': # Linked information // break; // case 'POSS': # Position synchronisation frame // break; // case 'USER': # Terms of use // break; // case 'OWNE': # Ownership frame // break; // case 'COMR': # Commercial frame // break; // case 'ENCR': # Encryption method registration // break; // case 'GRID': # Group identification registration // break; // case 'PRIV': # Private frame // break; default: fseek($fp, $frame_size, SEEK_CUR); break; } } } /** * @param $frameSize * @param $raw * * @return string */ private function handleTextFrame($frameSize, $raw) { $data = unpack('C1encoding/A' . ($frameSize - 1) . 'information', $raw); switch($data['encoding']) { case 0x00: # ISO-8859-1 return mb_convert_encoding($data['information'], 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1'); case 0x01: # utf-16 with BOM return mb_convert_encoding($data['information'] . "\00", 'utf-8', 'utf-16'); # Following is for id3v2.4.x only case 0x02: # utf-16 without BOM return mb_convert_encoding($data['information'] . "\00", 'utf-8', 'utf-16'); case 0x03: # utf-8 return $data['information']; default: throw new RuntimeException('Unknown text encoding type: '.$data['encoding']); } } /** * @param resource $fp * @param int $dataEnd * @return string|null */ private function readTextUntilNull($fp, $dataEnd) { $text = null; while (ftell($fp) < $dataEnd) { $char = fgetc($fp); if ($char === "\00") { return $text; } $text .= $char; } return $text; } /** * Fills `tags` property with values id3v2 and id3v1 tags. */ protected function fillTags() { foreach ([ 'song' => 'TIT2', 'artist' => 'TPE1', 'album' => 'TALB', 'year' => 'TYER', 'comment' => 'COMM', 'track' => 'TRCK', 'genre' => 'TCON', ] as $tag => $id3v2_tag) { if (!isset($this->tags2[$id3v2_tag]) && (!isset($this->tags1[$tag]) || empty($this->tags1[$tag]))) continue; $this->tags[$tag] = isset($this->tags2[$id3v2_tag]) ? ($id3v2_tag === 'COMM' ? current($this->tags2[$id3v2_tag])['actual'] : $this->tags2[$id3v2_tag]) : $this->tags1[$tag]; } } /** * Simple function that checks mpeg-audio correctness of given file. * Actually it checks that first 3 bytes of file is a id3v2 tag mark or * that first 11 bits of file is a frame header sync mark or that 3 bytes on -128 position of file is id3v1 tag. * To perform full test create an instance of Mp3Info with given file. * * @param string $filename File to be tested. * @return boolean True if file looks that correct mpeg audio, False otherwise. * @throws \Exception */ public static function isValidAudio($filename) { if (!file_exists($filename) && strpos($filename, '://') == false) { throw new Exception('File ' . $filename . ' is not present!'); } $filesize = file_exists($filename) ? filesize($filename) : static::getUrlContentLength($filename); $raw = file_get_contents($filename, false, null, 0, 3); return $raw === self::TAG2_SYNC // id3v2 tag || (self::FRAME_SYNC === (unpack('n*', $raw)[1] & self::FRAME_SYNC)) // mpeg header tag || ( $filesize > 128 && file_get_contents($filename, false, null, -128, 3) === self::TAG1_SYNC ) // id3v1 tag ; } /** * @param string $url * @return int|mixed|string */ public static function getUrlContentLength($url) { $context = stream_context_create(['http' => ['method' => 'HEAD']]); $head = array_change_key_case(get_headers($url, true, $context)); // content-length of download (in bytes), read from Content-Length: field $clen = isset($head['content-length']) ? $head['content-length'] : 0; // cannot retrieve file size, return "-1" if (!$clen) { return -1; } return $clen; // return size in bytes } }
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