GrayOnCooldown but darker
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Addon: GreyOnCooldown -- -- -- -- Version: 1.1.4 -- -- WoW Game Version: 11.0.5 -- -- Author: Millán - Sanguino -- -- -- -- License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- GreyOnCooldown = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("GreyOnCooldown", "AceConsole-3.0") local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0") local AceConfigDialog = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0") local AceDB = LibStub("AceDB-3.0") local AceDBOptions = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0") GreyOnCooldown.frame = GreyOnCooldown.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "GreyOnCooldownFrame") function GreyOnCooldown:OnEvent(event, ...) -- functions created in "object:method"-style have an implicit first parameter of "self", which points to object GreyOnCooldown[event](GreyOnCooldown, ...) -- route event parameters to GreyOnCooldown:event methods end GreyOnCooldown.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", GreyOnCooldown.OnEvent) local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("GreyOnCooldown") local _G = _G local _ local STANDARD_EPSILON = 0.0001 -- Default settings GreyOnCooldown.defaults = { profile = { enabled = true, disabledConsoleStatusMessages = false, desaturateUnusableActions = true, minDuration = 1.51 } } -- Global variables GreyOnCooldown.VERSION = "1.1.4" GreyOnCooldown.CheckAddonsWindowTime = 90 GreyOnCooldown.AddonLABIsPresent = nil GreyOnCooldown.LABButtonsTable = {} GreyOnCooldown.GOCLoadTimestamp = nil -- First function fired function GreyOnCooldown:OnInitialize() self.GOCLoadTimestamp = GetTime() self.db = AceDB:New("GreyOnCooldown_DB", self.defaults, true) self.optionsTable.args.profiles = AceDBOptions:GetOptionsTable(self.db) AceConfig:RegisterOptionsTable("GreyOnCooldown", self.optionsTable) self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "RefreshConfig") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "RefreshConfig") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "RefreshConfig") self.optionsFramesCatId = {} self.optionsFrames = {} self.optionsFrames.general, self.optionsFramesCatId.general = AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("GreyOnCooldown", nil, nil, "general") self.optionsFrames.profiles, self.optionsFramesCatId.profiles = AceConfigDialog:AddToBlizOptions("GreyOnCooldown", L["Profiles"], "GreyOnCooldown", "profiles") self:RegisterChatCommand("GreyOnCooldown", "SlashCommand") self:RegisterChatCommand("GOC", "SlashCommand") -- Start GreyOnCooldown Core if (self.db.profile.enabled) then self:Enable() self:MainFunction() else self:Disable() end end -- Executed after modifying, resetting or changing profiles from the profile configuration menu function GreyOnCooldown:RefreshConfig() if (self:IsEnabled()) then if (not self.db.profile.enabled) then self:Disable() ReloadUI() else self:Enable() self:HookGreyOnCooldownIcons() self:CheckAddonLAB() end else if (self.db.profile.enabled) then self:Enable() self:HookGreyOnCooldownIcons() self:CheckAddonLAB() else self:Disable() end end end -- Function to control the slash commands function GreyOnCooldown:SlashCommand(str) local cmd, arg1 = GreyOnCooldown:GetArgs(str, 2, 1) cmd = strlower(cmd or "") arg1 = strlower(arg1 or "") if (cmd == "enable") or (cmd == "on") then if (not GreyOnCooldown:IsEnabled()) then GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.enabled = true GreyOnCooldown:Enable() GreyOnCooldown:MainFunction() end elseif (cmd == "disable") or (cmd == "off") then if (GreyOnCooldown:IsEnabled()) then GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.enabled = false GreyOnCooldown:Disable() ReloadUI() end elseif (cmd == "disableconsolestatusmessages") or (cmd == "disablecsm") or (cmd == "dcsm") then local newValue if (arg1 == "") or (arg1 == "toggle") then newValue = not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) elseif (arg1 == "default") then newValue = GreyOnCooldown.db.defaults.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages elseif (arg1 == "on") or (arg1 == "enable") or (arg1 == "1") then newValue = true elseif (arg1 == "off") or (arg1 == "disable") or (arg1 == "0") or (arg1 == "-1") then newValue = false end if (newValue ~= nil) then if (GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages ~= newValue) then GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages = newValue end if not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) then GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GreyOnCooldown'] .. '->disabledConsoleStatusMessages = ' .. tostring(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) .. "|r") end end elseif (cmd == "desaturateunusableactions") or (cmd == "desaturateua") or (cmd == "dua") then local newValue if (arg1 == "") or (arg1 == "toggle") then newValue = not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.desaturateUnusableActions) elseif (arg1 == "default") then newValue = GreyOnCooldown.db.defaults.profile.desaturateUnusableActions elseif (arg1 == "on") or (arg1 == "enable") or (arg1 == "1") then newValue = true elseif (arg1 == "off") or (arg1 == "disable") or (arg1 == "0") or (arg1 == "-1") then newValue = false end if (newValue ~= nil) then if (GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.desaturateUnusableActions ~= newValue) then GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.desaturateUnusableActions = newValue if (GreyOnCooldown:IsEnabled() and newValue) then GreyOnCooldown:HookGreyOnCooldownIcons() GreyOnCooldown:CheckAddonLAB() end end if not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) then GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GreyOnCooldown'] .. '->desaturateUnusableActions = ' .. tostring(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.desaturateUnusableActions) .. "|r") end end elseif (cmd == "minduration") then if (arg1 ~= "") then if (arg1 == "default") then GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.minDuration = GreyOnCooldown.db.defaults.profile.minDuration else local newValue = tonumber(arg1) if (newValue ~= nil) then if (newValue < 0.01) then newValue = 0.01 end GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.minDuration = newValue end end if not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) then GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GreyOnCooldown'] .. '->minDuration = ' .. tostring(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.minDuration) .. "|r") end end elseif (cmd == "profiles") then GreyOnCooldown:ShowConfig(1) elseif (cmd == "help") then GreyOnCooldown:ShowHelp() else GreyOnCooldown:ShowConfig() end end -- Print the help function GreyOnCooldown:ShowHelp() GreyOnCooldown:Print('|cffd78900' .. L['GreyOnCooldown'] .. ' v' .. GreyOnCooldown.VERSION .. '|r') GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE1'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE2'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE3'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE4'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE5'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE6'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE7'] .. "|r") GreyOnCooldown:Print("|cffd2a679" .. L['GREYONCOOLDOWN_HELP_LINE8'] .. "|r") end function GreyOnCooldown:OnEnable() if not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffd78900' .. L['GreyOnCooldown'] .. ' v' .. GreyOnCooldown.VERSION .. '|r ' .. L['enabled']) end function GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(button) if not button.blackOverlay then -- Create a black overlay texture button.blackOverlay = button:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") button.blackOverlay:SetAllPoints(button.icon) button.blackOverlay:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.9) -- Black with 90% opacity button.blackOverlay:Hide() -- Hide by default end end end function GreyOnCooldown:OnDisable() if not(GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.disabledConsoleStatusMessages) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('|cffd78900' .. L['GreyOnCooldown'] .. ' v' .. GreyOnCooldown.VERSION .. '|r ' .. L['disabled']) end end -- Show Options Menu function GreyOnCooldown:ShowConfig(category) if (category ~= nil) then if (category == 0) then Settings.OpenToCategory(self.optionsFramesCatId.general) elseif (category == 1) then Settings.OpenToCategory(self.optionsFramesCatId.profiles) end else Settings.OpenToCategory(self.optionsFramesCatId.general) end end -- GreyOnCooldown MainFunction function GreyOnCooldown:MainFunction() GreyOnCooldown:HookGreyOnCooldownIcons() GreyOnCooldown:CheckAddonLAB() end -- Dummy function to replace GetCooldown function from LAB ActionButtons local function GreyOnCooldown_ActionButtonGetCooldown(self) if (self._state_type == "action") then ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(self) return GetActionCooldown(self._state_action) elseif (self._state_type == "spell") then ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(self) local spellCooldownInfo = C_Spell.GetSpellCooldown(self._state_action) or {startTime = 0, duration = 0, isEnabled = false, modRate = 1} return spellCooldownInfo.startTime, spellCooldownInfo.duration, spellCooldownInfo.isEnabled, spellCooldownInfo.modRate elseif (self._state_type == "item") then return C_Container.GetItemCooldown(self._state_action:match("^item:(%d+)")) else return nil end end -- Function to fast-check if some LibActionButtons-1.0 addon is present function GreyOnCooldown:CheckAddonLAB() if (self.AddonLABIsPresent == false) then return false elseif (self.AddonLABIsPresent) then return true else if ((self.GOCLoadTimestamp == nil) or ((GetTime() - self.GOCLoadTimestamp) < self.CheckAddonsWindowTime)) then local LibActionButton = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibActionButton-1.0", true) if LibActionButton then if (not LibActionButton.GREYONCOOLDOWN_ONBUTTONUPDATE_LAB_HOOKED) then LibActionButton.RegisterCallback(self, "OnButtonUpdate", function(event, button) ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(button) end) LibActionButton.GREYONCOOLDOWN_ONBUTTONUPDATE_LAB_HOOKED = true end if (self.db.profile.desaturateUnusableActions) then if (not LibActionButton.GREYONCOOLDOWN_ONBUTTONUSABLE_LAB_HOOKED) then LibActionButton.RegisterCallback(self, "OnButtonUsable", function(event, button) ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(button) end) LibActionButton.GREYONCOOLDOWN_ONBUTTONUSABLE_LAB_HOOKED = true end end for button in next, LibActionButton.buttonRegistry do if ((button ~= nil) and not(self.LABButtonsTable[button])) then if (not button.GREYONCOOLDOWN_LAB_HOOKED) then self.LABButtonsTable[button] = true -- Replace 'GetCooldown' (LABButton) function because we can't hook the local 'UpdateCooldown' (LABButton) function button.GetCooldown = GreyOnCooldown_ActionButtonGetCooldown button.GREYONCOOLDOWN_LAB_HOOKED = true end end end LibActionButton.RegisterCallback(self, "OnButtonCreated", function(event, button) if ((button ~= nil) and (not GreyOnCooldown.LABButtonsTable[button])) then if (not button.GREYONCOOLDOWN_LAB_HOOKED) then GreyOnCooldown.LABButtonsTable[button] = true -- Replace 'GetCooldown' (LABButton) function because we can't hook the local 'UpdateCooldown' (LABButton) function button.GetCooldown = GreyOnCooldown_ActionButtonGetCooldown button.GREYONCOOLDOWN_LAB_HOOKED = true end end end) self.AddonLABIsPresent = true return true else return false end else self.AddonLABIsPresent = false return false end end end function GreyOnCooldown:HookGreyOnCooldownIcons() -- Main hook function (regular action buttons) if (not GREYONCOOLDOWN_HOOKED) then local UpdateFuncCache = {} function ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(self, expectedUpdate) local icon = self.icon local spellID local action if GreyOnCooldown:CheckAddonLAB() then if (self._state_type == "spell") then spellID = self._state_action else spellID = self.spellID action = self._state_action end else spellID = self.spellID action = self.action end if (icon and ((action and type(action)~="table" and type(action)~="string") or (spellID and type(spellID)~="table" and type(spellID)~="string"))) then local start, duration if (spellID) then local spellCooldownInfo = C_Spell.GetSpellCooldown(spellID) or {startTime = 0, duration = 0} start, duration = spellCooldownInfo.startTime, spellCooldownInfo.duration else start, duration = GetActionCooldown(action) end if (duration >= GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.minDuration) then if start > 3085367 and start <= 4294967.295 then start = start - 4294967.296 end if ((not self.onCooldown) or (self.onCooldown == 0)) then self.onCooldown = start + duration local nextTime = start + duration - GetTime() - 0.1 if (nextTime < -0.1) then nextTime = 0.025 elseif (nextTime < 0) then nextTime = 0.051 end if nextTime <= 4294967.295 then local func = UpdateFuncCache[self] if not func then func = function() ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(self, true) end UpdateFuncCache[self] = func end C_Timer.After(nextTime, func) end elseif (expectedUpdate or (self.onCooldown > start + duration + 0.025)) then if (self.onCooldown ~= start + duration) then self.onCooldown = start + duration end local nextTime = 0.025 local timeRemains = self.onCooldown - GetTime() if (timeRemains > 0.041) then nextTime = timeRemains / 1.5 end if nextTime <= 4294967.295 then local func = UpdateFuncCache[self] if not func then func = function() ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown(self, true) end UpdateFuncCache[self] = func end C_Timer.After(nextTime, func) end end -- Show the black overlay when on cooldown if not self.blackOverlay then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(self) end self.blackOverlay:Show() else self.onCooldown = 0 if (GreyOnCooldown.db.profile.desaturateUnusableActions and action) then local isUsable, notEnoughMana = IsUsableAction(action) if (isUsable or notEnoughMana) then -- Hide the black overlay when usable if self.blackOverlay then self.blackOverlay:Hide() end else -- Show the black overlay when unusable if not self.blackOverlay then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(self) end self.blackOverlay:Show() end else -- Hide the black overlay when not on cooldown if self.blackOverlay then self.blackOverlay:Hide() end end end end end hooksecurefunc('ActionButton_UpdateCooldown', ActionButtonGreyOnCooldown_UpdateCooldown) GREYONCOOLDOWN_HOOKED = true end -- Create black overlays for all buttons for i = 1, 12 do local actionButton actionButton = _G["ExtraActionButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["ActionButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["MultiBarBottomLeftButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["MultiBarBottomRightButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["MultiBarLeftButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["MultiBarRightButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["PetActionButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["StanceButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["PossessButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end actionButton = _G["OverrideActionBarButton"..i] if (actionButton) then GreyOnCooldown:CreateBlackOverlay(actionButton) end end end
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