a year ago
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package org.example import spock.lang.Specification class LoadBalancerTest extends Specification { LoadBalancer loadBalancer = new LoadBalancer() def "Should retern list of instances when instances was add to load balancer"() { given: Instance instance = new Instance("1") when: loadBalancer.addInstance(instance) then: List<String> instances = loadBalancer.gatAllInstances() instances.size() == 1 } def "Should thor Max instances ehen loadBalancer has mor that 10 instances"() { given: Instance instance = new Instance("1") Instance instance1 = new Instance("2") Instance instance2 = new Instance("3") Instance instance3 = new Instance("4") Instance instance4 = new Instance("5") Instance instance5 = new Instance("6") Instance instance6 = new Instance("7") Instance instance7 = new Instance("8") Instance instance8 = new Instance("9") Instance instance9 = new Instance("10") Instance instance10 = new Instance("11") when: loadBalancer.addInstance(instance) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance1) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance2) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance3) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance4) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance5) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance6) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance7) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance8) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance9) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance10) then: thrown(RuntimeException) } def "Should throw duplicated address when try to add instance with duplicated address"() { given: Instance instance = new Instance("1") Instance instance2 = new Instance("1") when: loadBalancer.addInstance(instance) loadBalancer.addInstance(instance2) then: List<String> instances = loadBalancer.gatAllInstances() instances.size() == 1 } def "Should return random instance when call get method"() { given: Instance instance = new Instance("0") loadBalancer.addInstance(instance) when: Instance receivedInstance = loadBalancer.getRandomInstance() then: receivedInstance != null } }