2 months ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using Size = System.Drawing.Size; using static PhotoPlugin.AcadStaticHelper; using static PhotoPlugin.PaletteControlHelper; using static PhotoPlugin.MessageBoxHelper; using static PhotoPlugin.ActivationStaticHelper; using static PhotoPlugin.SysConStaticHelper; using Exception = System.Exception; #if BricsCad_Compiler using Bricscad.ApplicationServices; using Cad = Bricscad.ApplicationServices.Application; using Teigha.DatabaseServices; using Bricscad.EditorInput; using Bricscad.Windows; using Teigha.Runtime; #elif AutoCad_Compiler using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Cad = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput; #endif namespace PhotoPlugin { #region Class public static class PaletteStarter { #region Properties public static PaletteSet _palette; private static bool _isVisible; #endregion #region Methods [CommandMethod("PhotoPluginClose", CommandFlags.Session)] public static void ClosePalette() { try { if (_palette != null) { _palette.Close(); _palette = null; } } catch { } } [CommandMethod("PhotoPlugin",CommandFlags.Session)] public static void LoadPalette() { try { SetIsNotPlan2(); SetStaticAcadHelper(); if (AcadStatic != null) { AcadStatic.CurrentDoc.SendStringToExecute("PlotPluginClose\n", false, false, true); AcadStatic.CurrentDoc.SendStringToExecute("Plan2ExtClosePalettes\n", false, false, true); AcadStatic.CurrentDoc.SendStringToExecute("Plan2PointCloudClosePalettes\n", false, false, true); } Debug.WriteLine("Start to check loaded palette status ..."); if (_palette != null) Debug.WriteLine("Palette is still created ..."); if (_palette == null) { Debug.WriteLine("No palette is created ..."); Debug.WriteLine("Start to create new auto cad palette ..."); _palette = new PaletteSet( "PhotoPlugin", "PhotoPlugin", new Guid("{1836C7AC-C70E-4CF7-AA05-F6298D257046}")); SetDisplayProperties(); LoginUserId = UserId_PlanQuadratBestandsaufnahmenGmbH; SetInterfacesPhotoPlugin(); SetDefaultIcon(); var documentCollection = Cad.DocumentManager; documentCollection.DocumentBecameCurrent += (s, e) => _palette.Visible = e.Document != null && _isVisible; documentCollection.DocumentCreated += (s, e) => _palette.Visible = _isVisible; documentCollection.DocumentToBeDeactivated += (s, e) => _isVisible = _palette.Visible; documentCollection.DocumentToBeDestroyed += (s, e) => { _isVisible = _palette.Visible; if (documentCollection.Count == 1) _palette.Visible = false; }; Debug.WriteLine("Finished to create new auto cad palette ..."); } SetDockingProperties(); AcadStatic.DocManager.DocumentActivated += DocumentChanged_Event; void DocumentChanged_Event(object sender, DocumentCollectionEventArgs e) { SetStaticAcadHelper(); } void SetDockingProperties() { Debug.WriteLine("Start to set palette docking properties ..."); _palette.Dock = DockSides.Left; _palette.RolledUp = false; _palette.Visible = true; Debug.WriteLine("Docking properties are set ..."); } void SetDisplayProperties() { Debug.WriteLine("Start to set palette display properties ..."); _palette.Size = new Size(500, 700); _palette.MinimumSize = new Size(500, 700); _palette.Style = PaletteSetStyles.ShowAutoHideButton | PaletteSetStyles.ShowCloseButton | PaletteSetStyles.ShowPropertiesMenu; Debug.WriteLine("Display properties are set ..."); } void SetDefaultIcon() { Debug.WriteLine("Start to set icon for palette ..."); var paletteImage = new PaletteImageHelper(); var icon = paletteImage.GetIconPalette(); if (icon == null) { Debug.WriteLine("No icon set ..."); } if (icon != null) { _palette.SetIcon(icon); Debug.WriteLine("Icon set ..."); } } void SetInterfacesPhotoPlugin() { try { Debug.WriteLine("Start to set photo palette main ..."); var photoPaletteMain = new PhotoPaletteMain(_palette); PhotoPaletteMainInterface = photoPaletteMain; _palette.AddVisual("Fotodoku", photoPaletteMain); Debug.WriteLine("Finished to set photo palette main ..."); } catch (Exception error) { Debug.WriteLine("Error to set photo palette main ..."); Debug.WriteLine(error.Message); } } } catch (Exception error) { ShowMessageBoxError("Fehler beim laden der Palette ...", error); } } static string SetIsNotPlan2() { string isPlan2FilePath = null; Debug.WriteLine("Start to get IsNotPlan2 from dll path file ..."); try { var dllHelper = new DllHelper(); var fullDllPath = dllHelper.GetLoadedDllFileInfo(); if (fullDllPath == null || fullDllPath.Directory == null) isPlan2FilePath = null; if (fullDllPath != null || fullDllPath.Directory != null) isPlan2FilePath = fullDllPath.Directory + @"\config\IsNotPlan2.conf"; IsNotPlan2= File.Exists(isPlan2FilePath); Debug.WriteLine("Finished to get IsNotPlan2 from dll path file ..."); } catch (Exception error) { Debug.WriteLine("Error to get IsNotPlan2 from dll path file ..."); Debug.WriteLine(error.Message); } return isPlan2FilePath; } [CommandMethod("FindCmdDuplicates")] public static void FindCmdDuplicatesCmd() { string asmPath = SelectAssembly(); if (asmPath == null) return; FindCmdDuplicates(asmPath); } private static string SelectAssembly() { System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); dlg.Title = "Load Assembly File"; dlg.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); dlg.Filter = ".Net Assembly (*.dll)|*.dll"; dlg.FilterIndex = 1; dlg.RestoreDirectory = true; while (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { try { AssemblyName asmName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(dlg.FileName); return dlg.FileName; } catch (BadImageFormatException ) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "Sorry the file is not a valid .Net assembly...", "Invalid Assembly", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } return null; } public static void FindCmdDuplicates(string asmPath) { Dictionary<string, List<MethodInfo>> map = new Dictionary<string, List<MethodInfo>>(); Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(asmPath); Type[] expTypes = asm.GetTypes(); foreach (Type type in expTypes) { MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(); foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { CommandMethodAttribute attribute = GetCommandMethodAttribute(method); if (attribute == null) continue; if (!map.ContainsKey(attribute.GlobalName)) { var methodInfo = new List<MethodInfo>(); map.Add(attribute.GlobalName, methodInfo); } map[attribute.GlobalName].Add(method); } } Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; foreach (var keyValuePair in map) { if (keyValuePair.Value.Count > 1) { ed.WriteMessage( "\nDuplicate Attribute: " + keyValuePair.Key); foreach (var method in keyValuePair.Value) { ed.WriteMessage( "\n – Method: " + method.Name); } } } } public static CommandMethodAttribute GetCommandMethodAttribute( MethodInfo method) { object[] attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(true); foreach (object attribute in attributes) { if (attribute is CommandMethodAttribute) { return attribute as CommandMethodAttribute; } } return null; } #endregion } #endregion }
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