2 months ago
982 B
SELECT o.lastscandate, s.siteflag, o.cost, o.serialnumber, i.product, i.size, s.isfinejewelry, CASE WHEN s.isFineJewelry = 1 THEN 'Y,FineJewelry' WHEN o.product LIKE 'FNEF%' THEN 'Y,Renew' WHEN o.cost > 1000 THEN 'Y,HighCost' ELSE 'N' END AS 'Priority', i.sellableqty, COUNT(DISTINCT o.serialnumber) units_on_hand, IF(SUM(o.location LIKE 'STUD%') > 0, 'Y', 'N') AS pending_units, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT o.location) locations FROM (SELECT product, option1 AS size, quantity, sellableqty FROM inventory) i JOIN inventoryitem o ON o.product = i.product AND i.size = o.size JOIN product s ON s.code = o.product WHERE s.siteflag = 'F' AND o.location LIKE 'STUD%' AND o.location != 'STUD-Sellable Photo Studio' AND qtyonhand = 1 GROUP BY i.product , i.size HAVING sellableqty <= 0 ORDER BY Priority DESC
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