2 months ago
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(function () { try { /* main variables */ var debug = 0; var variation_name = ""; var $; /* all Pure helper functions */ function waitForElement(selector, trigger, delayInterval, delayTimeout) { var interval = setInterval(function () { if ( document && document.querySelector(selector) && document.querySelectorAll(selector).length > 0 ) { clearInterval(interval); trigger(); } }, delayInterval); setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, delayTimeout); } function waitForSlick(trigger) { var interval = setInterval(function () { if (window.jQuery.fn.slick != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); trigger(); } }, 50); setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, 15000) } function waitForjQuery(trigger) { var interval = setInterval(function () { if (window.jQuery != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); trigger(); } }, 50); setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, 15000) } const testimonialsHtml = ` <div class="eg-testimonials"> <div class="eg-testimonials-wrapper"> <h2 class="eg-testimonials-title">Loved by Pets, Endorsed by Veterinarians</h2> <div class="eg-reviewCards-container"> <div class="eg-cards-wrapper"> <div class="eg-card"> <div class="eg-card-img"></div> <div class="eg-card-content"> <p class="eg-card-desc">“Meat should be raw. Cooking destroys enzymes and denatures the proteins rendering them less digestible to cats and dogs.”</p> <p class="eg-card-name">Christina Chambreau, <span>DVM</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="eg-card"> <div class="eg-card-img"></div> <div class="eg-card-content"> <p class="eg-card-desc">“Dogs should eat raw food — raw meat and bones, vegetables and fruit. If they were meant to eat processed, sterilized food, they would have evolved with tin openers instead of dew claws.”</p> <p class="eg-card-name">Nick Thompson, <span>BSc.(Hons), BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="eg-card"> <div class="eg-card-img"></div> <div class="eg-card-content"> <p class="eg-card-desc">“Meat should be raw. Cooking destroys enzymes and denatures the proteins rendering them less digestible to cats and dogs.”</p> <p class="eg-card-name">Christina Chambreau, <span>DVM</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="eg-card"> <div class="eg-card-img"></div> <div class="eg-card-content"> <p class="eg-card-desc">“Dogs should eat raw food — raw meat and bones, vegetables and fruit. If they were meant to eat processed, sterilized food, they would have evolved with tin openers instead of dew claws.”</p> <p class="eg-card-name">Nick Thompson, <span>BSc.(Hons), BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>`; /* Variation Init */ function init() { const testDestEl = document.querySelector('.experience-commerce_layouts-testimonialRegion'); if(!document.querySelector('.eg-testimonials')) { testDestEl.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', testimonialsHtml); } if(window.screen.width < 767) { waitForjQuery(function () { $ = window.jQuery; waitForSlick(testmonialSlider); }); } } function testmonialSlider() { $('.eg-cards-wrapper').slick({ arrows: true, dots: true, infinite: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, loop: true, }); } /* Initialize variation */ waitForElement('.experience-commerce_layouts-testimonialRegion', init, 500, 15000); } catch (e) { if (debug) console.log(e, "error in Test" + variation_name); } })();
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