
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
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Python Eğitim Müfredatı

 - Python
 - VSCode

İlk Program
 - print
 - print fonksiyonu özellikleri

 - Yorum Satırları (Comment lines)
 - Variables
   - Variable Defining Rules
   - Local Variables
 - Operators
   - Logical Operators
    - Logical Keyword Operators 
    - AND/OR/XOR
   - Math Operators
 - General Datatypes (Temel Veri Tipleri)
 - Integers (Tam sayılar)
 - Strings (Karakter dizeleri)
 - Floating Numbers (Ondalıklı ifadeler)
 - Iterables (Yığınlar)
   - Lists (Listeler)
   - Dicts (Sözlükler)
   - Tuples (Demetler)
   - Sets (Kümeler)
   - Numpy Arrays (Numpy Dizisi)
 - Iterating Strings (Dizelerde gezinme)
 - Slicing for Iterables
  - String Slicing
  - List Slicing
 - Common Procs with Types
  - String Formatters
  - The "str.format" Function
  - String Formatter Operators
  - String to Int
  - Int/Float/Iterables to String

 - Functions
  - What is Function?
  - Create Functions
  - Procs with Functions
  - Most Common Built-in Functions
  - Basic Math Functions
   - Divide, Multiple, Plus Function
   - Modulus Function
   - Factorial Function
 - Conditional Expressions (Koşullu İfadeler)
  - If Elif Else
  - Short If
  - Examples with Conditions
 - Loops
  - For Loop
    - Loop Keywords
    - List Comprehension
  - While Loop
    - Infinite Loop
    - Conditional Loop
  - Filtering iterables with filter()
  - Formatting iterables with map()
  - Getting Min/Max Value of Iterable
  - BubbleSort Sorting Algorithm
 - File Operations
  - Read Data from File
  - Write into File
  - Append Data to File
  - Getting File Properties with OS Module

 - Open File with Context Manager
 - Built-in Functions
  - any, all, map, filter, enumerate, range, id,          
    eval, exec, open, dir, locals, globals

 - PEP8 Python Coding Standarts
  - Variable Types & Recomended Styles
  - Principles for Writing Function
  - Typing
  - Return Types

 - Object Oriented Programming
  - Classes
  - Inheritance
    - Inherit Class from Another Super Class
    - Using Common Namespacea
  - Class Initalizer
    - init   Method
  - Class Constructor
    - new   Method
  - Class Default Methods
    - call Method
    - repr / str Method
    - classmethod/staticmethod/property
  - Context Manager Methods
    - enter Method 
    - exit Method
    - aenter Async Method
    - aexit Async Method
  - Operator Manipulating
    - eq
    - ne
    - mul
    - lt
    - le
    - gt
    - ge
  - Decorators
    - What is Decorator?
    - Decorator Examples from Reallife
    - Writing First Decorator with OOP
  - Moduls/Packages
    - Create Your Own Module
    - Module Attrs
    - Course Libraries
       - Data Manipulating
         - Requests/Bs4/Urlllib
         - Selenium Browser Automations