// import { ref, push, get, set, update, query, equalTo, orderByChild, orderByKey } from 'firebase/database';
import { ref, get, push, update } from 'firebase/database';
import { db } from '../firebase/config';
export const addPost = async (content, username, topicId) => {
const post = {
author: username,
createdOn: Date.now(),
const { key } = push(ref(db, 'posts'), post);
update(ref(db), {
[`posts/${key}/id`]: key, // add the ID to the post
[`users/${username}/posts/${key}`]: true, // connect the post with the user
[`topics/${topicId}/posts/${key}`]: true, // connect the post with the topic
return key;
export const getAllPosts = async () => {
const snapshot = await get(ref(db, 'posts'));
if (!snapshot.exists()) {
return [];
return Object.keys(snapshot.val()).map((key) => ({ ...snapshot.val()[key], id: key }));
export const getPostById = async (postId) => {
const snapshot = await get(ref(db, `posts/${postId}`));
return snapshot.val();
export const getPostsByIds = async (ids) => {
const posts = await getAllPosts();
return posts.filter((p) => ids.includes(p.id));
export const deletePost = async (postId, username, topicId) => {
return update(ref(db), {
[`topics/${topicId}/posts/${postId}`]: null,
[`users/${username}/posts/${postId}`]: null,
[`posts/${postId}`]: null,
export const editPost = async (postId, content) => {
return update(ref(db), {
[`posts/${postId}/content`]: content,
[`posts/${postId}/editedOn`]: Date.now(),
export const togglePostLike = async (postId, username, author, like = true) => {
const snapshot = await get(ref(db, `users/${author}/likesReceived`));
const likesReceived = snapshot.val() || 0;
return update(ref(db), {
[`posts/${postId}/likedBy/${username}`]: like || null,
[`users/${username}/likesGiven/${postId}`]: like || null,
[`users/${author}/likesReceived`]: like === true ? likesReceived + 1 : likesReceived - 1,