3 years ago
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Program: #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctime> using namespace std; // display the contents of the queues void displayQueue(queue<string> que, queue<int> r) { int i = 0; while(!que.empty() && !r.empty()) { cout << "(" << i << ") " << que.front() << " " << r.front() << endl; que.pop(); r.pop(); i++; } cout << endl; } /** function to search the name in queue * returns records associated with the name */ int searchName(queue<string> line, string name) { int count = 0; while(!line.empty()) { count++; if(line.front() == name) { return count; } line.pop(); } return 0; } /** * function to search and return the name of person having raffle number as num */ string searchRaffle(queue<int>raffle, int num, queue<string> line) { while(!raffle.empty()) { if(raffle.front() == num) { return line.front(); } raffle.pop(); line.pop(); } // ***in case raffle number != num for any person, return empty string *** return ""; } int main() { int choice; // queue to store the names queue<string> line; // queue to store the raffle number queue<int>raffle; int last_raffle; srand(time(0)); while(true) { cout << "Snow's BBQ Menu" << endl << endl; cout << "1. Add a Name" << endl; cout << "2. Make an Order" << endl; cout << "3. Count Names" << endl; cout << "4. Draw Raffle Winner" << endl; cout << "5. Display Line" << endl; cout << "6. Help your BFF" << endl; cout << "7. Exit Menu" << endl << endl; cout << "Choose your Option: "; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: { string name; cout << "Enter your name: "; cin >> name; line.push(name); last_raffle = 1 +(rand() % 500); raffle.push(last_raffle); cout << "Welcome! Your raffle number is " << last_raffle << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << line.front() << ", you can order now!" << endl; //as the order of first person in line processed remove that person from line line.pop(); raffle.pop(); break; } case 3: { cout << "Number of people in the line: " << line.size() << endl; break; } case 4: { int num =((rand() % line.size()) + 1) * 10; cout << "The winning raffle number is " << num << "." << endl; string winner = searchRaffle(raffle, num, line); cout << endl << winner << ", please choose what do you want:" << endl; cout << "> 1. To move to the front of the line, or" << endl; cout << "> 2. A free t-shirt" << endl << endl; cout << " Choose your option: "; int option; cin >> option; // if selected to move to first in line if(option == 1) { // find the persons in front of the winner int count = searchName(line, winner); if(count != 0) { // create two new temporary queues queue<string> names; queue<int>id; string friendName; int friendId; int size = line.size(); // move the data from one queue to another for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if(j == count - 1) { friendName = line.front(); friendId = raffle.front(); } else { names.push(line.front()); id.push(raffle.front()); } line.pop(); raffle.pop(); } // add the winner as the first in old queues line.push(friendName); raffle.push(friendId); //add remaining persons in the both old queues for(int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++) { line.push(names.front()); raffle.push(id.front()); names.pop(); id.pop(); } cout << endl << winner << ", you are being moved to the front of line!" << endl << endl; } } else { // else give free t-shirt cout << "You have won a free t-shirt" << endl << endl; } break; } case 5: { displayQueue(line, raffle); break; } case 6: { string bffName; cout << "Please input the name of your BFF: "; cin >> bffName; // the number of persons ahead of the bff including bff int count = searchName(line, bffName); if(count != 0) { queue<string> names; queue<int>id; string friendName; int friendId; int size = line.size(); // move the data from old queues to new queues for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if(j == count - 1) { friendName = line.front(); friendId = raffle.front(); } else { names.push(line.front()); id.push(raffle.front()); } line.pop(); raffle.pop(); } // add the friend as first person in old queue line.push(friendName); raffle.push(friendId); //transfering the data from new queues to old queues for(int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++) { line.push(names.front()); raffle.push(id.front()); names.pop(); id.pop(); } cout << endl << bffName << ", you are being moved to the front of line!" << endl << endl; } else { cout << endl << "The person with name '" << bffName << "' is not in the line at this time." << endl << endl; } break; } case 7: { cout << "Bye!!" << endl; break; } } } return 0; }