def train_one_epoch(
model: Type[LogisticRegressionModel],
train_set: np.ndarray,
train_labels: np.ndarray,
val_set: np.ndarray,
batch_size: int,
learning_rate: float,
validation_every_x_step: int
) -> float:
Trains the model for one epoch on the entire dataset with the given learning rate and batch size
model (class): the model used to train
train_set (np.ndarray): Numpy array of shape [val_size x num_features]
train_labels (np.ndarray): Numpy array of shape [val_size]
val_set (np.ndarray): Numpy array of shape [val_size x num_features]
val_labels (np.ndarray): Numpy array of shape [val_size]
batch_size (int): the batch size to be used to iterate through the dataset
learning_rate (float): the learning rate to be used for mini-batch gradient descent optimization
validation_every_x_step (int): the number of steps to wait before performing validation
train_losses (list): a list of training losses
train_accuracies (list): a list of training accuracies
# train_steps (list): a list of the training batch ids, i.e. each element is the n-th batch of the training set
train_steps (list): a list of the number of training steps. One training step is defined as one forward pass
(i.e. calculating the loss) AND one backward pass (i.e. calculating the gradients and updating the parameters)
of a mini-batch of samples through the model
val_losses (list): a list of validation losses
val_accuracies (list): a list of validation accuracies
val_steps (list): a list of the validation steps. One validation step is defined one forward pass of the validaton mini-batch
samples through the model
train_losses = []
train_accuracies = []
train_steps = []
val_losses = []
val_accuracies = []
val_steps = []
step_count = 0
# Iterate through the training set and append the corresponding metrics to the list
for x_batch, targets in iterate_samples(batch_size, train_set, train_labels, True):
step_count += 1
pred = model.__call__(x_batch)
grad_W, grad_b = compute_gradients(x_batch, pred, targets)
model.W = model.W - learning_rate * grad_W
model.b = model.b - learning_rate * grad_b
train_loss, train_acc = validation(model, train_set, train_labels, batch_size)
# perform validation depending on the value of `validation_every_x_step`
if (step_count % validation_every_x_step) == 0 or step_count == 1:
validation_loss, validation_acc = validation(model, val_set, val_labels, batch_size)
return train_losses, train_accuracies, train_steps, val_losses, val_accuracies, val_steps