// not: benim sourceme uyarli bu, crash verirse json degerlerini kontrol et
// world.h thread
void saveserver() {
while (true) {
//int anan = 0;
//std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> players(playerLocks.begin(), playerLocks.end());
int lock = 0, itemcount = 0, itemid = 0, sayi = 0;
string name = "", names = "", dname = "";
int gems = 0, opc = 0, level = 0, adml = 0, bpoi = 0;
for (auto& p : directory_iterator("players")) {
json j;
ifstream files(p.path());
files >> j;
adml = j["adminLevel"];
dname = j["d_name"];
name = j["name"];
gems = j["gems"];
opc = j["opc"];
level = j["level"];
//bpoi = j["bpoi"];
lock += opc / 2;
//lock += level / 3;
lock += gems / 2000;
lock += bpoi / 500;
json a_ = j["inv"].get<json>();
for (int i_ = 0; i_ < a_.size(); i_++) {
itemid = a_.at(i_)["i"].get<int>();
itemcount = a_.at(i_)["c"].get<int>();
if (itemid == 242) {
lock += itemcount;
if (itemid == 1796) {
lock += itemcount * 100;
if (itemid == 7188) {
lock += itemcount * 10000;
if (itemid == 8470) {
lock += itemcount * 100000;
if (level < 25 || opc < 5 || adml > 6) continue;
point[name] = { lock, adml };
lock = 0;
cout << "leaderboard refreshed" << endl;
for (ENetPeer* currentPeer = server->peers; currentPeer < &server->peers[server->peerCount]; ++currentPeer) {
if (currentPeer->state != ENET_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED or currentPeer->data == NULL) continue;
save_player(pInfo(currentPeer), false);
for (int i = 0; i < worlds.size(); i++) {
string world_name = worlds[i].name;
save_world(world_name, false);
// social portal leaderboard button
if (b_ == "leaderboard") {
std::vector<std::pair< std::string, std::pair<int, int>>> sortfuck(point.begin(), point.end());
int sayi = 0;
std::sort(sortfuck.begin(), sortfuck.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return a.second > b.second;
string btn = "";
for (const auto& entry : sortfuck) {
if (sayi < 100) {
btn += "\nadd_button|leader_" + entry.first + "|`##" + to_string(sayi + 1) + " " + adminTag(entry.second.second) + "" + entry.first + "|";
gamepacket_t k;
k.Insert("\nadd_label_with_icon|big|`wLeaderboard|left|394|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_smalltext|`1Note: Requirement is 25 level and 5 OPC|\nadd_textbox|`oTop 100 Richest Player of Voidtopia:|\nadd_spacer|small|" + btn + "\nadd_spacer|\nadd_button|kk|Close|\nadd_quick_exit|");
// world.h en üst koy
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>> point;
using std::filesystem::directory_iterator;
// source.cpp leader ic button
else if (cch.find("action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|\nbuttonClicked|leader_") != string::npos) {
string target = cch.substr(55, cch.length() - 57).c_str();
int lock = 0, itemcount = 0, itemid = 0, sayi = 0;
string name = "", names = "";
int gems = 0, opc = 0, level = 0, adml = 0, bpoi = 0;
int dl = 0, bgl = 0, inv = 0, ggl = 0;
int xp = 0;
string path_ = "players/" + target + "_.json";
cout << path_ << endl;
json j;
ifstream files(path_, ifstream::binary);
if (files.fail()) break;
files >> j;
adml = j["adminLevel"].get<int>();
name = j["name"].get<string>();
gems = j["gems"].get<int>();
opc = j["opc"].get<int>();
xp = j["xp"].get<int>();
level = j["level"].get<int>();
bpoi = j["bpoi"].get<int>();
lock += opc / 2;
lock += level / 3;
lock += gems / 20000;
lock += bpoi / 500;
json a_ = j["inv"].get<json>();
json f_ = j["worlds_owned"].get<json>();
for (int i_ = 0; i_ < a_.size(); i_++) {
itemid = a_.at(i_)["i"].get<int>();
itemcount = a_.at(i_)["c"].get<int>();
if (itemid == 242) {
lock += itemcount;
if (itemid == 1796) {
lock += itemcount * 100;
dl += itemcount;
if (itemid == 7188) {
lock += itemcount * 10000;
bgl += itemcount;
if (itemid == 8470) {
lock += itemcount * 100000;
ggl += itemcount;
gamepacket_t h;
h.Insert("\nadd_player_info|`0" + name + "``|" + to_string(level) + "|" + to_string(xp) + "|" + to_string(50 * ((level * level) + 2)) + "|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oAccount net worth: `$" + to_string(lock) + " Locks``|left|242|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal Gems: `$" + to_string(gems) + "|left|112|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal Golden Gem Locks: `$" + to_string(ggl) + "|left|8470|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal Blue Gem Locks: `$" + to_string(bgl) + "|left|7188|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal Diamond Locks: `$" + to_string(dl) + "|left|1796|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal OPC: `$" + to_string(opc) + "|left|10668|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal Breakpoint: `$" + to_string(bpoi) + "|left|18|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oInventory Size: `$" + to_string(inv) + " |left|9412|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oTotal Worlds Owned: `$"+ to_string(f_.size()) +"|left|1424|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_quick_exit|\nend_dialog|socialportal||Back|");
//h.Insert("\nadd_label|big|`w" + name + "|left||\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_textbox|`oAccount worth: `$" + to_string(lock) + " Locks``|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oGems: `$" + to_string(gems) + "|left|112|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oBlue Gem Lock: `$" + to_string(bgl) + "|left|7188|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oDiamond Lock: `$" + to_string(dl) + "|left|1796|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_label_with_icon|small|`oOnline Point Currency: `$" + to_string(opc) + "|left|10668|\nadd_spacer|small|\nadd_quick_exit|\nadd_button|s|Close|");