
2 years ago
3.4 kB
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © ScryptoMB

indicator("My script", overlay=true)

useMovingAverage = input.bool(true, title="MovingAverage", group="🟣 Entry Conditions", inline="Entry C1")

// MA
maType = input.string('MA 1 Crossing Up/Down MA 2', title="MA Entry Type", options=['Price Above/Below MA 1', 'Price Crossing Up/Down MA 1', 'MA 1 Above/Below MA 2', 'MA 1 Crossing Up/Down MA 2'], group="• Moving Average")

typeMA1 = input.string("SMA", title = "Moving Average 1",  options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA", "HMA"], inline='ema1', group="• Moving Average")
lenEMA1 = input.int(100, minval=1, title="Length", inline='ema1', group="• Moving Average")

typeMA2 = input.string("SMA", title = "Moving Average 2",  options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA", "HMA"], inline='ema2', group="• Moving Average")
lenEMA2 = input.int(200, minval=1, title="Length", inline='ema2', group="• Moving Average")

maTimeFrame = input.timeframe("", title='Resolution          ', inline="MATFS", group="• Moving Average")
maSymbol = input.symbol("", title="Symbol", inline="MATFS", group="• Moving Average")

srcEMA = close

var bool timeFrameChart = na

if maTimeFrame == ""
    timeFrameChart := true
    timeFrameChart := false

f_secureSecurity(_symbol, _res, _src) => request.security(_symbol, _res, _src[0], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

// indexHighTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0
// indexCurrTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1

// f_secureSecurity(_symbol, _res, _src) => request.security(_symbol, _res, _src[indexHighTF])[indexCurrTF]

// 4. Moving Average Calculations
ma(source, length, type) =>
    switch type
        "SMA" => ta.sma(source, length)

out1 = f_secureSecurity(maSymbol, maTimeFrame, ma(srcEMA, lenEMA1, typeMA1))
out2 = f_secureSecurity(maSymbol, maTimeFrame, ma(srcEMA, lenEMA2, typeMA2))

// out1 = ma(srcEMA, lenEMA1, typeMA1)
// out2 = ma(srcEMA, lenEMA2, typeMA2)

// MovingAVerage 
var bool longCond4 = na
var bool shortCond4 = na    

if maType == 'MA 1 Crossing Up/Down MA 2'
    longCond4 := ta.crossover(out1, out2)
    shortCond4 := ta.crossunder(out1, out2)

var bool longEntry = na
var bool shortEntry = na

if useMovingAverage == true
    longEntry := longCond4 

if useMovingAverage == true
    shortEntry := shortCond4 
 // Plots
plotshape(longEntry, title='Long Entry', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, color=color.new(#2C9670, 0), text='Long', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(shortEntry, title='Short Entry', location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.new(#B84343, 0), text='Short', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))

// EMA
emaColor1 = close > out1 ? color.teal : color.red
emaColor2 = close > out2 ? color.teal : color.red
bgCol = out1 > out2 ? color.rgb(0, 137, 123, 80) : color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 80)

emaplot1 = plot(useMovingAverage ? out1 : na, title="EMA1", color=emaColor1, linewidth=2)
emaplot2 = plot(useMovingAverage and maType == 'MA 1 Above/Below MA 2' or maType == 'MA 1 Crossing Up/Down MA 2' ? out2 : na, title="EMA2", color=emaColor2, linewidth=2)

fill(emaplot1, emaplot2, color=bgCol)

// if longEntry    
//     strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

// if shortEntry
//     strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)