2 years ago
39 kB
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Box, Button, Drawer, FormControl, FormControlLabel, IconButton, Radio, RadioGroup, TableBody, TableCell, Table, TableContainer, TableHead, TableRow, Typography, Checkbox, TextField, Tooltip, MenuList, MenuItem, Grid, } from '@material-ui/core'; import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import { CloseOutlined, CheckBoxOutlined } from '@material-ui/icons'; import { Autocomplete } from '@material-ui/lab'; import { isArray, uniqBy } from 'lodash'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { EpicsIcon, JiraIcon2, SettingIcon2, StoriesIcon, AzureIcon, ExcelIcon2, MondayIcon, TrelloIcon, SearchOpp, CheckCircleIcon, } from '@/assets'; import { MixTitle } from '@/components'; import { StyledDataSearch, StyledReactiveComponent } from '@/components/Styled'; import { useCustomSearch, useEffectOnlyOnce } from '@/hooks'; import i18n from '@/i18n'; import { IOpportunityEntitiesResponse } from '@/services/opportunity-entities'; import { getListIssueTypeProjectV1, getListJiraProjectV1, IJiraProject, IJiraType, syncIssueFromJira, } from '@/services/project-entities'; import { SelectWorkspaceView } from '@/store/workspace/selectors'; import { ITheme } from '@/theme'; import TableSync from './TableSync'; import TableSyncES from './TableSyncES'; import { Column } from './type'; interface ICreateSyncMultipleToolsDialog { openSyncMultipleTools: boolean; setOpenSyncMultipleTools: (value: boolean) => void; refreshData: () => void; } type Suggestion = { source: IOpportunityEntitiesResponse; label: JSX.Element; }; const defaultColumns = [ Column.CHECKBOX, Column.ISSUE, Column.HEADLINE, Column.STATUS, Column.ASSIGNED_USER, Column.ACTION, ]; const listHeadFields = { [Column.CHECKBOX]: { id: 0, fieldName: '' }, [Column.ISSUE]: { id: 1, fieldName: 'ISSUE #' }, [Column.HEADLINE]: { id: 2, fieldName: 'HEADLINE' }, [Column.STATUS]: { id: 3, fieldName: 'STATUS' }, [Column.ASSIGNED_USER]: { id: 4, fieldName: 'ASSIGNEE' }, [Column.ACTION]: { id: 5, fieldName: '' }, }; const DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL = '1'; export const CreateSyncMultipleToolsDialog: React.FC<ICreateSyncMultipleToolsDialog> = ({ openSyncMultipleTools, setOpenSyncMultipleTools, refreshData, }) => { const drawerRef = useRef<any>(null); const defaultDrawerWidth = 710; const [value, setValue] = useState('Sync to Wishlist'); const [valueIssue, setValueIssue] = useState('One-way sync from Jira'); // const [listColumns, setListColumns] = useState<Column[]>(defaultColumns); const [listDataIssue, setListDataIssue] = useState([]); const [listSelectedId, setListSelectedId] = useState<string[]>([]); const [toolSelectedId, setToolSelectedId] = useState(1); const [listProjectJira, setListProjectJira] = useState<IJiraProject[]>([]); const [projectSelected, setProjectSelected] = useState<IJiraProject | undefined>(); const [listTypeJira, setListTypeJira] = useState<IJiraType[]>([]); const [typeJiraSelected, setTypeJiraSelected] = useState<any>([DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL]); const [isSyncIssue, setIsSyncIssue] = useState(false); const lastProjectSelected = window.localStorage.getItem('project-selected'); const selectedWorkspace = useSelector(SelectWorkspaceView); const workspaceLocal = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workspace-id') ?? ''); const classes = useStyles({ defaultDrawerWidth }); const listActionButtons = [ { id: 1, icon: <JiraIcon2 />, class: `${classes.logoJira} ${classes.logoTools}`, disable: false, }, { id: 2, icon: <TrelloIcon />, class: `${classes.logoTrello} ${classes.logoTools} `, disable: true, }, { id: 3, icon: <MondayIcon />, class: `${classes.logoMonday} ${classes.logoTools}`, disable: true, }, { id: 4, content: 'Azure DevOps', icon: <AzureIcon />, class: `${classes.logoAzure} ${classes.logoTools}`, disable: true, }, { id: 5, content: 'Excel/CSV', icon: <ExcelIcon2 />, class: `${classes.logoExcel} ${classes.logoTools}`, disable: true, }, ]; const customSearch = useCustomSearch(['jira_issue.summary', 'jira_issue.issue_key'], 'and', [ { term: { del_flg: false, }, }, { term: { 'workspace.id': selectedWorkspace?.id ?? Number(workspaceLocal) ?? 1, }, }, ]); useEffect(() => { if (projectSelected) { getListTypeJira(projectSelected); // getListWorkFlowStatus(projectSelected); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [projectSelected]); // useEffect(() => { // if (formik.values?.type_issue) { // getListWorkFlowStatus(projectSelected); // // getListJiraConfigRequired(projectSelected, formik.values.type_issue); // } // // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps // }, [formik.values?.type_issue, loadingTypeJira]); const getListTypeJira = async (project: any) => { // setLoadingTypeJira(true); try { const response = await getListIssueTypeProjectV1(project.project_key); if (response.success) { // setLoadingTypeJira(false); const allType = { issue_id: DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL, issue_type: 'All', icon_url: 'https://synchro-apf.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/issuetype/avatar/10315?size=medium', }; const dataType = response.data?.filter((item: any) => item.issue_type !== 'Subtask' && item.issue_type !== 'Sub-task') ?? []; const listTypeJiraRes = dataType?.filter((item: any) => item.issue_type === 'Epic' || item.issue_type === 'Story') ?? []; listTypeJiraRes.push(allType); setListTypeJira(listTypeJiraRes); setTypeJiraSelected(listTypeJiraRes.map((i: any) => i.issue_id)); // formik.setFieldValue('type_issue', listTypeJiraRes?.[0]?.issue_type ?? ''); // setIsShowDescriptionField(false); // getListJiraConfigRequired(projectSelected, listTypeJiraRes, listTypeJiraRes?.[0]?.issue_type ?? ''); } else { // setLoadingTypeJira(false); } } catch { // setLoadingTypeJira(false); } }; const handleCheckType = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>, checked: boolean) => { const checkedValue = event.target.value; const allValuesId = listTypeJira?.map((i) => i.issue_id); setTypeJiraSelected((prev: any) => { if (checked){ if (checkedValue !== DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) { const list = [...prev, checkedValue] if (list.length === allValuesId.length-1){ return [...allValuesId] } return list; } if (checkedValue === DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) return [...allValuesId]; } if (!checked){ if (checkedValue !== DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) { const list = prev.filter((item: any) => item !== checkedValue); if (list.length === allValuesId.length-1){ return list.filter((i: any) => i !== DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) } return list } if (checkedValue === DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) return []; } return []; }); // refreshData?.(); // setTypeJiraSelected((prevValues: any) => { // // if (Number(checkedValue) === Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL)) return [...allValuesId]; // if (checked && Number(checkedValue) === Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL)) { // return [...allValuesId]; // } // if ( // checked && // Number(checkedValue) !== Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) && // prevValues.length === allValuesId.length - 1 // ) { // console.log('bbb checkedValue', { // checked, // a: Number(checkedValue) !== Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL), // c: typeJiraSelected.length === allValuesId.length - 1, // typeJiraSelected, // allValuesId, // }); // return [...allValuesId]; // } // if (checked) return [...prevValues, checkedValue]; // if (!checked && Number(checkedValue) === Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL)) { // return []; // } // if (!checked && Number(checkedValue) !== Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL)) // return allValuesId.filter( // (i) => Number(i) !== Number(DEFAULT_OPTION_ALL) && Number(i) !== Number(checkedValue), // ); // return prevValues.filter((i: any) => i !== checkedValue); // }); // const checkConditionType = typeJiraSelected.some((item: any) => item === '10014' || item === 'Story'); // if (checked) { // if (event.target.value === 'All' || checkConditionType) { // return setTypeJiraSelected(['Story', '10014', 'All']); // } // if (event.target.value === 'Story' || event.target.value === '10014') { // setTypeJiraSelected((prev: any) => { // return [event.target.value]; // }); // } // } else { // if (event.target.value === 'All') { // return setTypeJiraSelected([]); // } // if (event.target.value === 'Story' || event.target.value === '10014') { // return setTypeJiraSelected((prev: any) => [ // ...prev.filter((id: any) => id !== event.target.value && id !== 'All'), // ]); // } // } }; console.log('xxx list type & pro jira', listProjectJira, listTypeJira); // console.log('xxx list jira', listTypeJira); const handlePostIssue = async () => { const payload = { issues: listSelectedId, }; const { success, data } = await syncIssueFromJira(payload, selectedWorkspace?.id); if (success) { setIsSyncIssue(true); setListSelectedId([]); setTimeout(() => { setIsSyncIssue(false); }, 1000); console.log('xxx list jira', data); } }; useEffect(() => { setProjectSelected(lastProjectSelected ? JSON.parse(lastProjectSelected) : undefined); // setLastRefreshSelect(Date.now()); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [lastProjectSelected]); const getListProjectJira = async () => { // setIsLoadingProjectJira(true); try { const response = await getListJiraProjectV1(); if (response.success) { // console.log('here', response.data); if (isArray(response.data) && response.data?.length > 0) { setListProjectJira(response.data); } else { setListProjectJira([]); } } else { setListProjectJira([]); } } catch { setListProjectJira([]); } // setIsLoadingProjectJira(false); }; useEffectOnlyOnce(() => { getListProjectJira(); }); const handleChangeProject = (event: object, valueCheck: any | null) => { if (valueCheck) { setProjectSelected(valueCheck); } else { setProjectSelected(undefined); } }; const anchorPosition = 'right'; const handleChange = (event: any) => { setValue(event.target.value); }; const handleChangeIssue = (event: any) => { setValueIssue(event.target.value); }; // console.log('here', listDataIssue); const renderIconType = (type: string) => { if (type === 'Epic') { return <EpicsIcon className={classes.iconIssue} />; } if (type === 'Story') { return <StoriesIcon />; } return <></>; }; return ( <> <TableSyncES setListDataIssue={setListDataIssue} projectSelected={projectSelected} typeJiraSelected={typeJiraSelected} refreshData={refreshData} /> <Drawer ref={drawerRef} anchor={anchorPosition} open={openSyncMultipleTools} onClose={() => { setOpenSyncMultipleTools(false); }} className={classes.drawer} classes={{ paper: classes.paper, // paperAnchorDockedLeft: classes.paperAnchorDockedLeft, }} style={{ zIndex: 1200 }} > <Box className={classes.formCreate}> <Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" height="100%"> <Box style={{ background: '#F8F8F8' }}> <Box className={classes.boxTopTitle}> <Typography className={classes.title}>Load/Sync Opportunities</Typography> <Box display="flex" flexDirection="flex-end" alignItems="center" justifyContent="flex-end" mt="-3px"> <IconButton onClick={() => { setOpenSyncMultipleTools(false); }} className={classes.moreAction} > <CloseOutlined /> </IconButton> </Box> </Box> <Box className={classes.boxTopContainer}> <Box className={`${classes.styleBox} ${classes.marginTopButton}`}> <Typography className={classes.subTitle}>Tool</Typography> <Box> {listActionButtons.map((item) => { return ( <Button key={item.id} className={item.class} color={toolSelectedId === item.id ? 'primary' : 'default'} onClick={() => { setToolSelectedId(item.id); }} variant="outlined" disabled={item.disable} > {item.icon} {item.content && ( <Typography style={{ fontSize: '10px', color: item.disable ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)' : '#0056D8', fontFamily: 'poppins', }} > {item.content} </Typography> )} </Button> ); })} </Box> </Box> <Box className={classes.styleBox}> <FormControl component="fieldset"> <RadioGroup className={classes.groupRadio} aria-label="gender" name="gender1" value={value} onChange={handleChange} > <FormControlLabel disabled={true} value="Two-way sync" control={<Radio color="primary" />} label="Two-way sync" /> <FormControlLabel value="One-way sync from Jira" control={<Radio color="primary" />} label="One-way sync from Jira" checked /> <FormControlLabel disabled={true} value="One-off import" control={<Radio color="primary" />} label="One-off import" /> </RadioGroup> </FormControl> </Box> <Box className={classes.styleBox}> <Box display="flex" alignItems="flex-end"> <Box className={classes.marginRight20px} width={220}> <MixTitle title="Jira Project" /> <Autocomplete // key={refreshListProject} disableClearable id="project_jira" options={listProjectJira ?? []} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.project_name ?? ''} className={classes.autocomplete} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} fullWidth variant="outlined" placeholder="Select Project" /> )} onChange={(e: object, valueSelect: any | null) => { if (valueSelect) { handleChangeProject(e, valueSelect); } else { setProjectSelected(undefined); } }} placeholder="Select Project" value={projectSelected} /> </Box> <Tooltip title="Search" placement="top-start"> <Box className={classes.searchInputField}> <StyledDataSearch render={({ loading, error, data, downshiftProps: { isOpen, getItemProps } }) => { if (!isOpen || !data.length) return; const suggestions = uniqBy(data as Suggestion[], (suggestion) => suggestion.source.id); // console.log('here StyledDataSearch', suggestions); return ( <MenuList className={classes.searchList}> {suggestions.map((suggestion) => ( <MenuItem onCl key={suggestion.source.id} {...getItemProps({ item: suggestion })}> {suggestion.label} </MenuItem> ))} </MenuList> ); }} componentId="SearchOpportunity" dataField={['jira_issue.summary', 'jira_issue.issue_key']} queryFormat="or" placeholder={i18n.t('screens.placeholder.search')} iconPosition="right" showIcon={false} showFilter={false} innerClass={{ input: 'searchInput', title: 'titleSearch', }} defaultQuery={() => customSearch?.searchQuery} onChange={customSearch.onChange} value={customSearch.value} onValueChange={customSearch.onValueChange} onValueSelected={customSearch.onValueSelected} className={classes.searchInput} parseSuggestion={(suggestion) => { return { label: ( <Grid container> <Grid item xs={12}> <Box whiteSpace="normal">{suggestion.source.jira_issue[0].summary}</Box> {suggestion.source.jira_issue && ( <Box style={{ background: '#DEEBFF' }} className={classes.boxOppType}> <Typography component="p" style={{ color: '#333333' }} className={classes.oppTypeContent} > {suggestion.source.jira_issue[0].issue_key} </Typography> </Box> )} </Grid> </Grid> ), value: suggestion.source.headline, source: suggestion.source, }; }} /> <StyledReactiveComponent componentId="Search" filterLabel="Keyword" showFilter={true} render={({ setQuery }) => ( <IconButton color="primary" onClick={() => { customSearch.onClickSearch(setQuery); }} onMouseDown={() => { // setShowSearching((s) => !s); // TODO: wait for element DOM is loaded. setTimeout(() => { (document.querySelector( `.${classes.searchInput} input`, ) as HTMLInputElement)?.focus(); }); }} ref={customSearch.searchBtnRef} className={classes.fillColorActionButton} > {/* <SearchInputIcon /> */} <SearchOpp /> {/* <Search /> */} </IconButton> )} /> </Box> </Tooltip> </Box> </Box> <Box className={classes.styleBox}> <Typography className={classes.subTitle}>Issue Types</Typography> <Box display="flex" style={{ gap: '30px', marginLeft: '-2px' }}> {listTypeJira?.map((item) => { return ( <Box key={item.issue_id} display="flex" alignItems="center" className={classes.paddingRightCheckBox} > <Checkbox checkedIcon={<CheckBoxOutlined color="primary" />} name="epics" onChange={handleCheckType} value={item.issue_id} checked={typeJiraSelected.includes(item.issue_id)} /> {renderIconType(item.issue_type)} <Typography>{item.issue_type}</Typography> </Box> ); })} </Box> </Box> <Box className={classes.styleBox}> <Box display="flex" gridGap={12} ml="auto" justifyContent="flex-end"> <Box position="relative" minWidth="160px"> <Button className={classes.searchBtn} // onClick={handleProcess} fullWidth variant="contained" > Search... </Button> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Box> <Box> <Box className={classes.boxBottomTitle}> <Typography className={classes.title}>Choose Jira Issues to Sync</Typography> </Box> {isSyncIssue && ( <Box className={classes.notifySyncSuccess}> <CheckCircleIcon /> <Typography className={classes.textNotify}> {`${listSelectedId.length} opportunities synchronised!`} </Typography> </Box> )} <Box className={classes.boxBottomContainer}> <Box className={`${classes.paddingBottomBox} ${classes.marginTopButton30px}`} display="flex" alignItems="center" > <FormControl component="fieldset"> <RadioGroup className={classes.groupRadio} aria-label="gender" name="gender1" value={valueIssue} onChange={handleChangeIssue} > <FormControlLabel value="Sync to Wishlist" control={<Radio color="primary" />} label="Sync to Wishlist" /> <FormControlLabel value="Map Jira Statuses" control={<Radio color="primary" />} label="Map Jira Statuses" /> </RadioGroup> </FormControl> <IconButton> <SettingIcon2 /> </IconButton> </Box> <Box className={classes.paddingBottomBox}> <TableContainer className={classes.rootTableContainer} id="sync-multiple-tools"> <Table className={classes.rootTable}> <TableHead classes={{ root: classes.headTable }}> <TableRow> {defaultColumns.map((column) => { return ( <TableCell key={column} align="inherit" style={{ whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }}> {listHeadFields[column].fieldName} </TableCell> ); })} </TableRow> </TableHead> <TableBody className={classes.body}> {listDataIssue?.map((record: any) => { return ( <TableSync listSelectedId={listSelectedId} setListSelectedId={setListSelectedId} listColumns={defaultColumns} key={record?.id} record={record} /> ); })} </TableBody> </Table> </TableContainer> </Box> <Box className={`${classes.paddingBottomBox} ${classes.marginTopButton}`} style={{ paddingBottom: '20px' }} > <Box display="flex" gridGap={12} ml="auto" justifyContent="flex-end"> <Box position="relative" minWidth="160px"> <Button disabled={!listSelectedId.length} className={classes.submitBtn} onClick={handlePostIssue} fullWidth variant="contained" > {`Sync ${listSelectedId.length} New Opportunities`} </Button> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Box> </Drawer> </> ); }; interface IStyles { defaultDrawerWidth: number; } const useStyles = makeStyles<ITheme, IStyles>((theme: ITheme) => ({ formCreate: { width: ({ defaultDrawerWidth }) => `${defaultDrawerWidth}px)`, flexDirection: 'column', height: '100%', }, drawer: { width: '0px', flexShrink: 0, top: '64px !important', '& .MuiBackdrop-root': { top: '64px', left: '56px', backgroundColor: 'transparent', display: 'none', }, overflow: 'auto', '&::-webkit-scrollbar': { width: 9, height: 9, }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-track': { background: '#ffffff', // borderRadius: 12, }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': { backgroundColor: '#bdbdbd', // borderRadius: 12, '&:hover': { backgroundColor: '#757575', }, }, }, paper: { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', width: ({ defaultDrawerWidth }) => `${defaultDrawerWidth}px`, // padding: '0px 15px 0 15px', top: '80px', marginLeft: '56px', borderTop: 'none', // boxShadow: '-2px 4px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.15)', borderLeft: '2px solid #A4A4A4', boxShadow: '4px 4px 4px rgb(0 0 0 / 25%)', overflowY: 'auto', '&::-webkit-scrollbar': { width: '8px', height: '8px', }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-track': { background: '#f1f1f1', borderRadius: '8px', }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': { background: '#888', borderRadius: '8px', }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover': { background: '#555', }, }, boxTopTitle: { display: 'flex', position: 'sticky', backgroundColor: '#D9D9D9', // marginLeft: '-15px', // marginRight: '-15px', padding: '12px 20px 12px 20px', alignItems: 'center', height: '58px', }, boxBottomTitle: { display: 'flex', position: 'sticky', backgroundColor: '#D9D9D9', // marginLeft: '-15px', // marginRight: '-15px', padding: '12px 20px 12px 20px', borderTop: '1px solid #707070', height: '58px', }, title: { fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: 600, lineHeight: '33px', letterSpacing: '-0.015em', flex: 1, width: '100%', }, subTitle: { fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 600, lineHeight: '20px', color: '#333333', marginBottom: '10px', display: 'block', }, moreAction: { width: '31px', height: '31px', marginLeft: '2px', '& .MuiIconButton-label': { '& svg': { fontSize: '22px', }, }, }, groupRadio: { '& .Mui-disabled': { color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)', }, flexDirection: 'row', }, dialogActions: { padding: '20px 24px 24px 24px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', gap: 24, boxShadow: '0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.06)', '& button': { height: '38px', fontWeight: 500, fontSize: '14px', lineHeight: '20px', padding: '10px 16px', minWidth: '110px', }, }, submitBtn: { height: '38px', background: '#0056D8', color: '#fff', '&:hover': { background: '#1C48A9', color: '#fff', boxShadow: 'none', }, }, searchBtn: { height: '38px', // padding: '0px 12px', // borderRadius: '5px', // width: '84px', color: '#333333', background: '#E1E6F0', border: ' 1px solid #E1E6F0', '&:hover': { border: ' 1px solid #D1D8E5', background: '#D1D8E5', color: '#0056D8', boxShadow: 'none', }, }, boxBottomContainer: { // overflow: 'auto', height: '100%', '&::-webkit-scrollbar': { width: 9, height: 9, }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-track': { background: '#ffffff', // borderRadius: 12, }, '&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': { backgroundColor: '#bdbdbd', // borderRadius: 12, '&:hover': { backgroundColor: '#757575', }, }, }, rootTableContainer: { flex: 1, maxHeight: '100%', borderRadius: '0px', border: '0px solid #DADADA', // paddingRight: '6px', // overflow: 'auto', // maxHeight: (props) => (props.collapse ? 'calc(100vh - 190px)' : 'calc(100vh - 230px)'), // '&::-webkit-scrollbar': { // width: 9, // height: 9, // }, // '&::-webkit-scrollbar-track': { // background: '#ffffff', // // borderRadius: 12, // }, // '&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': { // backgroundColor: '#bdbdbd', // // borderRadius: 12, // '&:hover': { // backgroundColor: '#757575', // }, // }, }, rootTable: { borderSpacing: '0px 10px', borderCollapse: 'inherit', // minWidth: 732, '& .MuiTableHead-root': { backgroundColor: '#fff', }, '& .MuiTableCell-root': { borderRight: '0px', borderBottom: '0px', }, '& th': { // padding: '12px', fontSize: '12px', color: '#707070', padding: '0px 12px', '&:first-child': { // paddingLeft: '40px', }, }, '& td': { color: '#707070', fontSize: '14px', }, }, headTable: { // minWidth: 732, position: 'sticky', top: 0, left: 0, // backgroundColor: 'white', zIndex: 2, borderBottom: '1px solid #C4C4C4', }, body: { overflow: 'auto', '& tr': { // backgroundColor: '#F9FBFF', }, '& td': { borderTop: '1px solid #C4C4C4', borderBottom: '1px solid #C4C4C4 !important', '&:first-child': { borderRadius: '5px 0 0 5px', borderLeft: '1px solid #C4C4C4 !important', paddingLeft: '0px', paddingRight: '0px', }, '&:last-child': { borderRadius: '0 5px 5px 0', borderRight: '1px solid #C4C4C4 !important', paddingLeft: '0px', paddingRight: '0px', }, }, }, // screenName: { // border: '1px solid #D9D9D9', // height: '38px', // '& .MuiTypography-root': { // color: '#333333', // fontSize: '14px', // lineHeight: '20px', // fontWeight: 400, // }, // '& .MuiButton-endIcon': { // marginRight: '-16px', // }, // background: '#fff', // }, // selectedFilterText: { // fontWeight: 400, // marginRight: '4px', // whiteSpace: 'nowrap', // textOverflow: 'ellipsis', // overflow: 'hidden', // // color: (props) => (props.openColumn ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)' : theme.palette.primary.main), // }, boxSelectedFilter: { display: 'flex', flex: '1 1 0%', overflow: 'hidden', alignItems: 'center', marginLeft: '-12px', '& svg': { height: '22px ', // color: '#ffd351', }, }, fillColorActionButton: { '&:active': { backgroundColor: '#EEEEEE', }, '&:hover': { '& svg': { '& path': { color: '#0056D8', }, }, }, }, inputAdornment: { height: '38px', background: '#fff', boxSizing: 'border-box', width: '220px', paddingLeft: 0, '& button': { padding: 0, marginLeft: '12px', }, '& svg': { width: '22px', height: '22px', }, '& input::placeholder': { fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 500, color: '#1e1e1e', }, '& input': { fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 500, color: '#A4A4A4 !important', }, }, logoTools: { padding: '0', height: '40px', width: '120px', }, activeTool: {}, logoJira: { '& svg': { height: '40px', width: '120px', transform: 'scale(0.8)', '& > g': { transform: 'translateY(-10px)', }, }, '&:active': { '& svg': { color: '#0056D8', }, }, '&:disabled': { filter: 'grayscale(100%)', }, }, logoTrello: { marginLeft: '7px', '& svg': { height: '15px', width: '120px', }, '&:disabled': { filter: 'grayscale(100%)', }, }, logoMonday: { marginLeft: '7px', '& svg': { height: '26px', width: '120px', }, '&:disabled': { filter: 'grayscale(100%)', }, }, logoAzure: { marginLeft: '7px', '& svg': { height: '24px', width: '24px', marginRight: '5px', }, '&:disabled': { filter: 'grayscale(100%)', }, }, logoExcel: { marginLeft: '7px', '& svg': { height: '32px', width: '32px', }, '&:disabled': { filter: 'grayscale(100%)', }, }, styleBox: { padding: '0px 36px 20px', }, paddingRightCheckBox: { padding: '0px !important', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', '& .MuiButtonBase-root': { padding: '0px !important', }, '& .MuiTypography-body1': { marginLeft: '3px', color: '#555555', }, }, marginLeft3px: { marginLeft: '0px !important', }, iconIssue: { height: '14px', width: '14px', }, paddingBottomBox: { padding: '0 36px', }, marginTopButton: { marginTop: '20px', }, marginTopButton30px: { marginTop: '30px', }, marginRight20px: { marginRight: '20px', }, autocomplete: { background: '#fff', '& input': { padding: '0!important', }, '& .MuiInputBase-root': { height: '38px', '& .MuiChip-root': { borderRadius: '4px', height: '24px', }, }, '& .MuiOutlinedInput-root': { padding: 0, }, '& .MuiAutocomplete-inputRoot': { padding: '0px 12px !important', }, '& .MuiChip-deleteIcon': { width: '18px', height: '18px', }, }, searchInputField: { borderRadius: '6px', position: 'relative', background: '#fff', '& .searchInput': { height: '38px', }, '& button': { position: 'absolute', left: '4px', top: '3px', width: '32px', height: '32px', padding: 0, '& svg': { fontSize: '20px', width: '22px', height: '22px', color: '#707070', }, }, '& div div input': { fontFamily: 'Poppins', paddingLeft: '40px !important', width: '220px', transition: 'all 0.3s ease', height: '38px', }, '& div div input::placeholder': { color: '#c3c2c2', fontSize: '14px', fontFamily: 'Poppins', }, }, searchList: { position: 'absolute', top: 40, width: '100%', border: '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1)', borderRadius: 4, boxShadow: '0px 0px 30px 0px rgb(82 63 105 / 5%)', maxHeight: 375, overflowY: 'auto', zIndex: 3, backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: 0, '& > li': { padding: 10, }, }, boxOppType: { background: '#DEEBFF', borderRadius: '4px', width: 'fit-content', }, oppTypeContent: { color: '#333333', padding: '2px 10px', textTransform: 'uppercase', borderRadius: '4px', fontSize: '9px', fontWeight: 600, lineHeight: '16px', marginTop: '4px', }, notifySyncSuccess: { height: '44px', background: '#FFF6D2', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', margin: '28px 0', }, textNotify: { color: '#2BAC47', fontWeight: 500, fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', marginLeft: '10px', }, })); export default CreateSyncMultipleToolsDialog;
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