/* 1. Write a stored procedure to calculate the total sales amount for customers with more than four orders and display the results using a cursor. */ create or replace procedure calc_sales as o_amount number(10,2); c_name customers.name%type; cursor c_cursor is select name, sum(quantity*unit_price) amt from orders o left join order_items oi on o.order_id = oi.order_id left join customers c on o.customer_id = c.customer_id where o.customer_id in (select customer_id from orders group by customer_id having count(customer_id) > 4) group by o.customer_id, name order by o.customer_id; begin open c_cursor; loop fetch c_cursor into c_name, o_amount; exit when c_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(c_name || ' ' || o_amount); end loop; close c_cursor; end; / begin calc_sales (); end; / /* Write a stored procedure using a cursor to display the warehouse IDs and their corresponding locations (City, State, and country ID) for all warehouses. */ create or replace procedure calc_warehouse as w_warehouse_id warehouses.warehouse_id%type; l_city locations.city%type; l_state locations.state%type; l_country_id locations.country_id%type; cursor w_cursor is select warehouse_id, city, state, country_id from warehouses w inner join locations lo on w.location_id = lo.location_id; begin open w_cursor; loop fetch w_cursor into w_warehouse_id, l_city, l_state, l_country_id; exit when w_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(w_warehouse_id || ' ' || l_city || ' ' || l_state || ' ' || l_country_id); end loop; close w_cursor; end; / begin calc_warehouse (); end; / /* The statement checks if there are no more rows in the cursor's result of our query. When all rows have been fetched, %NOTFOUND becomes true, and the loop exits. Without this exit condition, the loop would continue even if there are no more rows causing sql developer to hang or cause an error. */
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