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9 months ago
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{ "O_YouTube": { "useimg": 1, "link": "^(?:(?:(?:(?:\\w+\\.)?[yY][oO][uU][tT][uU][bB][eE](?:-nocookie|kids)?\\.com|youtube\\.googleapis\\.com)/(?:.*?\\#/)?(?:(?:(?:v|embed|e|shorts)/(?!videoseries|live_stream))|(?:(?:(?:watch|movie)(?:_popup)?(?:\\.php)?/?)?(?:\\?|\\#!?)(?:.*?[&;])??v=)))|youtu\\.be/)([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})(?:\\?(thumb\\b))?(?:[?&](?:star)?t=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)s?)?(?:&end=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)s?)?.*$", "url": "$1?$2&$3&$4", "res": ":\n// true = show thumbnail first, video second\n// false = show thumbnail last\nvar thumb_first = true;\n\nthumb_first = thumb_first || $[2];\n\nvar d, e, f={}, g=false, cipher, decsig, o, mfr, ps, basejs;\n\nx = new XMLHttpRequest\'GET', '' + JSON.parse($._.match(/\\\"[^\\\"]+player_ias[^\\\"]+\\/base.js\\\"/)[0]), false)\nx.send()\nbasejs = x.responseText\n\nconst escapeRegExp = s => s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\\]\\\\]/g, '\\\\$&')\nconst parseunthrottle = data => {\n const fnnameresult = /\\.get\\(\"n\"\\)\\)&&\\(b=([^(]+?)(?:\\[(\\d+)\\])?\\([a-zA-Z0-9]\\)/.exec(data)\n var fnname = fnnameresult[1]\n if(fnnameresult[2]) fnname = new RegExp('var ' + escapeRegExp(fnname) + '\\\\s*=\\\\s*\\\\[(.+?)\\\\][,;]').exec(data)[1].split(',')[parseInt(fnnameresult[2])]\n const _argnamefnbodyresult = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(fnname) + '=function\\\\((.+?)\\\\){(.+?return b\\\\.join\\\\(\"\"\\\\))};', 's').exec(data)\n const [_, argname, fnbody] = _argnamefnbodyresult\n return new Function([argname], fnbody)\n}\nunthrottle = parseunthrottle(basejs)\nfunction nt(s) {\n var u = new URL(s)\n var p = u.searchParams\n var n = p.get('n')\n if(!n) return s\n p.set('n', unthrottle(n))\n = p.toString()\n return u.toString()\n}\n\nconst api_key = 'AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8'\nconst client_ver = '2.20211221.00.00'\nconst sigtime = Number(basejs.match(/signatureTimestamp\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)/)[1]);\nconst vid = $[1];\nfunction player_response(embed){\n'POST', '' + api_key, false)\n x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')\n var data = {\n context: {\n client: {\n clientName: 'WEB',\n clientVersion: client_ver\n }\n },\n videoId: vid,\n playbackContext: {\n contentPlaybackContext: {\n signatureTimestamp: sigtime,\n html5Preference: 'HTML5_PREF_WANTS'\n }\n },\n contentCheckOk: true,\n racyCheckOk: true\n }\n if(embed === 'agegate') data.context.client.clientScreen = 'EMBED'\n if(embed === 'embed') data.context.client = { clientName: 'TVHTML5_SIMPLY_EMBEDDED_PLAYER', clientVersion: '2.0' }\n if(embed) data.context.thirdParty = { embedUrl: '' }\n x.send(JSON.stringify(data))\n o = JSON.parse(x.responseText)\n mfr = o.microformat || mfr\n ps = o.playabilityStatus\n return ps.status === 'OK'\n}\nfor(let i of [null, 'embed', 'agegate']) if(player_response(i)) break;\n\nif(['ERROR', 'LOGIN_REQUIRED'].indexOf(ps.status) != -1) return [ps.errorScreen.playerErrorMessageRenderer.thumbnail.thumbnails[0].url, '['+ps.status+', '+ps.reason+']'];\nvar q=o.videoDetails, r=mfr.playerMicroformatRenderer;\nvar p=q.title, u=parseInt(q.lengthSeconds), t=r.title.simpleText, h=r.thumbnail.thumbnails[0].url;\nvar ss=u % 60, mm=(u - ss) / 60 % 60, hh=(u - ss - mm * 60) / 3600;\nvar rt=Number(q.averageRating)\nvar c=[p, p !== t && t,, r.publishDate, rt&&((rt<3 ? '🖓 ' : '🖒 ')+rt.toFixed(2)), '👁 '+(q.viewCount|0).toLocaleString(), (hh === 0 ? '' : hh + ':') + ('0' + mm).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + ss).slice(-2), q.shortDescription].filter(Boolean).join(' | ')\nif(ps.status !== 'OK') return [h, '['+ps.status+', '+ps.reason+'] ' + c];\nvar fs = o.streamingData.formats;\nif (!fs) return [h, '[No streamingData.formats, probably livestreaming] ' + c];\nfs.forEach(function(format){\n if (format.url) { f[format.itag] = nt(format.url); return;}\n cipher = new URLSearchParams(format.signatureCipher)\n if (cipher.get('sig')) { f[format.itag] = `${cipher.get('url')}&signature=${cipher.get('sig')}`; return;}\n g=true;\n});\nif (g) {\n try {\n c = '*' + c\n const parseDecsig = data => {\n if (data.startsWith('var script')) {\n // they inject the script via script tag\n const obj = {}\n const document = {\n createElement: () => obj,\n head: { appendChild: () => {} }\n }\n eval(data)\n data = obj.innerHTML\n }\n const fnnameresult = /=([a-zA-Z0-9\\$]+?)\\(decodeURIComponent/.exec(data)\n const fnname = fnnameresult[1]\n const _argnamefnbodyresult = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(fnname) + '=function\\\\((.+?)\\\\){(.+?)}').exec(data)\n const [_, argname, fnbody] = _argnamefnbodyresult\n const helpernameresult = /;(.+?)\\..+?\\(/.exec(fnbody)\n const helpername = helpernameresult[1]\n const helperresult = new RegExp('var ' + escapeRegExp(helpername) + '={[\\\\s\\\\S]+?};').exec(data)\n const helper = helperresult[0]\n return new Function([argname], helper + '\\n' + fnbody)\n }\n decsig = parseDecsig(basejs)\n } catch (ex) {\n console.error(ex)\n }\n fs.forEach(function(format){\n if (f[format.itag]) return;\n cipher = new URLSearchParams(format.signatureCipher)\n f[format.itag] = nt(`${cipher.get('url')}&${cipher.get('sp') || 'signature'}=${decsig(cipher.get('s'))}`)\n });\n}\ne = f[37] || f[22] || f[18] || f[59] || f[78] || f[46] || f[45] || f[44] || f[43];\nd = f[18] || f[59] || f[78] || f[46] || f[45] || f[44] || f[43] || f[37] || f[22];\nvar ct = ($[3] ? '#t='+$[3]+($[4] ? ','+$[4] : '')+'&' : '')+'#mp4';\ne = e ? (d === e ? [[e+ct, c]] : [[e+ct, c], [d+ct, c]]) : e\nreturn e ? (thumb_first ? [[h, c]].concat(e) : e.concat([[h, c]])) : [h, c]", "img": "^i(?:\\d|mg)?\\.ytimg\\.com/(?:vi|an_webp)[^/]*/([\\w\\-]{11})/(?:[\\w]+?)\\.(?:\\w+)", "loop": 2, "to": "$1?thumb", "note": "Small modification by Imagus_fan to hopefully fix breakage\nDulus_No\n\nOLD\n\n\n\n\n!!!\nОсновной фильтр для YouTube, по умолчанию - включен.\n+\nПоказывает сначала полноразмерную обложку ролика, потом - видео в разрешении 720p и далее - видео в более низком разрешении. Переключение режимов происходит колесиком мыши, по принципу альбома. Можно поменять этот порядок - сначала видео, потом картинка - установив в параметрах фильтра var thumb_first = false.\n+\nПри выборе этого фильтра старый дефолтный фильтр [youtube] должен быть отключен.\n+\nДля более надежного срабатывания рекомендуется установка расширения uBO (uBlock Origin) и фильтров для него (вкладка \"Мои фильтры\"):\\\n+\nДля перемотки видео (в режиме \"зумирования\") можно использовать сочетание клавиш CTRL+RIGHT/CTRL+LEFT. в Imagus Mod можно назначить любые клавиши, например RIGHT/LEFT.\n+\nФильтр работает в т.ч. и на внешних ссылках - но для Хромиум-браузеров требуется установка расширения SMH и правил к нему - см. FAQ, п.12.\n+\nИзвестные ограничения:\n1. Не показывает ролики разрешением выше 720p.\n\n2. Не показывает некоторые ролики с возрастным ограничением.\n\n==\nBasic rule for YouTube, enabled by default.\n+\nShows first a full-size cover of the video, then a 720p video and then a lower-resolution video. Switching modes occurs with the mouse wheel, according to the principle of the album. You can change this order - first the video, then the picture - by setting var thumb_first = false in the sieve parameters.\n+\nWhen selecting this rule, the old default rule [youtube] should be disabled.\n+\nFor more reliable operation, it is recommended to install the uBO (uBlock Origin) extension and the filters for it (on the \"My filters\" tab):\\\n+\nTo rewind the video (in the \"zoom\" mode), you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+RIGHT/CTRL+LEFT. In Imagus Mod you may assign RIGHT/LEFT key.\n+\nThe rule works on external links for Firefox, but for Chromium browsers the SMH extension and its rules must be installed - see FAQ, p.12.\n+\nKnown limitations:\n1. Only displays videos at 720p.\n\n2. Age-gated tier 4 from can't be bypassed.\n\n\n\nПРИМЕРЫ / EXAMPLES:\n(внешние ссылки / external links)\n\n" } }
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