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Day 43 - Advanced DSA : Maths 4: Combinatorics Basic Homework question. Q3. Sorted Permutation Rank Problem Description Given a string A. Find the rank of the string amongst its permutations sorted lexicographically. Assume that no characters are repeated. Note: The answer might not fit in an integer, so return your answer % 1000003 Problem Constraints 1 <= |A| <= 1000 Input Format First argument is a string A. Output Format Return an integer denoting the rank of the given string. Example Input Input 1: A = "acb" Input 2: A = "a" Example Output Output 1: 2 Output 2: 1 Example Explanation Explanation 1: Given A = "acb". The order permutations with letters 'a', 'c', and 'b' : abc acb bac bca cab cba So, the rank of A is 2. Explanation 2: Given A = "a". Rank is clearly 1.