#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <regex> using namespace std; void tolower(string & s){ for (int i = 0; i < size(s); i++){ if (isupper(s[i])) s[i] = tolower(s[i]); } //precondition: is a string //post condition: all letters of string are lowercase. } bool ispresent(string s, const vector <string> & vec ){ for(const auto & v: vec){ if(s == v)return true; } return false; } int main() { string wordsfile; cout << "enter file with valid words" << endl; getline(cin, wordsfile); cout << "enter file with text to be spellchecked" << endl; string inpfile; getline(cin, inpfile); ifstream words(wordsfile); string s; vector<string> valid; while(words >> s ) valid.push_back(s); // creating valid vector with words from dictionary vector <string> wrongs; vector <string> inps; ifstream inp(inpfile); while(inp >> s){ while (size(s)!=0 && !isalnum(s.back())){ // cutting off trailing punctuation mark until alphanumeric or nothing left s = s.substr(0, size(s)-1);} // ' - ' leaves a blank line //cout << s << endl; while (size(s)!=0 && !isalnum(s.front())){ // cutting off preceeding punctuations - mainly 'word s = s.substr(1,size(s)-1); } if (size(s)!=0){ //adds lower case of each word to inps array tolower(s); inps.push_back(s); } } int count = 0; for (const auto & inp: inps){ // for each word of input file bool found = ispresent(inp,valid); if(!found){ // if word from input isn't in valid, then check if it's already been detected. if not, print and add to detected list bool repeated = ispresent(inp, wrongs); if (!repeated){ count++; wrongs.push_back(inp); cout << inp << endl; } } if (count >= 20) break; } return 0; }
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