2 years ago
53 kB
// Customizable Area Start import React from 'react'; // Customizable Area Start import { StyleSheet, FlatList, Text, TouchableOpacity, View, Platform, ActivityIndicator, Modal, Switch, TextInput, Image, } from 'react-native'; import SenderInfoScreenController, { Props, } from './SenderInfoScreenController'; // import { NavigationEvents } from "@react-navigation/compat"; import Miniplayer from '../../../categoriessubcategories/src/MainFeed/Miniplayer'; import { Avatar, Divider, Header, Icon, Input } from 'react-native-elements'; import CustomBottomBar from '../../../../components/src/CustomBottomBar'; import { GiftedChat, Bubble, Send, InputToolbar, InputToolbarProps, } from 'react-native-gifted-chat'; import MaterialCommunityIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons'; import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'; import MaterialIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'; // import CustomHeader from "../../../components/src/CustomHeader"; import FastImage from 'react-native-fast-image'; import { chatAttachment, imageupload, imgBlog, imgClose, imgProduct, imgVideo, messageSendArrow, } from '../../../HamburgerMenu/src/assets'; import { primaryColor } from 'framework/src/Utilities'; import AppHeader from '../../../../components/src/AppHeader'; import { whiteminipause, whiteminiplayerforward, playbutton, forwordIcon, } from '../../../categoriessubcategories/src/assets'; import Scale from 'framework/src/Scale'; import { Menu, MenuOptions, MenuOption, MenuTrigger, } from 'react-native-popup-menu'; import { FONTS } from 'framework/src/AppFonts'; import Apptheme from '../../../HamburgerMenu/src/Apptheme'; import { menuicon, heartIcon, searchwhiteicon, closeChevron, redvibefull, fullvibeWhite, } from '../../../HamburgerMenu/src/assets'; import { backgrounImg, horizontalthreedots, } from '../../../CustomerProfile/src/assets'; import { shareWhiteIcon } from '../../../categoriessubcategories/src/assets'; import { calendarFormat, relativeTimeRounding } from 'moment'; const htmlReg = /<\/?[a-z][\s\S]*>/i; // Customizable Area End export default class SenderInfoScreen extends SenderInfoScreenController { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); // Customizable Area Start // Customizable Area End } // Customizable Area End headerComponent = (props: any) => { return ( <Header containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'red', }} leftComponent={ <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}> <FastImage style={styles.image_backImage} source={closeChevron} /> </TouchableOpacity> } centerComponent={ <View> <Text style={[styles.headertext]}>Message Info </Text> </View> } /> ); }; // Customizable Area Start render() { return ( //Merge Engine DefaultContainer <View style={{ backgroundColor: Apptheme.getbottomfeedbackgroundcolor(), flex: 1, }} > <Header containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: Apptheme.getbottomfeedbackgroundcolor(), borderBottomColor: 'transparent', }} leftComponent={ <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}> <FastImage style={styles.image_backImage} source={closeChevron} /> </TouchableOpacity> } centerComponent={ <View style={styles.userviewmsg}> <Text style={[styles.headertext]}>Message Info </Text> </View> } /> <View style={styles.userview}> <FastImage style={styles.personImg} source={{ uri: this.state.profileImage }} /> <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}> <> {this.state.profileName !== '' ? ( <Text style={styles.headertext}>{this.state.profileName}</Text> ) : ( <Text style={styles.headertext}>No Name</Text> )} <Text style={{ color: '#707082', fontFamily: FONTS.AppleSymbols, alignSelf: 'flex-end', fontSize: Scale(18), }} > {''} @yellobutton </Text> </> </View> </View> <View style={styles.notificationView}> <Text style={[styles.notificationTxt]}>Notifications</Text> <Switch trackColor={{ false: 'rgb(42,42,49)', true: primaryColor }} thumbColor={this.state.isNotification ? '#FFF' : '#FFF'} style={{ transform: [{ scaleX: 0.8 }, { scaleY: 0.8 }] }} value={this.state.isNotification} onValueChange={() => { this.setState({ isNotification: !this.state.isNotification }); alert(`Notification is set ${!this.state.isNotification}`); }} /> </View> <Text style={styles.declaration}> Receive a notification each time you have a new message from{' '} {this.state.headerName ? this.state.headerName : 'No Name'}. </Text> <View style={styles.block_report_view}> <View style={styles.horizontal}> <View> <Text style={styles.headertextblock}>Block @theyellobutton</Text> <Text style={styles.headertext}>Report @theyellobutton</Text> </View> <View> <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.setState({ block: true })}> <Icon name={'arrowright'} type="antdesign" color={'#FFF'} size={35} containerStyle={[styles.forward, { marginTop: 8 }]} /> </TouchableOpacity> <View /> <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { this.getReportListApi(), this.setState({ report: true }); }} > <Icon name={'arrowright'} type="antdesign" color={'#FFF'} size={35} containerStyle={[styles.forward, { marginTop: 10 }]} /> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </View> </View> <View style={styles.center}> <TouchableOpacity style={styles.deleteConversation} onPress={() => { this.setState({ delete: true }); }} > <Text style={styles.deleteTxt}>Delete Conversation</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> <View style={{position:'absolute', bottom:0}} > <Miniplayer songId={this.context?.playSongData?.songId} playerIcon={this.state.platform === 'apple' ? Apptheme.getapplemusic() : Apptheme.getspotifyhomeicon()} SongImage={this.context?.playSongData?.songImageUrl} songName={this.context?.playSongData?.songName} artistName={this.context?.playSongData?.artistName} playerimg={this.context?.playSongData?.playerimage} heart={this.state.platform} pausePlay={whiteminiplayerforward} next={this.context.isplay ? playbutton : whiteminipause} sliderValue={this.state.sliderValue} onpressPlayPause={this.playPauseSong} type={this.context?.playSongData?.type} RadioName={this.context?.playSongData?.RadioName} /> <CustomBottomBar showCreatepost={false} selectedTab={'Feed'} onCreatePost={(value) => { this.setState({ showCreatepost: value }); }} navigation={this.props.navigation} onRefresh={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('FeedBlock', { index: 1 }) } /> </View> <Modal animationType={'none'} transparent={true} visible={this.state.delete} onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ delete: false })} onDismiss={() => this.setState({ delete: false })} > <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> <View style={styles.main_view}> <View> <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Delete Conversation?</Text> <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>Are you sure you want to delete your conversation with @theyellowbutton? Deleted messages can not be recovered.</Text> </View> <View style={styles.buttonView}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ delete: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} onPress={() => { this._deleteChat(this.props.navigation.state.params.allItem), this.setState({ delete: false }) }}> <Text style={styles.button}>Yes</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </View> </View> </Modal> <Modal animationType={'none'} transparent={true} visible={this.state.block} onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ block: false })} onDismiss={() => this.setState({ block: false })} > <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> <View style={styles.main_view}> <View> { this.state.block_confirmed ? <Image source={redvibefull} resizeMode="contain" style={{ height: Scale(80), width: Scale(80), alignSelf: 'center', tintColor: 'black' }} /> : null } {this.state.block_confirmed ? <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>@theyellobutton has been BLOCKED</Text> : <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Block @theyellobutton?</Text> } {this.state.block_confirmed ? <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>You will not see content from this user. If you would like to unblock them click the "Unblock" button in their profile.</Text> : <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>@Yellobutton will no longer be able to follow or message you, and you will not see notifications from @yellobutton</Text> } </View> {this.state.block_confirmed ? <View style={styles.done_button}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ block: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Done</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> : <> <View style={styles.buttonView}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ block: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ block_confirmed: true })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Block</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </> } </View> </View> </Modal> <Modal animationType={'none'} transparent={true} visible={this.state.report} onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ report: false })} onDismiss={() => this.setState({ report: false })} > <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> <View style={styles.main_view}> <View> { this.state.report_reason ? <Image source={redvibefull} resizeMode="contain" style={{ height: Scale(80), width: Scale(80), alignSelf: 'center', tintColor: 'black' }} /> : null } {this.state.report_reason ? <Text style={[{ fontSize: Scale(18) }, styles.BlockTxt]}>We appreciate your help</Text> : <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Why are you filling this report?</Text> } {this.state.report_reason ? <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>This information help us improve the experience for everyone</Text> : <Text style={styles.reportdisclaimer}> {`All report are made ananymous. If someone is in \nimmediate danger, contact the local emergency Services.\n Our community is everythingg to us, we want Vibe to be a safe space for everyone`}</Text> } <View style={{flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'space-between', marginLeft:Scale(21), marginRight:Scale(21)}} > <Text style={{color:'black' , fontFamily:FONTS.RobotoCondensedRegular }} >Spam</Text> <Icon name="arrow-forward-sharp" type="ionicon" /> </View> <View style={{flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'space-between', marginLeft:Scale(21), marginRight:Scale(21)}} > <Text style={{color:'black' , fontFamily:FONTS.RobotoCondensedRegular }} >Bullying or Harassment</Text> <Icon name="arrow-forward-sharp" type="ionicon" /> </View> <View style={{flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'space-between', marginLeft:Scale(21), marginRight:Scale(21)}} > <Text style={{color:'black' , fontFamily:FONTS.RobotoCondensedRegular }} >Hate Speech</Text> <Icon name="arrow-forward-sharp" type="ionicon" /> </View> <View style={{flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'space-between', marginLeft:Scale(21), marginRight:Scale(21)}} > <Text style={{color:'black' , fontFamily:FONTS.RobotoCondensedRegular }} >Illegal promotion or Scam</Text> <Icon name="arrow-forward-sharp" type="ionicon" /> </View> <View style={{flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'space-between', marginLeft:Scale(21), marginRight:Scale(21)}} > <Text style={{color:'black' , fontFamily:FONTS.RobotoCondensedRegular }} >Violence or dangerous organization</Text> <Icon name="arrow-forward-sharp" type="ionicon" /> </View> </View> {this.state.report_reason ? null : <FlatList data={this.state.getReportList} renderItem={({ item, index }) => { return ( <> <View style={styles.report_reason_view}> {/* {console.log("data", item.attributes)} */} <Text style={styles.reason_txt}>{item.attributes.name}</Text> <Icon onPress={() => this.setState({ report_reason: true })} name={"arrowright"} type="antdesign" color={'#000'} size={35} containerStyle={[styles.forward]} /> </View> </> ); }} /> } {this.state.report_reason ? <View style={styles.done_button}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ report: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Done</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> : <> <View style={styles.buttonView}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ report: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </> } </View> </View> </Modal> <Modal animationType={'none'} transparent={true} visible={this.state.help} onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ help: false })} onDismiss={() => this.setState({ help: false })} > <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> <View style={styles.main_view}> <View> { this.state.report_reason ? <Image source={redvibefull} resizeMode="contain" style={{ height: Scale(80), width: Scale(80), alignSelf: 'center', tintColor: 'black' }} /> : null } {this.state.report_reason ? <Text style={[{ fontSize: Scale(18) }, styles.BlockTxt]}>We appreciate your help</Text> : <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Why are you filling this report?</Text> } {this.state.report_reason ? <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>This information help us improve the experience for everyone</Text> : <Text style={styles.reportdisclaimer}> {`All report are made ananymous. If someone is in \nimmediate danger, contact the local emergency Services.\n Our community is everythingg to us, we want Vibe to be a safe space for everyone`}</Text> } </View> {this.state.report_reason ? null : <FlatList data={this.state.getReportList} renderItem={({ item, index }) => { return ( <> <View style={styles.report_reason_view}> {/* {console.log("data", item.attributes)} */} <Text style={styles.reason_txt}>{item.attributes.name}</Text> <Icon onPress={() => this.setState({ report_reason: true })} name={"arrowright"} type="antdesign" color={'#000'} size={35} containerStyle={[styles.forward]} /> </View> </> ); }} /> } {this.state.report_reason ? <View style={styles.done_button}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ report: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Done</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> : <> <View style={styles.buttonView}> <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} onPress={() => this.setState({ report: false })}> <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </> } </View> </View> </Modal> </View> // <> // <View style={[styles.container, { backgroundColor: Apptheme.getbottomfeedbackgroundcolor() }]}> // <View style={[styles.chatBox, { backgroundColor: Apptheme.getbottomfeedbackgroundcolor() }]}> // <Header // containerStyle={{ // backgroundColor: Apptheme.getbottomfeedbackgroundcolor(), // borderBottomColor: 'transparent', // }} // leftComponent={ // <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}> // <FastImage style={styles.image_backImage} source={closeChevron} /> // </TouchableOpacity> // } // centerComponent={ // <View style={styles.userviewmsg}> // <Text style={[styles.headertext]}>Message Info </Text> // </View> // } // /> // <View style={styles.userview}> // <FastImage // style={styles.personImg} // source={{ uri: this.state.profileImage }} // /> // <View style={{flexDirection:'row', }} > // <> // { // this.state.profileName !== '' ? // <Text style={styles.headertext}>{this.state.profileName}</Text> // : // <Text style={styles.headertext}>No Name</Text> // } // <Text style={{ // color:'#707082', // fontFamily:FONTS.AppleSymbols, // alignSelf:"flex-end", // fontSize:Scale(18) // }} >{""} @yellobutton</Text> // </> // </View> // </View> // <View style={styles.notificationView}> // <Text style={[styles.notificationTxt]}>Notifications</Text> // <Switch // trackColor={{ false: "rgb(42,42,49)", true: primaryColor }} // thumbColor={this.state.isNotification ? "#FFF" : "#FFF"} // style={{ transform: [{ scaleX: .8 }, { scaleY: .8 }] }} // value={this.state.isNotification} onValueChange={() => { // this.setState({ isNotification: !this.state.isNotification }) // alert(`Notification is set ${!this.state.isNotification}`) // }} // /> // </View> // {/* <Text style={styles.declaration}>Receive a notification each time you have a new</Text> // <Text style={styles.declaration}>message from {this.state.headerName ? this.state.headerName : "No Name"}.</Text> */} // <Text style={styles.declaration}>Receive a notification each time you have a new message from {this.state.headerName ? this.state.headerName : "No Name"}. // </Text> // <View style={styles.block_report_view}> // <View style={styles.horizontal}> // <View> // <Text style={styles.headertextblock}>Block @theyellobutton</Text> // <Text style={styles.headertext}>Report @theyellobutton</Text> // </View> // <View> // <TouchableOpacity // onPress={() => this.setState({ block: true })} // > // <Icon // name={"arrowright"} // type="antdesign" // color={'#FFF'} // size={35} // containerStyle={[styles.forward, { marginTop: 8 }]} // /> // </TouchableOpacity> // <View> // </View> // <TouchableOpacity // onPress={() => { this.getReportListApi(), this.setState({ report: true }) }} // > // {/* <FastImage style={styles.forward} // source={forwordIcon} /> */} // <Icon // name={"arrowright"} // type="antdesign" // color={'#FFF'} // size={35} // containerStyle={[styles.forward, { marginTop: 10 }]} // /> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // </View> // </View> // </View> // <View style={styles.center}> // <TouchableOpacity style={styles.deleteConversation} // onPress={() => { this.setState({ delete: true }) }}> // <Text style={styles.deleteTxt}>Delete Conversation</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // <Miniplayer // songId={this.context?.playSongData?.songId} // playerIcon={Apptheme.getspotifyhomeicon()} // SongImage={this.context?.playSongData?.songImageUrl} // songName={this.context?.playSongData?.songName} // artistName={this.context?.playSongData?.artistName} // playerimg={this.context?.playSongData?.playerimage} // heart={heartIcon} // pausePlay={whiteminiplayerforward} // next={this.context.isplay ? playbutton : whiteminipause} // sliderValue={this.state.sliderValue} // onpressPlayPause={this.playPauseSong} // type={this.context?.playSongData?.type} // RadioName={this.context?.playSongData?.RadioName} // /> // <CustomBottomBar showCreatepost={this.state.showCreatepost} // selectedTab = {'Chats'} // onCreatePost={(value) => { // this.setState({ showCreatepost: value }) // }} navigation={this.props.navigation} onRefresh={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('FeedBlock', { index: 1 })} // /> // {/* <NavigationEvents // </View> // </View> // </View> // <View style = {styles.center}> // <TouchableOpacity style = {styles.deleteConversation} // onPress = {() => {this.setState({delete: true})}}> // <Text style = {styles.deleteTxt}>Delete Conversation</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // <Miniplayer // songId={this.context?.playSongData?.songId} // playerIcon={this.state.platform === 'apple' ? Apptheme.getapplemusic() : Apptheme.getspotifyhomeicon()} // SongImage={this.context?.playSongData?.songImageUrl} // songName={this.context?.playSongData?.songName} // artistName={this.context?.playSongData?.artistName} // playerimg={this.context?.playSongData?.playerimage} // heart={this.state.platform} // pausePlay={whiteminiplayerforward} // next={this.context.isplay ? playbutton : whiteminipause} // sliderValue={this.state.sliderValue} // onpressPlayPause={this.playPauseSong} // type={this.context?.playSongData?.type} // RadioName={this.context?.playSongData?.RadioName} // /> // <CustomBottomBar showCreatepost={this.state.showCreatepost} // onCreatePost={(value) => { // this.setState({ showCreatepost: value }) // }} navigation={this.props.navigation} onRefresh={() => this.onRefresh()} /> // {/* <NavigationEvents // onWillFocus={() => { this.onFocusEventFun() }} // onWillBlur={() => { this.onBlurEventFun() }} // /> */} // </View> // <Modal // animationType={'none'} // transparent={true} // visible={this.state.block} // onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ block: false })} // onDismiss={() => this.setState({ block: false })} // > // <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> // <View style={styles.main_view}> // <View> // { // this.state.block_confirmed ? // <Image // source={redvibefull} // resizeMode="contain" // style={{ // height: Scale(80), // width: Scale(80), // alignSelf: 'center', // tintColor: 'black' // }} // /> // : // null // } // {this.state.block_confirmed ? // <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>@theyellobutton has been BLOCKED</Text> : // <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Block @theyellobutton?</Text> // } // {this.state.block_confirmed ? // <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>You will not see content from this user. If you would like to unblock them click the "Unblock" button in their profile.</Text> // : // <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>@Yellobutton will no longer be able to follow or message you, and you will not see notifications from @yellobutton</Text> // } // </View> // {this.state.block_confirmed ? // <View style={styles.done_button}> // <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} // onPress={() => this.setState({ block: false })}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Done</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // : // <> // <View style={styles.buttonView}> // <TouchableOpacity // style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} // onPress={() => this.setState({ block: false })}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} // onPress={() => this.setState({ block_confirmed: true })}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Block</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // </> // } // </View> // </View> // </Modal> // <Modal // animationType={'none'} // transparent={true} // visible={this.state.report} // onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ report: false })} // onDismiss={() => this.setState({ report: false })} // > // <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> // <View style={styles.main_view}> // <View> // { // this.state.report_reason ? // <Image source={redvibefull} // resizeMode="contain" // style={{ // height: Scale(80), // width: Scale(80), // alignSelf: 'center', // tintColor: 'black' // }} // /> // : // null // } // {this.state.report_reason ? // <Text style={[{ fontSize: Scale(18) }, styles.BlockTxt]}>We appreciate your help</Text> // : // <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Why are you filling this report?</Text> // } // {this.state.report_reason ? // <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>This information help us improve the experience for everyone</Text> // : // <Text style={styles.reportdisclaimer}> // {`All report are made ananymous. If someone is in \nimmediate danger, contact the local emergency Services.\n Our community is everythingg to us, we want Vibe to be a safe space for everyone`}</Text> // } // </View> // {this.state.report_reason ? // null : // <FlatList // data={this.state.getReportList} // renderItem={({ item, index }) => { // return ( // <> // <View style={styles.report_reason_view}> // {/* {console.log("data", item.attributes)} */} // <Text style={styles.reason_txt}>{item.attributes.name}</Text> // <Icon // onPress={() => this.setState({ report_reason: true })} // name={"arrowright"} // type="antdesign" // color={'#000'} // size={35} // containerStyle={[styles.forward]} // /> // </View> // </> // ); // }} // /> // } // {this.state.report_reason ? // <View style={styles.done_button}> // <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} // onPress={() => this.setState({ report: false })}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Done</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // : // <> // <View style={styles.buttonView}> // <TouchableOpacity // style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} // onPress={() => this.setState({ report: false })}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // </> // } // </View> // </View> // </Modal> // <Modal // animationType={'none'} // transparent={true} // visible={this.state.delete} // onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ delete: false })} // onDismiss={() => this.setState({ delete: false })} // > // <View style={styles.modalContentContainer}> // <View style={styles.main_view}> // <View> // <Text style={styles.BlockTxt}>Delete Conversation?</Text> // <Text style={styles.blockdisclaimer}>Are you sure you want to delete your conversation with @theyellowbutton? Deleted messages can not be recovered.</Text> // </View> // <View style={styles.buttonView}> // <TouchableOpacity // style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: '#000' }]} // onPress={() => this.setState({ delete: false })}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Cancel</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.button_view, { backgroundColor: primaryColor }]} // onPress={() => { this._deleteChat(this.props.navigation.state.params.allItem), this.setState({ delete: false }) }}> // <Text style={styles.button}>Yes</Text> // </TouchableOpacity> // </View> // </View> // </View> // </Modal> // </> //Merge Engine End DefaultContainer ); } // Customizable Area End } // Customizable Area Start const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', width: '100%', }, sendImg: { height: 65, width: 65, }, blockImage: { width: '15%', }, infotxt: { color: '#FFF', fontWeight: 'bold', }, chatProfile: { paddingHorizontal: 20, paddingBottom: 20, }, address: { fontSize: 9, color: '#344d5b', lineHeight: 12, // fontFamily: "Gilroy-Medium", }, blockText: { width: '85%', marginLeft: 5, }, titleHead: { fontSize: 16, color: '#000000', marginBottom: 3, // fontFamily: "NeutraTextTF-DemiAlt" }, horizontal: { flexDirection: 'row', paddingTop: Scale(20), alignItems: 'center', }, center: { justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }, image_backImage: { marginTop: Scale(10), width: Scale(50), height: Scale(50), }, forward: { width: Scale(40), height: Scale(40), marginLeft: Scale(20), }, declaration: { fontSize: Scale(19), marginHorizontal: Scale(20), fontFamily: FONTS.AppleSymbols, color: 'rgb(101,99,111)', letterSpacing: 0.5, }, threedotsview: { padding: Scale(4), marginTop: Scale(10), width: '8%', borderRadius: Scale(200), borderWidth: Scale(2), borderColor: '#FFF', alignItems: 'center', }, main_view: { borderTopLeftRadius: Scale(30), borderTopRightRadius: Scale(30), borderColor: '#292A2F', borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: '#FFF', padding: Scale(10), paddingTop: Scale(30), }, button_view: { paddingVertical: Scale(8), paddingHorizontal: Scale(30), borderRadius: Scale(10), justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', width: '45%', }, button: { color: '#FFF', fontSize: Scale(20), fontFamily: FONTS.RobotoCondensedBold, }, headertext: { color: '#fff', fontSize: Scale(20), fontFamily: FONTS.RobotoCondensedBold, letterSpacing: 0.7, }, headertextblock: { color: '#FFF', fontSize: Scale(20), fontFamily: FONTS.RobotoCondensedBold, marginBottom: 20, }, notificationTxt: { color: '#FFF', fontSize: Scale(25), fontFamily: FONTS.RobotoCondensedBold, }, notificationView: { padding: 20, justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', }, saloonImg: { width: 38, height: 38, borderRadius: 6, }, flexRight: { justifyContent: 'flex-end', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'flex-end', }, blockdisclaimer: { fontSize: Scale(18), fontFamily: FONTS.RobotoCondensedRegular, justifyContent: 'center', textAlign: 'center', 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